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Honza Javorek API design lover Czech Python evangelist tea & mate drinker sauna enthusiast sort of cartoonist Python, CoffeeScript @honzajavorek

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1 what's wrong on classic API design 2 how to do it better 3 how can Apiary help

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How do people design and develop APIs?

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70s 40 years ago

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70s ABBA waterfall model coined Led Zeppelin David Bowie AC/DC 40 years ago

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API is an interface

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API is an interface to data

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API is an interface to data for client developers

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For who?

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Clientina Utvecklarsson frontend samurai mobile app hippie guerilla gardening evangelist chocolate core commiter Objective-C, Java, JavaScript, CoffeeScript

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Human usability consistency naming error prevention use case oriented helpful error messages help & documentation ProTip™: read Jakob Nielsen

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Different concerns SQL ORM caching Django JBoss storage Rails maintenance uptime versioning security

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Different concerns SQL JBoss Rails maintenance latency Objective-C how to...? Angular jQuery learning curve examples JavaScript uptime versioning security debugging

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Different culture cenaPiva öl_pris BeerPrice precio-de-la-cerveza பபரர வவலல

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iterations prototypes communication co-operation design first documentation first use cases

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But how?

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API Blueprint

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Markdown file

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Design Prototype Design Feedback Delivery Implementation

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Design Prototype Design Feedback Delivery Implementation

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AST Documentation Mock Server Debugging Proxy Server Open Source Dredd GitHub JSON Schema Atom editor plugin Sublime Text plugin SoapUI Pro plugin

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IMAGE CREDITS: Leonardo da Vinci - Le proporzioni del corpo umano secondo Vitruvio, 1490

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Q & A HONZA JAVOREK [email protected] @apiaryio · @apiblueprint · @honzajavorek