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Christopher MANEU Principal Advocate Data – Microsoft @cmaneu

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GoL Clinics for Data : Title Date 1. Fundamentals of Azure SQL Nov-01 2. Deploy & Configure Servers Databases for Azure SQL Nov-03 3. Exploring the Fundamentals of Realtime Analytics Nov-08 4. Transforming Data with Azure stream Analytics Nov-10 5. Introduction to Azure Storage Services Nov-15 6. Connecting your Application to Azure Storage Nov-17 7. Exploring the Fundamentals of Azure Cosmos DB Nov-22 8. Working with Azure Cosmos DB Nov-24 9. Introduction to Azure Synapse Nov-29 10. Building high performing data workloads with Azure Synapse Dec-01

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Live & interactive Say “hi” and ask questions in the chat

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Complete interactive learning exercises, watch videos, and practice and apply your new skills.  Click icon to add picture

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Prerequisites  Before starting this module you should have some familiarity with Microsoft Azure concepts and the Azure portal.

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Learning objectives  Describe key features and capabilities of Azure Cosmos DB  Identify the APIs supported in Azure Cosmos DB  Provision and use an Azure Cosmos DB instance  Describe the elements in an Azure Cosmos DB account and how they are organized  Explain the different consistency levels and choose the correct one for your project  Describe how request units impact costs

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Agenda  Introduction  Describe Azure Cosmos DB  Identify Azure Cosmos DB APIs  Explore the resource hierarchy  Explore consistency levels  Discover request units  Exercise: Explore Azure Cosmos DB  Knowledge check

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Next steps  Now that you've learned about Azure Cosmos DB for non-relational data storage, consider learning more about data-related workloads on Azure by pursuing a Microsoft certification in Azure Data Fundamentals.

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