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OpenShift, Wasm, & Spin Nov 6, 2023

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About Us Chris Matteson Matt Butcher Creator of Helm and other k8s stuff. CEO of Fermyon. Head of Solutions Sales

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What Is Wasm? The boring answer: It’s just another bytecode format

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WebAssembly’s Strengths • Security sandbox • Cross-platform, cross architecture • Fast startup and execution • Ideally, can support any language Good for the browser, great for the server

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Orchestrating Wasm Nomad, Kubernetes, etc.

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Fermyon Cloud and Nomad •Easier to write a driver •More efficient for scheduling non-containers •We built a custom massively scaling runtime •But... Kubernetes is everywhere

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Kubernetes and Spin • Step 1: Virtual Kubelet • This was Krustlet • We view it as an objective failure • Step 2: Containerd • Microsoft wrote it for AKS • It was committed to containerd as a shim • Extended to run in any Kubernetes cluster • Coming to EKS as official add-on soon • Step 3: Spin Kuberntes Plugin • Make it easier to package spin apps as containers • Requires a "wrapping container" • Step 4: Native Support for OCI Artifacts • Liquid Reply working with Fermyon on support • Greatly simplify user experience

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More Kubernetes Stuff •Support additional triggers in Kubernetes • Redis • SQS •More Examples in Spin Up Hub and improved Documentation •And finally....

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Spin on Openshift! •Working in collaboration with Red Hat and Liquid Reply •Extended crun to support call Spin binary •Let's see a demo!

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Want to try it? MAIN CALL TO ACTION HERE Get started • Spin Quickstart: • OpenShift and Spin: • And stop by our booth at KubeCon