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Revamping VRoid Hub’s model processing pipeline with Rust yue

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Frontend & 3D developer VRoid team since 2021 I enjoy type systems! yue

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This talk focuses on

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This talk focuses on

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This talk focuses on

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Over 2.8 million 3D avatar models have been posted to VRoid Hub

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System architecture

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VRoid Hub’s Architecture (Before)

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VRoid Hub’s Architecture (Before)

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VRoid Hub’s Architecture (Before)

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VRoid Hub’s Architecture (Before)

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VRoid Hub’s Architecture (Before)

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VRoid Hub’s Architecture (Before)

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server-side components

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server-side components

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server-side components

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server-side components

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VRoid Hub’s Architecture (Before)

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How to improve?

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Our journey

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How about Rust…?

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● Performances ✅ ● Control and correctness ✅ ● Wide range of build targets ✅ ● Good variety of libraries with quality ✅ ● Team members' skills ✅ Why Rust?

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The first step

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● small code base ✅ ● easy to POC / prototype ✅ ● easy to compare ✅ ○ we did the comparison with Node.js / golang.. ● easy to try and error (nothing is stored)✅ Why start from the download server?

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VRMFLUX ● Average response time: 4x faster. ● CPU usage: about 1/4. LGTM!

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Step.1: Convert vrmflux to rust ✅

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The second step

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Dev meetup talk 3 years ago...

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VRoid Hubにおける 3Dモデルの最適化 pixiv Inc. Isamu Mogi

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ポータブルな Unityアプリ実行環境の構築 LLVMpipe Mesa Xvfb Unity App GNU C Library Linux Kernel GPU エミュレー ション OpenGL GUI printf(); 一番偉い ポータブルにするには 自前で準備する必要あり セットで存在する LinuxサーバーでのUnityアプリケーション実行環境の模式図 → too complex 😣

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ポータブルな Unityアプリ実行環境の構築 ビルドに必要なライブラリ e2/ util-macros,font-util,xorgproto,xcb-proto,xtrans,libXau,libXdmcp,libpthread-stubs,libxcb,xcb-util,xcb- util-image,xcb-util-keysyms,xcb-util-renderutil,xcb-util-wm,libX11,libXext,libdmx,libfontenc,libFS,libI CE,libSM,libXt,libXmu,libXpm,libXau,libXaw3d,libXfixes,libXcomposite,libXrender,libXdamage,libXc ursor,libXfont2,libXft,libXi,libXinerama,libxkbfile,libXrandr,libXres,libXScrnSaver,libxshmfence,libXtst ,libXv,libXvMC,libXxf86dga,libXxf86vm,libpciaccess,pixman,libdrm,mesa,xbitmaps,xkbcomp,xorg-s erver,xkeyboard-config すごく多い・・・ → cargo build ✅

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● Prepare for advanced processing ○ perform texture atlas in pure rust context ○ build an importer & exporter for glTF/VRM from scratch The challenge

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with Rust

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The glTF™ format ● GL Transmission Format ● png for 3D models ● simple: json + binary ● optimized for transmission/runtime

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glTF uses indexes to define relationships

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glTF is a property graph

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If we virtualize the graph..

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a method for improving rendering cost Texture atlas

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Find an edge with the relationship Modify the graph in O(1) time

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Step2: Convert vrmio/vrm-ruby to rust ✅

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VRMIO ● A stable glTF/VRMimporter/exporter ● Easier to build, test, and maintain

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Shared Engine

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● compiled to wasm/wasi targets ○ runs in browser ○ runs in docker WasmEdge Runtime ● compiled as bindings ○ node w/ napi-rs ○ ruby w/ magnus Some future possibilities

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Node-based 3D model editor using the same engine

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Libraries & Testing

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hyper and AWS SDK for Rust reached v1

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● gltf_rs / glTF handling ○ used in Bevy engine (game engine) ● petgraph / graph processing ○ the same tool behind swc (js build tool) ● euclid & guillotiere / math & atlas implementation ○ comes from Servo community (browser engine) Crates we used

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Powered by game and browser engines!

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● salsa / on-demand, incrementalized computation. ○ powers rust-analyzer (Rust LSP) ● KTX-Software / meshoptimizer ○ unlocks the possibility to link with C/C++ code More dependencies available

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● distroless / docker base image ● cargo deny / license and security scan Extra tooling we found useful

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● insta / snapshot testing ● playwright / E2E testing with WebGL ● Sentry (has an official Rust crate!) / error tracking ● Datadog / performance monitoring How did we test

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We even built a dedicated real-time testing tool

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OSS contributions

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We contribute back to the ecosystem Three.js / @types/three / gltf-Transform / ktx-parse / basis-universal-rs / vrm-utils-rs / …

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We maintain OSS projects ● three-vrm ● vrm-utils-rs new! ○ Data structures for the VRM Format. ○ published on GitHub / ○

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We are a part of the VRM Consortium

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To wrap it up ● At VRoid, we will continue to focus on improving existing systems and user experiences. ● There are more plans and features coming this year to enhance our services. Please stay tuned!

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