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The Magic of Music Why is music magical? •  Builds rhythm •  Increases self-esteem and confidence •  Increases physical capabilities •  Enhances communication and respect •  Accelerates learning capabilities Don’t believe us? Read on to find out more Playing the violin is Sarah Quan, a YCIS Beijing graduate

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Babies and Classical Music •  Many studies have been done with babies and classical music, and while the infamous Mozart Effect has not been validated, it’s still important to include classical music in a baby’s life. Why? Babies learn through experiencing their environment They easily recognise when sounds within their environment change Creating musical associations in their environment increases their interactions in the environment Classical music has a complex musical structure, with patterns and rhythms that babies enjoy By listening to music, babies can build tonal understanding to better express themselves

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Better Communication and Social Skills Brigham Young University conducted a study that showed that one of the first things babies understand communicatively is emotion; so for them, learning melody is learning emotional messages. "Baby Crying On White Background" by Phaitoon Nine months into the study, babies were able to categorise songs as happy or sad the same way that preschoolers and adults do. Additionally they were able to project their own happy or sad emotions accurately to others. "Baby Showing Its Teeth Under Yellow Towel" by photostock

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Young Children and Musical Education Developed areas Influences Social Intelligence Physical Instrument Vocal Relationships Grades Involvement Musical training •  Young children have been found to benefit the most from musical education, as it helps to promote better nerve connectivity in various areas of the brain. •  Various studies have been done on musical training (instrumental or vocal) and how it develops different areas of the brain. •  These studies found that children between the ages of 0-8 mainly obtained: •  Better learning capabilities •  Increased motor skills •  Improved creativity

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Better Learning Capabilities Determination Languages Numeracy Skills According to the DANA Foundation, strong and significant improvements occurred in the numeracy skills of those who took musical training as young children. As music is technically a type of language, it has been found that children who learn music when they are young are also able to learn different languages more efficiently and effectively. Through musical study, students learn the value of sustained effort to achieve excellence and the concrete rewards of hard work.

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Increased Motor Skills These portions of the brain are also the ones that help people plan and carry out movements. The corpus callosum is the portion of the brain that connects the left and right sides. According to the Journal of Neuroscience, musicians who began training early in life had greater amounts of white matter in their corpus callosum.

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Improved Creativity Music Improves Creativity Learning music requires focused attention and abstract thinking Improves the ability to solve problems by imagining various solutions Encourages the rejection of outdated rules and assumptions The arts is a subject where there is no “one” right answer Music Background Design" by Feelart

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YCIS – Building A Young Orchestra of Promise The YCIS Violin Programme is a unique YCIS feature that is mandatory for Years 1-3 and encourages children to learn a string instrument that requires attention and developed cognitive skills. Other instruments are included as the students age. Vocal music is also included in the YCIS musical curriculum wherein students are taught the three fundamental areas of music: listening, composing and performing. Various concerts are performed by students throughout the year, including primary students.

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Teenagers and Musical Expression •  As children continue to age, music can either become a valued hobby or an invested aspect of life. The good news is that music continues to help develop important brain functions and positively affects those going through the difficult transition phase of being a teenager. Anxious Self-Conscious Stressed Confused Teenagers Typically Feel: Alleviates stress Allows for self- expression Encourages confidence Builds teamwork Adding Music: Self-management Confidence Involvement Communication Drive This Improves:

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Relieves Stress Music has the same concepts that apply to meditation and some stress management workshops: • Creating a calming sensation • Focusing on how music makes you feel According to the Robert Vergin, getting in tune with the alpha waves of a song puts the two hemispheres of the brain into sync: • Calming nerves • Bringing a sense of clarity • Bringing balance Some believe the right tempo and type of music can also heal actual ailments, from depression to multiple sclerosis.

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Improved Self Perception Expression •  Music is a creative experience which involves expression of feelings. Children often do not have the words to express themselves and need positive ways to release their emotions. Music acts as a channel for self- expression for children that need it. Self-Esteem •  Self-esteem is a by-product of self-expression. Teenagers view this self-expression as a personal triumph, which promotes self confidence and personal recognition.

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YCIS – Building Young Adults with Music As students grow at YCIS they continue to take music until Year 10, when it becomes optional. Students are encouraged to take extra-curricular music to further their development. Many students also choose this extra option because of the joy that music brings them. By incorporating music into the overall curriculum of YCIS, students see the previously mentioned benefits throughout the most important years of their life. This helps to build them into adults that are more developed socially, physically and intellectually.

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