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Web Performance Statistics and Anomaly Detection

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Philip Tellis @bluesmoon

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0 What do we measure?

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Perception & Reaction • How slow or fast did the page feel for the user? • How did the user react to their experience? • The user's environment that influences perceived performance

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boomerang This talk will not cover how we measure, it will cover what we do once we've collected measurements

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0.1 Perceived performance • Measure the time from user initiating an action and that action completing • Measure smoothness and responsiveness • Measuring performance should not affect performance • Measure trends over time

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0.2 Reaction • How much time do users spend on a site? • How many actions does the user take? • Did the user bounce or convert? • What was the value of the conversion?

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0.3 Environment • User Agent, Geography, Network (advertised and measured) • Page size, DOM nodes, scripts, css, etc. • CPU, Screen, Battery, Memory usage

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We measure Real User Experiences

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There's a lot of this and it can get noisy

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Management expects 1 number to rule them all or better yet, a colour

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1 Basics:
 Distributions, Summaries & Filtering

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1.1 Log-Normal distribution log() of x-axis is Normal in nature, this is most common

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1.1 Bi-modal distribution What causes this?

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1.1 In Wirklichkeit What looks like a single Log-Normal distribution is a sum of multiple slightly different log-normal distributions

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1.1 Dimension Split

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1.2 Summarization — One metric to rule them all • One normally uses the Arithmetic Mean:
 • But for Log-Normal distributions, the Geometric mean makes more sense:

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• But our distributions are never normal, and often not even log-normal • And a single number does not tell us if the distribution was multi-modal

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1.2 Summarization — Midgard • A better metric that works for non parametric distributions is the Median, or 50th percentile defined as the middle point of an ordered dataset. • Some people like to use worse percentiles like the 75th, 95th or 98th, which gives them a better idea of the worst user experiences

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1.2 Spread • Apart from central tendency, we also need to know the spread of our curve • The traditional metric used is the Standard Deviation • This is a bad idea: • The Mean Absolute Deviation or MAD is a better measure

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1.2 Another MAD • However, the (Arithmetic) Mean is used for Normal distributions. • And a Geometric Mean Absolute Deviation is asymmetric • So we use the Median Absolute Deviation

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1.2 Median Absolute Deviation 1. Take the absolute delta of each point with the median:
 2. Take the median of this deviation: 3. Multiply this by 1.4826 to get the MAD

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Then there's the
 Inter Quartile Range IQR = Q3 - Q1 Also known as the Middle 50 This is used in Box Plots

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1.3 Filtering All filtering is Band-Pass, the difference is in how the bands are selected

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1.3 Filter Band Selection • Static Filtering: Based on static thresholds, useful to get rid of absurd, obviously fake data • IQR Filtering: Based on the IQR, determines the band based on the dataset to eliminate outliers
 • Dynamic Filtering: Adjust based on trends and seasonality

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Don't discard outliers study them for patterns

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2 Advanced: Hypothesis Testing, Forecasting & Anomaly Detection

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2.1 Kolmogorov-Smirnov

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2.1 Kolmogorov-Smirnov • Easily compare two distributions • Good for 1-dimensional distributions

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For multi-dimensional data, Kruskal-Wallis We won't go into that today

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We will talk about Nelson Rules • Based on the idea that all natural systems have intrinsic randomness • If the data loses its randomness, something artificial is affecting it

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2.2 Nelson Rules • Based on Standard Deviation, which is not great • Requires Normal Distribution, which we don't have • We can solve the first by using MAD instead • The second problem requires us to get a little creative

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Converting a Random Log-Normal like distribution to Normal • For a Log-Normal distribution, simply taking the loge () of the random variable is sufficient to get a Normal distribution • For other cases, we find that looking at the delta between points rather than the points themselves generates a Normal distribution • The deltas form what is known as a Random Walk • We can refer to the deltas as a first order differential between points, although strictly speaking that would require a continuous random variable

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Differentials Random variable following Log-normal distribution Delta of Random variable follows a Normal distribution

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Nelson Rules • So by using a first order differential of our data, split by dimension • And using the Median Absolute Deviation • We get a reasonable idea of whether our data is insufficiently random
 • This is good for short time ranges

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What about long term forecasts?

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2.3 What is Triple Exponential Smoothing? • A simple moving average is the most basic form of smoothing • Exponential smoothing extends this to use exponentially decreasing weights for past terms • Double Exponential Smoothing adds a trend factor, eg: website increases in popularity over time • Triple Exponential Smoothing adds seasonality, for example, changes in traffic over the course of a day, week or year

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Holt-Winters Triple Exponential Smoothing • This is great for websites because it can be used to forecast traffic based on past trends and seasonality • For example, predict next Christmas' traffic by looking at the last 2 Christmases • But we can do better by comparing past forecasts with what actually happened, and calculating a smoothed tolerance for the forecast

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Dynamic Filter Bands based on H-W 3xS • Generate smoothed curve using H-W • Calculate deltas of past forecasts • Generate smoothed delta curve using H-W • Apply smoothed deltas to forecast to create tolerance bands • If current forecast exceeds bands, we have an anomaly, so alert on it

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How do we determine trend & seasonality factors? • Triple Exponential Smoothing requires smoothing factors for the trend and seasonality • Trend is simple, it's the slope of the curve after apply single exponential smoothing • Seasonality is harder since it's non-linear

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Enter Fourier Analysis Typically used in Digital Signal Processing,
 but in both cases we're dealing with Sine waves

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Early warnings for some extreme anomalies • We recently had a case where traffic went up 17,000% in a few minutes • What could we do to detect this and alert early enough?

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Anomaly Detection on First & Second Order Differentials • First order differential is the rate of change (velocity) of our random variable
 • Second order differential is the rate of change of rate of change (acceleration) of our random variable
 • Applying the same anomaly detection algorithms to these deltas can help us identify when we're moving too fast in the wrong direction.

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And when the stakeholders just want a colour Data Science Workbench

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References • Log-Normal Distribution: • Multi-modal distribution: • Marsaglia-Polar method for Gaussian random number generation: • JavaScript gist to generate Normal & Log-Normal random distributions • Time to retire the Standard Deviation: • Median Absolute Deviation: • Inter-quartile Range: • Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test:–Smirnov_test • Kruskal-Wallis Test:–Wallis_one-way_analysis_of_variance • Nelson Rules: • Random Walk: • Moving Average: • Exponential Smoothing: • Fourier Analysis: • SOASTA mPulse: • SOASTA DSWB: • boomerang:

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Further Reading • Kruskal-Wallis H Test using SPSS Statistics • How to Think like a Data Scientist • It Probably Works • Regression v/s Curve Fitting • Topology looks for the Patterns inside Big Data • RegTools: A Julia Package for Assisting Regression Analysis • Automating big-data analysis • Animated Math • Unsupervised Learning with Even Less Supervision Using Bayesian Optimization • The tensor renaissance in data science • Statisticians issue warning over misuse of P values • How to share data with a statistician • Statistics for Engineers: Applying statistical techniques to operations data • Calculus Learning Guide • Comparing Python Clustering Algorithms • Finding surprising patterns in a time series database in linear time and space • How to build an anomaly detection engine with Spark, Akka, and Cassandra • Statistics Done Wrong: The woefully complete guide • Circles, Sines & Signals • How to actually learn Data Science • The Risky Eclipse of Statisticians • Fundamental frequency estimation and supervised learning • Outlier Detection Gets a Makeover - Surprise Discovery in Scientific Big Data

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Thank You

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Philip Tellis @bluesmoon

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Image Credits • Usain Bolt: • 100m dash: race-every-medalist-ever.html • Kilroy Schematic: • Memes from ImgFlip