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Проект на java и REACtor Kirill Merkushev а как же тесты?

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2 Kirill Merkushev Open Source JAVA Go sr. Java Engineer Vivy gmbh BERlin ex. Yandex

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3 Platform for new age of communication between Patients, Doctors and Insurances

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4 destroyer monolith as mvp document requestS vaccinations checkups

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5 Non-scalable Development testing load

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6 microservices? vaccinations data checkups reminders document request

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7 communication? how to build

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9 communication high level low level

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10 Predictable extensible reliable e

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11 architecture

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12 direct communication?

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13 event sourcing

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14 implementation

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15 Reactor

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16 service.getUser(id) .filter(permissionsService!::allowed) .flatMap(user !-> service .fetchDocumentRequests(user.getId()) .zipWith(logService!::reportAction) ) .doOnError(logService!::reportFail) .onErrorReturn( RateLimitException.class, status(TOO_MANY_REQUESTS).build() ) .onErrorReturn(status(INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR).build()); Reactor way

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17 how to test? how to debug?

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18 YOU won't WANT to use Reactor

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19 Until… YOU won't WANT to use Reactor

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20 PlanWhat we have how to follow use reactor safe

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21 Reactive manifesto Responsive Resilient Elastic Message Driven

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22 Non-Blocking With Back-pressure Responsive Resilient Elastic Message Driven Reactive manifesto

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23 Non-Blocking With Back-pressure Responsive Resilient Elastic Message Driven Reactive manifesto to consume resources only when active

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24 Reactive Streams

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25 publisher subscriber subscription Reactive Streams

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26 Reactive Streams implementation v8 Reactor

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27 Flux: 0..N mono: 0..1 Reactor

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28 stream: 0..N optional: 0..1 JDK8 ~

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29 Reactive Streams rxJava reactor Actors akka fp oop

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30 service.getUser(id) .filter(permissionsService!::allowed) .flatMap(user !-> service .fetchDocumentRequests(user.getId()) .zipWith(logService!::reportAction) ) .doOnError(logService!::reportFail) .onErrorReturn( RateLimitException.class, status(TOO_MANY_REQUESTS).build() ) .onErrorReturn(status(INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR).build()); We have

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31 service.getUser(id) .filter(permissionsService!::allowed) .flatMap(user !-> service .fetchDocumentRequests(user.getId()) .zipWith(logService!::reportAction) ) .doOnError(logService!::reportFail) .onErrorReturn( RateLimitException.class, status(TOO_MANY_REQUESTS).build() ) .onErrorReturn(status(INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR).build()); We have flow

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32 service.getUser(id) .filter(permissionsService!::allowed) .flatMap(user !-> service .fetchDocumentRequests(user.getId()) .zipWith(logService!::reportAction) ) .doOnError(logService!::reportFail) .onErrorReturn( RateLimitException.class, status(TOO_MANY_REQUESTS).build() ) .onErrorReturn(status(INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR).build()); We have merge

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33 service.getUser(id) .filter(permissionsService!::allowed) .flatMap(user !-> service .fetchDocumentRequests(user.getId()) .zipWith(logService!::reportAction) ) .doOnError(logService!::reportFail) .onErrorReturn( RateLimitException.class, status(TOO_MANY_REQUESTS).build() ) .onErrorReturn(status(INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR).build()); We have Error handling

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34 Concurrent HERE Have back-pressure Declarative Have to get used

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35 Concurrent HERE Have back-pressure Declarative Have to get used Where layers? HOW TO TEST? HOW TO DEBUG?

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36 how to follow

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37 Layers service.getUser(id) permissionsService!::allowed logService!::reportFail logService!::reportAction

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38 Layers service.getUser(id) permissionsService!::allowed logService!::reportFail logService!::reportAction doOnError onErrorReturn Mono Mono

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39 service.getUser(id) .filter(permissionsService!::allowed) .flatMap(user !-> service .fetchDocumentRequests(user.getId()) .zipWith(logService!::reportAction) ) .doOnError(logService!::reportFail) .onErrorReturn( RateLimitException.class, status(TOO_MANY_REQUESTS).build() ) .onErrorReturn(status(INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR).build());

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40 Unhandled exception at reactor.util.Loggers$Slf4JLogger.error( at reactor.core.publisher.SignalLogger.lambda$onErrorCall$5( at reactor.core.publisher.FluxPeekFuseable$PeekFuseableSubscriber.onError( at reactor.core.publisher.FluxMapFuseable$MapFuseableSubscriber.onError( at reactor.core.publisher.MonoCollectList$MonoBufferAllSubscriber.onError( at reactor.core.publisher.FluxMergeSequential$MergeSequentialMain.drain( at reactor.core.publisher.FluxMergeSequential$MergeSequentialMain.onError( at reactor.core.publisher.FluxFlattenIterable$FlattenIterableSubscriber.drainAsync( onErrorReturn

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41 Checkpoints .checkpoint("allow-service") Assembly site of producer [reactor.core.publisher.MonoIgnoreThen] is identified by light checkpoint [allow- service]."description" : "allow-service" at reactor.util.Loggers$Slf4JLogger.error( at reactor.core.publisher.SignalLogger.lambda$onErrorCall$5( at reactor.core.publisher.FluxPeekFuseable$PeekFuseableSubscriber.onError( at reactor.core.publisher.FluxMapFuseable$MapFuseableSubscriber.onError( at reactor.core.publisher.MonoCollectList$MonoBufferAllSubscriber.onError( at reactor.core.publisher.FluxMergeSequential$MergeSequentialMain.drain( at reactor.core.publisher.FluxMergeSequential$MergeSequentialMain.onError( at reactor.core.publisher.FluxFlattenIterable$FlattenIterableSubscriber.drainAsync(

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42 DEBUG - logs .log("flow") 2018-11-21 17:59:23.285 INFO --- [ Test worker] flow : | request(unbounded) 2018-11-21 17:59:23.275 INFO --- [ Test worker] flow : | onSubscribe([Fuseable] FluxOnAssembly.OnAssemblySubscriber) 2018-11-21 17:59:23.291 ERROR --- [ Test worker] flow : | onError(java.lang.IllegalStateException)

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43 Use reactor safe

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44 hooks + tests Hooks.onOperatorDebug(); warn: performance impact Error has been observed by the following operator(s): |_ Mono.create( |_ MonoCreate$DefaultMonoSink.error( |_ Mono.onErrorMap( |_ Mono.then( |_ MonoCreate$DefaultMonoSink.error( |_ Mono.onErrorResume( |_ Mono.then( |_ Mono.then( |_ Mono.defer(

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45 unittest void expectTwoUsers(Flux flux) { StepVerifier.create(flux) .expectNextMatches( user !-> user.getUsername().equals("swhite") ) .expectNextMatches( user !-> user.getUsername().equals("jpinkman") ) .expectComplete(); }

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46 cold/hot Mono.defer Mono.fromCallable Mono.just Mono.fromRunnable Flux.~ Mono.error

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47 cold/hot .switchIfEmpty(Mono.defer(() !-> service.random(id)) .delayUntil(!__ !-> accessLogService.unsuccess(id, headers)) .map(data !-> ResponseEntity.ok() .body(new ByteArrayResource(data)) ) ) heavY Delay

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48 cold/hot Mono.just(Files.readString(path)) immediately evaluated

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49 Retry .retryWhen(it -> it.delayElements(Duration.ofMillis(100)).take(2) ) .defaultIfEmpty(Collections.emptyList())

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50 Retry .retryWhen(Retry .anyOf(ServerException.class) .retryMax(5) .exponentialBackoff(Duration.ofMillis(100), Duration.ofMillis(500)) ) .onErrorMap(RetryExhaustedException.class, Throwable!::getCause) reactor-extra

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51 schedulers Mono.fromCallable(() !-> heavyIO(next)) .subscribeOn(Schedulers.parallel()) .log("heavy-io")

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52 schedulers Mono.fromCallable(() !-> heavyIO(next)) .subscribeOn(Schedulers.parallel()) .log("heavy-io") blocks Flux.interval .delay… .timeout…

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53 Drawbacks

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54 benefits only if fully non blocking already reactive

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55 fully non blocking already reactive or Mono.fromCallable Mono.fromRunnable .subscribeOn( Schedulers.elastic ) Mono!::block Flux…

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56 fully non blocking already reactive or Mono.fromCallable Mono.fromRunnable .subscribeOn( Schedulers.elastic ) Mono!::block Flux… or deal with leaks, race conditions, deadlocks

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57 Top 3 checkpoints, logs =========== TAKEAWAYS

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58 Top 3 checkpoints, logs unit tests, hooks =========== TAKEAWAYS

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59 Top 3 checkpoints, logs retries unit tests, hooks =========== TAKEAWAYS

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60 I am open to talk! kirill merkushev @delnariel