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1 Lucas Dohmen @moonbeamlabs ! the multi-purpose NoSQL Database !

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Lucas Dohmen ‣ ArangoDB Core Team ‣ ArangoDB Foxx & Ruby Adapter ‣ Student on the master branch ‣ & ‣ Guest on Ruby Rogues \o/ 2 /\ (~( ) ) /\_/\ ( _-----_(@ @) ( \ / /|/--\|\ V " " " "

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Main Features 3 ‣ Open source and free ‣ Multi model database ‣ Convenient querying ‣ Extendable through JS ‣ High performance & space efficiency ‣ Easy to use ‣ Started in Sep 2011 ‣ Current Version: 1.4

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Why did we start ArangoDB? ‣ Experienced team building NoSQL DBs for more than 15 years ‣ Second Generation NoSQL DB ‣ Unique feature set ‣ Solves some problems of other NoSQL DBs 4

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Free and Open Source ‣ Apache 2 License ‣ On Github ‣ Do what you want with it ‣ ... and don‘t pay a dime!

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Multi model database 6 Key/Value Store Document Store Graph Database Source: Andrew Carol Polyglot Persistence

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Key-Value Store ‣ Map value data to unique string keys (identifiers) ‣ Treat data as opaque (data has no structure) ‣ Can implement scaling and partitioning easily due to simplistic data model ‣ Key-value can be seen as a special case of documents. For many applications this is sufficient, but not for all cases.

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Document Store ‣ Normally based on key-value stores (each document still has a unique key) ‣ Allow to save documents with logical similarity in „collections“ ‣ Treat data records as attribute-structured documents (data is no longer opaque) ‣ Often allows querying and indexing document attributes

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‣ Custom traversals and built-in graph algorithms ‣ Mostly Property Graphs ‣ Example: Computer Science Bibliography Graph Store

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*) Source: Martin Fowler, Reporting RDBMS User activity log Cassandra Product Catalog MongoDB Analytics Cassandra Shopping Cart Riak Recommendations Neo4J Financial Data RDBMS User Sessions Redis Polyglot Persistence Example*
 Polyglot Persistence with ArangoDB Reporting RDBMS User activity log Cassandra Product Catalog ArangoDB Analytics Cassandra Shopping Cart ArangoDB Recommendations ArangoDB Financial Data ArangoDB User Sessions ArangoDB

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Convenient querying Different scenarios require different access methods: ‣ Query a document by its unique id / key: GET /_api/document/users/12345 ‣ Query by providing an example document: PUT /_api/simple/by-example { "name": "Jan", "age": 38 } ‣ Query via AQL: FOR user IN users FILTER == true RETURN { name: } ‣ Graph Traversals und JS for your own traversals ‣ JS Actions for “intelligent” DB request

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Other Document Stores ‣ MongoDB uses JSON/BSON ‣ Limited ‣ Hard to read & write for more complex queries ‣ Complex queries, joins and transactions not possible ‣ CouchDB uses Map/Reduces ‣ It‘s not a relational algebra, and therefore hard to generate ‣ Not easy to learn (depending on where you’re coming from) ‣ Complex queries, cross collection joins and transactions not possible

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Why you may want a more expressive query language

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Why you may want a more expressive query language

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Why you may want a more expressive query language

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Why you may want a more expressive query language

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ArangoDB Query Language (AQL)

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Example for Aggregation ‣ Retrieve cities with the number of users: FOR u IN users COLLECT city = INTO g RETURN { "city" : city, "numUsersInCity": LENGTH(g) }

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Example for Graph Query ‣ Paths: FOR u IN users LET userRelations = ( FOR p IN PATHS( users, relations, "OUTBOUND" ) FILTER p._from == u._id RETURN p ) RETURN { "user" : u, "relations" : userRelations }

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Extendable through JavaScript ‣ Integrated JavaScript via Google’s V8 ‣ Multi Collection Transactions ‣ Building small and efficient Apps - Foxx App Framework ‣ Individually Graph Traversals ‣ Cascading deletes/updates ‣ Assign permissions to actions ‣ Aggregate data from multiple queries into a single response ‣ Carry out data-intensive operations

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Action Server Some kind of Application Server ‣ Extend the HTTP based API of ArangoDB ‣ In ArangoDB you can extend the API of the database ‣ Write your own JavaScript functions (“actions”) that will be executed server-side ‣ Includes a permission system ‣ A framework called Foxx makes this simple ‣ You can even deactivate the normal API and talk to the database directly from the client

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High performance & space efficiency ‣ Automatic schema recognition ‣ Performance oriented architecture with a C database core, a C++ communication layer, JS and C++ for additional functionality ‣ Performance critical points can be transformed to C oder C++ ‣ Let’s look at some stats

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Space Efficiency ‣ Measure the space on disk of different data sets ‣ First in the standard config, then with some optimisation ‣ We measured a bunch of different tasks

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Store 50,000 Wiki Articles

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3,459,421 AOL Search Queries

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Performance: Disclaimer ‣ Always take performance tests with a grain of salt ‣ Performance is very dependent on a lot of factors including the specific task at hand ‣ This is just to give you a glimpse at the performance ‣ Always do your own performance tests (and if you do, report back to us :) ) ‣ But now: Let‘s see some numbers

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Execution Time: Bulk Insert of 10,000,000 documents

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Conclusion from Tests ‣ ArangoDB is really space efficient ‣ ArangoDB is “fast enough” ‣ Please test it for your own use case

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Admin Frontend Graph Explorer

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ArangoDB & Ruby ‣ Ashikawa::Core is the low level driver for ArangoDB ‣ ‣ Guacamole will be the ODM for Rails ‣ ‣ In an early stage

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ArangoDB.explain() { "type": "2nd generation NoSQL database", "model": [ "document", "graph", "key-value" ], "openSource": true, "license“: "apache 2", "version": [ "1.3 stable", "1.4 alpha" ], "builtWith": [ "C", "C++", "JS" ], "uses": [ "Google V8" ], "mainFeatures": [ "Multi-Collection-Transaction", "Foxx API Framework", "ArangoDB Query Language", "Various Indexes", "API Server", "Automatic Schema Recognition" ] }