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Scene 1 Duration 01:04:05 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Dialog Establishing shot ( Tim's Tacos graveyard shift) CHARITY NEAL GOODMORNING A06B Page 1/91

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Scene 1 Duration 01:04:05 Panel 2 Duration 01:01 Dialog I'm wiping down the counter top CHARITY NEAL GOODMORNING A06B Page 2/91

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Scene 1 Duration 01:04:05 Panel 3 Duration 01:01 Dialog starts falling asleep CHARITY NEAL GOODMORNING A06B Page 3/91

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Scene 1 Duration 01:04:05 Panel 4 Duration 01:01 Dialog falls asleep (snoring) CHARITY NEAL GOODMORNING A06B Page 4/91

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Scene 1 Duration 01:04:05 Panel 5 Duration 01:01 Dialog Coworker: AAAAAAAAAAA!!!! I WAKE UP STARTLED!! CHARITY NEAL GOODMORNING A06B Page 5/91

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Scene 1 Duration 01:04:05 Panel 6 Duration 01:01 Dialog falls down CHARITY NEAL GOODMORNING A06B Page 6/91

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Scene 1 Duration 01:04:05 Panel 7 Duration 01:00 Dialog shaken up CHARITY NEAL GOODMORNING A06B Page 7/91

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Scene 1 Duration 01:04:05 Panel 8 Duration 01:00 Dialog takes a deep breath CHARITY NEAL GOODMORNING A06B Page 8/91

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Scene 1 Duration 01:04:05 Panel 9 Duration 01:00 Dialog exhales CHARITY NEAL GOODMORNING A06B Page 9/91

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Scene 1 Duration 01:04:05 Panel 10 Duration 01:00 Dialog Coworker: CHARITY!!!!!!! CHARITY NEAL GOODMORNING A06B Page 10/91

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i turn to see what all the commotion is CHARITY NEAL GOODMORNING A06B Page 11/91

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Scene 1 Duration 01:04:05 Panel 11 Duration 01:00 Dialog Co-worker: its....there's.... CHARITY NEAL GOODMORNING A06B Page 12/91

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Scene 1 Duration 01:04:05 Panel 12 Duration 01:00 Dialog Co-worker: A SPIDER IN THE STORAGE ROOM!!! CHARITY NEAL GOODMORNING A06B Page 13/91

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Scene 1 Duration 01:04:05 Panel 13 Duration 01:00 Dialog Co-worker: you k-k-kill it for m-m-me.... CHARITY NEAL GOODMORNING A06B Page 14/91

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Me: A spider you say? CHARITY NEAL GOODMORNING A06B Page 15/91

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Scene 1 Duration 01:04:05 Panel 14 Duration 01:00 Dialog Me: Ha! What are you, 12? CHARITY NEAL GOODMORNING A06B Page 16/91

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Scene 1 Duration 01:04:05 Panel 15 Duration 01:00 Dialog Me: Geezzz...alright! alright! CHARITY NEAL GOODMORNING A06B Page 18/91

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Scene 1 Duration 01:04:05 Panel 16 Duration 01:00 Dialog Me: since you insist... CHARITY NEAL GOODMORNING A06B Page 19/91

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Co-wroker grunts CHARITY NEAL GOODMORNING A06B Page 20/91

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Scene 1 Duration 01:04:05 Panel 17 Duration 01:00 Dialog Me:...Wuss CHARITY NEAL GOODMORNING A06B Page 21/91

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Scene 1 Duration 01:04:05 Panel 18 Duration 01:00 Dialog Walks towards the back CHARITY NEAL GOODMORNING A06B Page 22/91

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Scene 1 Duration 01:04:05 Panel 19 Duration 01:00 CHARITY NEAL GOODMORNING A06B Page 23/91

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Scene 1 Duration 01:04:05 Panel 20 Duration 01:00 CHARITY NEAL GOODMORNING A06B Page 24/91

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Scene 1 Duration 01:04:05 Panel 21 Duration 01:00 Dialog Coworker: its in there CHARITY NEAL GOODMORNING A06B Page 25/91

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Scene 1 Duration 01:04:05 Panel 22 Duration 01:00 Dialog Me: Well don't just stand there, come over here and show me CHARITY NEAL GOODMORNING A06B Page 26/91

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Scene 1 Duration 01:04:05 Panel 23 Duration 01:00 Dialog twists the door knob CHARITY NEAL GOODMORNING A06B Page 27/91

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Scene 1 Duration 01:04:05 Panel 24 Duration 01:00 Dialog cont.. CHARITY NEAL GOODMORNING A06B Page 28/91

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Scene 1 Duration 01:04:05 Panel 25 Duration 01:00 Dialog opens door CHARITY NEAL GOODMORNING A06B Page 29/91

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Me: I honestly don't know what you're so afraid of CHARITY NEAL GOODMORNING A06B Page 30/91

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Scene 1 Duration 01:04:05 Panel 26 Duration 01:00 Dialog Me: like come on dude CHARITY NEAL GOODMORNING A06B Page 31/91

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Co-worker sees something on the ground (starts to panic) CHARITY NEAL GOODMORNING A06B Page 32/91

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Scene 1 Duration 01:04:05 Panel 27 Duration 01:00 Dialog Me: It cant be that bad. CHARITY NEAL GOODMORNING A06B Page 33/91

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Co-worker looks back at me CHARITY NEAL GOODMORNING A06B Page 34/91

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Scene 1 Duration 01:04:05 Panel 28 Duration 01:00 Dialog Co-worker points to the ground CHARITY NEAL GOODMORNING A06B Page 35/91

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Co-worker: It's right CHARITY NEAL GOODMORNING A06B Page 36/91

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Scene 1 Duration 01:04:05 Panel 29 Duration 01:00 Dialog Co-worker points to the ground CHARITY NEAL GOODMORNING A06B Page 37/91

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Co-worker: there... Me: Oh.. CHARITY NEAL GOODMORNING A06B Page 38/91

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Scene 1 Duration 01:04:05 Panel 30 Duration 01:00 Dialog looks down at the ground CHARITY NEAL GOODMORNING A06B Page 39/91

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out of fear co-worker grabs onto me CHARITY NEAL GOODMORNING A06B Page 40/91

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Scene 1 Duration 01:04:05 Panel 31 Duration 01:00 Dialog it appears to be a harmless little spider... CHARITY NEAL GOODMORNING A06B Page 41/91

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Scene 1 Duration 01:04:05 Panel 32 Duration 01:00 Dialog but it morphs into a disgusting and much more terrifying version of itself CHARITY NEAL GOODMORNING A06B Page 42/91

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(Co-worker starts screaming) CHARITY NEAL GOODMORNING A06B Page 43/91

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Scene 1 Duration 01:04:05 Panel 33 Duration 01:00 Dialog Co-worker is terrified and starts crying and shaking me back and forth CHARITY NEAL GOODMORNING A06B Page 44/91

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Scene 1 Duration 01:04:05 Panel 34 Duration 01:00 Dialog Co-worker: PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE KILL IT CHARITY NEAL GOODMORNING A06B Page 46/91

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Scene 1 Duration 01:04:05 Panel 35 Duration 01:00 Dialog Co-worker: KILL IT NOW!!! CHARITY NEAL GOODMORNING A06B Page 47/91

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i remain unfazed by the situation CHARITY NEAL GOODMORNING A06B Page 48/91

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Scene 1 Duration 01:04:05 Panel 36 Duration 01:00 Dialog and spray the bug. CHARITY NEAL GOODMORNING A06B Page 49/91

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Co-worker stops crying CHARITY NEAL GOODMORNING A06B Page 50/91

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Scene 1 Duration 01:04:05 Panel 37 Duration 01:00 Dialog Me: see, that wasn't so bad. CHARITY NEAL GOODMORNING A06B Page 51/91

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Scene 1 Duration 01:04:05 Panel 38 Duration 01:00 Dialog Me: Well, if that was everything imma go back to resting my eyelids now ( starts walking back ) CHARITY NEAL GOODMORNING A06B Page 52/91

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Scene 1 Duration 01:04:05 Panel 39 Duration 01:00 Dialog Me: I'll see you back at the front! CHARITY NEAL GOODMORNING A06B Page 53/91

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i wave to my co-worker she waves back (relieved ) CHARITY NEAL GOODMORNING A06B Page 54/91

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Scene 1 Duration 01:04:05 Panel 40 Duration 01:00 Dialog i continue walking to the front CHARITY NEAL GOODMORNING A06B Page 55/91

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Scene 1 Duration 01:04:05 Panel 41 Duration 01:00 Dialog Co-worker notices something as i walk away CHARITY NEAL GOODMORNING A06B Page 56/91

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Scene 1 Duration 01:04:05 Panel 42 Duration 01:00 Dialog the spider appears to be on my back CHARITY NEAL GOODMORNING A06B Page 57/91

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Scene 1 Duration 01:04:05 Panel 43 Duration 01:00 Dialog scared at first but co-worker is determined to kill spider she starts to pull out something CHARITY NEAL GOODMORNING A06B Page 58/91

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Scene 1 Duration 01:04:05 Panel 44 Duration 01:00 Dialog it appears to be frying pan! CHARITY NEAL GOODMORNING A06B Page 59/91

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spider stands up ready to fight the co-worker CHARITY NEAL GOODMORNING A06B Page 60/91

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Scene 1 Duration 01:04:05 Panel 45 Duration 01:00 Dialog Co-worker jumps up in the air and screams: SPIDEEEERRRR!!!!! CHARITY NEAL GOODMORNING A06B Page 61/91

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spider jumps from my back to my head CHARITY NEAL GOODMORNING A06B Page 62/91

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Scene 1 Duration 01:04:05 Panel 46 Duration 01:00 Dialog I turn around confused: Spider??? CHARITY NEAL GOODMORNING A06B Page 63/91

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Co-worker starts to swing down frying pan in attempts to hit the spider CHARITY NEAL GOODMORNING A06B Page 64/91

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Scene 1 Duration 01:04:05 Panel 47 Duration 01:00 Dialog spider jumps off and i feel the full impact of frying pan CHARITY NEAL GOODMORNING A06B Page 65/91

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Scene 1 Duration 01:04:05 Panel 48 Duration 01:00 Dialog Co-worker looks down to see if she got the spider CHARITY NEAL GOODMORNING A06B Page 66/91

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Scene 1 Duration 01:04:05 Panel 49 Duration 01:00 Dialog Me: did you get it? (shaky voice) CHARITY NEAL GOODMORNING A06B Page 67/91

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i put my hand up, spider appears to be on my pointer finger CHARITY NEAL GOODMORNING A06B Page 68/91

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Scene 1 Duration 01:04:05 Panel 50 Duration 01:00 Dialog Co-worker: DDDDDIIIIEEEEEEE!!!!! CHARITY NEAL GOODMORNING A06B Page 69/91

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starting hitting my repeatedly CHARITY NEAL GOODMORNING A06B Page 70/91

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Scene 1 Duration 01:04:05 Panel 51 Duration 01:00 Dialog Cont.. CHARITY NEAL GOODMORNING A06B Page 71/91

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Scene 1 Duration 01:04:05 Panel 52 Duration 01:00 Dialog I'm on the floor Bruised and beaten to a pulp CHARITY NEAL GOODMORNING A06B Page 72/91

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Me: WHAT IS THIS MADNESS!?? I JUST WANTED TO SLEEP!! Co-worker starts puling out something else CHARITY NEAL GOODMORNING A06B Page 73/91

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Scene 1 Duration 01:04:05 Panel 53 Duration 01:00 Dialog she pulls out a flamethrower!! CHARITY NEAL GOODMORNING A06B Page 74/91

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Me: Uh? (i notice something lighting up behind me) CHARITY NEAL GOODMORNING A06B Page 75/91

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Scene 1 Duration 01:04:05 Panel 54 Duration 01:00 Dialog Co-worker looms over me ( i am scared for my life) Co-Worker: Im sorry you had to be caught in the cross fire. CHARITY NEAL GOODMORNING A06B Page 76/91

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Me: Please no... CHARITY NEAL GOODMORNING A06B Page 77/91

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Scene 1 Duration 01:04:05 Panel 55 Duration 01:00 Dialog Co-worker: but your sacrifice is necessary for his annihilation... CHARITY NEAL GOODMORNING A06B Page 78/91

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Scene 1 Duration 01:04:05 Panel 56 Duration 01:00 Dialog Co-Worker: Im sorry it had to end this way. Me: wait...What do it mean?? PLEASE NO...NOOOOOOO CHARITY NEAL GOODMORNING A06B Page 79/91

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Scene 1 Duration 01:04:05 Panel 57 Duration 01:00 Dialog Me: AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!! CHARITY NEAL GOODMORNING A06B Page 80/91

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Scene 1 Duration 01:04:05 Panel 58 Duration 01:00 Dialog Close up of sign from top of the building (it's destroyed and burnt) CHARITY NEAL GOODMORNING A06B Page 81/91

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Scene 1 Duration 01:04:05 Panel 59 Duration 01:00 Dialog Zooms out to see whole building on fire CHARITY NEAL GOODMORNING A06B Page 82/91

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Scene 1 Duration 01:04:05 Panel 60 Duration 01:00 Dialog you see me and the co-worker watching the building go up in flames CHARITY NEAL GOODMORNING A06B Page 83/91

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Scene 1 Duration 01:04:05 Panel 61 Duration 01:00 Dialog currently in disbelief. both of us looks disheveled, covered in ash and dirt. CHARITY NEAL GOODMORNING A06B Page 84/91

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( i have a black eye and my hair is gone) CHARITY NEAL GOODMORNING A06B Page 85/91

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Scene 1 Duration 01:04:05 Panel 62 Duration 01:00 Dialog the building blows up... CHARITY NEAL GOODMORNING A06B Page 86/91

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Scene 1 Duration 01:04:05 Panel 63 Duration 01:00 Dialog Co-worker: well if you look at the bright side, at least the spider is gon- Me: ... CHARITY NEAL GOODMORNING A06B Page 87/91

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Scene 1 Duration 01:04:05 Panel 64 Duration 01:00 Dialog waiting for her to finish statement, but she doesn't. i look over to see a weird expression on her face CHARITY NEAL GOODMORNING A06B Page 88/91

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Me: What now? (unaware that she is staring at spider on my head) CHARITY NEAL GOODMORNING A06B Page 89/91

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Scene 1_A Duration 02:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Dialog Co-Worker: SPIDER!!!! (She flame torches me) Me: !!! CHARITY NEAL GOODMORNING A06B Page 90/91

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Scene 1_A Duration 02:00 Panel 2 Duration 01:00 Dialog Co-wroker:.. sorry...i panicked.. Me:....I don't get paid enough for this. CHARITY NEAL GOODMORNING A06B Page 91/91