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Privacy granted by maths @Giuliabianchl October 22, 2019

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Giulia Bianchi ‍ data scientist @Giuliabianchl

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Table of contents Privacy leaks Differential Privacy TensorFlow Privacy

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Slide 6 text Privacy leaks "Unintended memorization occurs when trained neural networks may reveal the presence of out-of-distribution training data -- i.e., training data that is irrelevant to the learning task [...]. Let's meet by the docks at midnight on june 28, come alone. Long live the revolution. Our next meeting will be at the docks...

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Differential privacy addresses the paradox of learning nothing about an individual while learning useful information about a population " Roughly, an algorithm is differentially private if an observer seeing its output cannot tell if a particular individual's information was used in the computation " Differential privacy

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Differential privacy Y X 2 databases X, Y Y = X + 1 entry If M(X) is sufficiently close to M(Y) then M is differentially private " Analyst ‍♀ The analyst queries X and Y and obtains M(X) and M(Y) Algorithm M Probability of M(X)≅Probability of M(Y)

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"Differential privacy will provide privacy by process; in particular it will introduce randomness. " Differential privacy A randomized algorithm M with domain N|X| is (ε, δ)-differentially private if for all S ⊆ Range(M) and for all x, y ∈ N|X| such that ∥x − y∥ 1 ≤ 1: Pr[M(x) ∈ S] ≤ exp(ε) Pr[M(y) ∈ S] + δ If δ = 0, we say that M is ε-differentially private.

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● adjacent databases x, y ∈ N|X| ○ N|x| input set ○ x, y differs for 1 entry " Differential privacy A randomized algorithm M with domain N|X| is (ε, δ)-differentially private if for all S ⊆ Range(M) and for all x, y ∈ N|X| such that ∥x − y∥ 1 ≤ 1: Pr[M(x) ∈ S] ≤ exp(ε) Pr[M(y) ∈ S] + δ If δ = 0, we say that M is ε-differentially private.

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● randomized algorithm M: N|x| → Range(M) ○ N|x| input set ○ Range(M) output set ○ S ⊆ Range(M) → S is an output " Differential privacy A randomized algorithm M with domain N|X| is (ε, δ)-differentially private if for all S ⊆ Range(M) and for all x, y ∈ N|X| such that ∥x − y∥ 1 ≤ 1: Pr[M(x) ∈ S] ≤ exp(ε) Pr[M(y) ∈ S] + δ If δ = 0, we say that M is ε-differentially private.

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● δ=0 ○ Probability[M(x) ∈ S] ≤ exp(ε) Probability[M(y) ∈ S] ● ε≅0 ⇒ exp(ε)≅1 ○ Probability[M(x) ∈ S] / Probability[M(y) ∈ S] ≤ 1 " Differential privacy A randomized algorithm M with domain N|X| is (ε, δ)-differentially private if for all S ⊆ Range(M) and for all x, y ∈ N|X| such that ∥x − y∥ 1 ≤ 1: Pr[M(x) ∈ S] ≤ exp(ε) Pr[M(y) ∈ S] + δ If δ = 0, we say that M is ε-differentially private.

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" Differential privacy A randomized algorithm M with domain N|X| is (ε, δ)-differentially private if for all S ⊆ Range(M) and for all x, y ∈ N|X| such that ∥x − y∥ 1 ≤ 1: Pr[M(x) ∈ S] ≤ exp(ε) Pr[M(y) ∈ S] + δ If δ = 0, we say that M is ε-differentially private. ● The probability of an output of a randomized (ε, δ)-differentially private algorithm on two adjacent databases is pretty much the same ○ ε small enough ○ δ < 1/|X|

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*Easy way to approximate a deterministic function with a differentially private algorithm * Differential privacy Privacy guarantee achieved is quantifiable *Differential privacy has properties that makes it useful in machine learning (composability, group privacy, robustness to auxiliary information)

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*Easy way to approximate a deterministic function with a differentially private algorithm Differential privacy

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*Easy way to approximate a deterministic function with a differentially private algorithm Differential privacy By adding NOISE *Gaussian mechanism G σ f(x) ≝ f(x) + N(0, σ2)

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Deep Learning with Differential Privacy Differentially private Stochastic Gradient Descent *Differential privacy is introduced in deep learning algorithms by modifying the stochastic gradient descent At each iteration: 1. clip gradient 2. add noise Clipping gradient is common practice to avoid overfitting even when privacy is not a matter. It is required to prove the differential privacy guarantee

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Differentially private sgd Deep Learning with Differential Privacy

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TensorFlow Privacy Latest release 0.1.0 2 oct 2019 First release 0.0.1 23 aug 2019

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Without DP With DP TensorFlow Privacy if train_with_differential_privacy == True: optimizer = DPGradientDescentGaussianOptimizer( l2_norm_clip=l2_norm_clip, noise_multiplier=noise_multiplier, num_microbatches=microbatches, learning_rate=learning_rate) # Compute vector of per-example loss rather than its mean over a minibatch. loss = tf.keras.losses.CategoricalCrossentropy( from_logits=True, reduction=tf.losses.Reduction.NONE) else: optimizer = GradientDescentOptimizer(learning_rate=learning_rate) loss = tf.keras.losses.CategoricalCrossentropy(from_logits=True) model.compile(optimizer=optimizer, loss=loss, metrics=['accuracy'])

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if train_with_differential_privacy == True: optimizer = DPGradientDescentGaussianOptimizer( l2_norm_clip=l2_norm_clip, noise_multiplier=noise_multiplier, num_microbatches=microbatches, learning_rate=learning_rate) # Compute vector of per-example loss rather than its mean over a minibatch. loss = tf.keras.losses.CategoricalCrossentropy( from_logits=True, reduction=tf.losses.Reduction.NONE) else: optimizer = GradientDescentOptimizer(learning_rate=FLAGS.learning_rate) loss = tf.keras.losses.CategoricalCrossentropy(from_logits=True) model.compile(optimizer=optimizer, loss=loss, metrics=['accuracy']) TensorFlow Privacy privacy.optimizers.dp_optimizer. DPGradientDescentGaussianOptimizer tf.optimizers.SGD DPAdamGaussianOptimizer DPAdagradGaussianOptimizer DPGradientDescentGaussianOptimizer

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Privacy Analysis *Differential privacy guarantee is expressed by epsilon and delta ● epsilon: upper bound on how much the probability of a particular model output can vary by adding or removing a single training point ● delta: bounds the probability of our privacy guarantee not holding *TensorFlow Privacy provides methods to compute them

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Take aways Differential privacy Privacy leaks TensorFlow Privacy Y X Pr [M(X)] ≅ Pr [M(Y)] M M DPAdamGaussianOptimizer DPAdagradGaussianOptimizer DPGradientDescentGaussianOptimizer

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Thank you @Giuliabianchl