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Deep dive into Android Data Binding +RadoslawPiekarz @radzio Radosław Piekarz Head of Mobile at Tango Agency

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droidconde2016 10 € discount

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Basics How it works? Lambdas Two-Way data binding New stuff announced during Google IO 2016 Dos and don'ts MVVM & TDD Summary

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Basics How it works? Lambdas Two-Way data binding New stuff announced during Google IO 2016 Dos and don'ts MVVM & TDD Summary

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Setup // /build.gradle apply plugin: "" android { dataBinding { enabled = true } }

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Changes in layout file

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Changes in Activity / Fragment code @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); MainActivityBinding binding = DataBindingUtil .setContentView(this, R.layout.main_activity); binding.myId.setText("John Doe") } Type safe!

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Binding utils DataBindingUtil.setContentView(activity, layoutId); DataBindingUtil.inflate(inflater, layoutId, parent, attachToParrent); ListItemBinding binding = ListItemBinding.bind(viewRoot); Use for activities Use for any view Bind view that was already inflated

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Changes in layout file

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Changes in Activity / Fragment Code @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); binding = DataBindingUtil .setContentView(this, R.layout.main_activity); binding.setUser(new User()); }

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Binding expression operators Grouping () Literals character, String, numeric, null Method calls, field access Ternary operator ?: Array access [] Null coalescing operator ?? Mathematical + - / * % String concatenation + Logical && || Binary & | ^ Unary + - ! ~ Shift >> >>> << Comparison == > < >= <= instanceof, cast

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Binding expression operators android:text="@{user.displayName ?? user.lastName}" android:text="@{user.displayName != null ? user.displayName : user.lastName}" =

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Notifying view #1 public class User extends BaseObservable { private String firstName; public User(String firstName) { this.firstName = firstName; } public void setFirstName(String firstName) { this.firstName = firstName; notifyPropertyChanged(BR.firstName); } @Bindable public String getFirstName() { return this.firstName; } }

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Notifying view #2 public class User { public final ObservableField firstName; public User(String name) { this.firstName = new ObservableField<>(firstName); } public void setName(String firstName) { this.firstName.set(firstName); } }

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Observable fields & collections Observable ObservableBoolean ObservableByte ObservableChar ObservableShort ObservableInt ObservableLong ObservableFloat ObservableDouble ObservableParcelable ObservableList ObservableArrayList ObservableMap ObservableArrayMap

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Binding Adapters @BindingAdapter({"bind:imageUrl", "bind:error"}) public static void loadImage(ImageView view, String url, Drawable error) { Picasso.with(view.getContext()).load(url).error(error).into(view); }

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Binding Adapters @BindingAdapter({"bind:imageUrl", "bind:error"}) public static void loadImage(ImageView view, String url, Drawable error) { Picasso.with(view.getContext()).load(url).error(error).into(view); }

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java.lang.IllegalStateException Required DataBindingComponent is null. If you don't use an inflation method taking a DataBindingComponent, use DataBindingUtil.setDefaultComponent or make all BindingAdapter methods static.

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Binding Component public class MyDataBindingCoponent implements DataBindingComponent { public EditTextBindings getEditTextBindings() { return new EditTextBindings(); } }

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Binding Component @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); binding = DataBindingUtil .setContentView(this, R.layout.activity_main, new MyDataBindingCoponent()); binding.setViewModel(new ViewModel()); }

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Binding Conversions android:background="@{isError ? @color/red : @color/white}" @BindingConversion public static ColorDrawable convertColorToDrawable(int color) { return new ColorDrawable(color); }

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Binding methods @BindingMethods({ @BindingMethod(type = CircularProgressBar.class, attribute = "progressText", method = "setProgressMessage") }) public class ViewBindings { }

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RecyclerView bindings

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Talk is cheap. Show me the code

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RecyclerView Binding #1

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RecyclerView Binding #2 @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); usersViewModel = new UsersViewModel(); usersViewModel.users .add(new SuperUserViewModel(new User("Android", "Dev"))); binding = DataBindingUtil.setContentView(this, R.layout.users_view); binding.setUsersViewModel(usersViewModel); binding.setView(this); }

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RecyclerView Binding #3 public class UsersViewModel extends BaseObservable { @Bindable public ObservableArrayList users; public UsersViewModel() { this.users = new ObservableArrayList<>(); } public void addUser(String name, String surname) { this.users.add(new UserViewModel(new User(name, surname))); } }

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RecyclerView Binding #4 public ItemBinder itemViewBinder() { return new CompositeItemBinder( new SuperUserBinder(BR.user, R.layout.item_super_user), new UserBinder(BR.user, R.layout.item_user) ); }

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Basics How it works? Lambdas Two-Way data binding New stuff announced during Google IO 2016 Dos and don'ts MVVM & TDD Summary

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How it works? Bind ViewModel to View Register for property change callbacks Trigger notifyPropertyChanged Request rebind Execute pending bindings User input or from code

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How it works? public void setViewModel(TwoWayViewModel viewModel) { updateRegistration(0, viewModel); this.mViewModel = viewModel; synchronized(this) { mDirtyFlags |= 0x1L; notifyPropertyChanged(BR.viewModel); super.requestRebind(); }

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How it works? @Override protected void executeBindings() { long dirtyFlags = 0; synchronized(this) { dirtyFlags = mDirtyFlags; mDirtyFlags = 0; } if ((dirtyFlags & 0x7L) != 0) { if (viewModel != null) { colorViewModel = viewModel.getColor(); } if ((dirtyFlags & 0x7L) != 0) { ColorPickerViewBindings.setColor(this.colorpicker, colorViewModel); EditTextBindings.setText(this.mboundView2, colorViewModel); } if ((dirtyFlags & 0x4L) != 0) { ColorPickerViewBindings.setColorListener(this.colorpicker, null, colorpickercolorAttr); TextViewBindingAdapter.setTextWatcher(this.mboundView2, null, null, null, mboundView2androidTe); this.mboundView3.setOnClickListener(mCallback2); } }

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Basics How it works? Lambdas Two-Way data binding New stuff announced during Google IO 2016 Dos and don'ts MVVM & TDD Summary

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Method References public class MainViewModel extends BaseObservable { public void sendAction(View view) { //code } }

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Basics How it works? Lambdas Two-Way data binding New stuff announced during Google IO 2016 Dos and don'ts MVVM & TDD Summary

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Two-Way data binding ...

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Two-Way data binding ...

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Two-Way data binding classpath ''// or above

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Views with Two-Way Binding support • AbsListView -> android:selectedItemPosition • CalendarView -> android:date • CompoundButton -> android:checked • DatePicker -> android:year, android:month, android:day • NumberPicker -> android:value • RadioGroup -> android:checkedButton • RatingBar -> android:rating • SeekBar -> android:progres • TabHost -> android:currentTab • TextView -> android:text • TimePicker -> android:hour, android:minute

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What about custom views?

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Two-Way data binding @InverseBindingAdapter(attribute = "color", event = "colorAttrChanged") public static int getColor(ColorPickerView view) { return view.getColor(); } attribute + AttrChanged

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Activity @BindingAdapter("colorAttrChanged") public static void setColorListener(ColorPickerView view, final InverseBindingListener colorChange) { if (colorChange == null) { view.setOnColorChangedListener(null); } else { view.setOnColorChangedListener(new OnColorChangedListener() { @Override public void onColorChanged(int newColor) { colorChange.onChange(); } }); } }

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Two-Way data binding @BindingAdapter("color") public static void setColor(ColorPickerView view, int color) { if (color != view.getColor()) { view.setColor(color); } } Avoiding cycles

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Two-Way data binding public class TwoWayViewModel extends BaseObservable { private int color; public void setColor(int color) { this.color = color; this.notifyPropertyChanged(BR.color); } @Bindable public int getColor() { return this.color; } }

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Two-Way data binding public class TwoWayBindingActivity extends AppCompatActivity { private ActivityTwoWayBinding binding; @Override protected void onCreate(@Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); binding = DataBindingUtil.setContentView(this, R.layout.activity_two_way); binding.setViewModel(new TwoWayViewModel()); } }

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Two-Way data binding

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Basics How it works? Lambdas Two-Way data binding New stuff announced during Google IO 2016 Dos and don'ts MVVM & TDD Summary

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Special Variables Context View IDs

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Implied Event Updates

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Repeated expressions

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Repeated expressions

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Basics How it works? Lambdas Two-Way data binding New stuff announced during Google IO 2016 Dos and don'ts MVVM & TDD Summary

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Dos • From time to time look at generated code • Learn from already implemented bindings for framework views • Move view operations to custom bindings as much as possible • Try to use it together with MVVM design pattern • Give it a chance!

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Dos • Use Data Binding for backward compatibility!

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Dos • Always check if data binging library will work with your other libraries (squidb won’t work )

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Don’ts • Don’t reinvent the wheel, on Github there are many ready to use bindings • Don’t forget about unit tests!

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No content

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Don’ts Don’t move your business logic to xml layout Just don’t!

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Basics How it works? Lambdas Two-Way data binding New stuff announced during Google IO 2016 Dos and don'ts MVVM & TDD Summary

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Say hello to MVVM

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MVVM & TDD @Mock ISendService sendService; @Test public void mainViewModel_sendAction_sendService_send() { final MainViewModel viewModel = new MainViewModel(sendService); final String givenText = "my text"; viewModel.setTwoWayText(givenText); viewModel.sendAction(); verify(sendService).send(givenText); }

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Basics How it works? Lambdas Two-Way data binding New stuff announced during Google IO 2016 Dos and don'ts MVVM & TDD Summary

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Method count • ~700 methods from databinding library • n methods from your custom binding adapters, conversions etc. • k methods from generated code for each layout xml with data binding enabled

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Summary Cons Compiler errors are sometimes not saying too much Still in beta Documentation is not updated May break other libraries (for example squidb) Pros Easy to start Less boilerplate code Code generation during compilation Easy to integrate with custom views and libraries Really powerful Officialy created and supported by Google Android Team

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Q&A Q&A +RadoslawPiekarz @radzio Radosław Piekarz Head of Mobile at Tango Agency