Facts and Fallacies of
Continuous Delivery
Agile Tour Brussels 2015
Thierry de Pauw, @tdpauw
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What is Continuous Delivery
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"How long would it take your organisation to deploy a change that involves just one single line of code ? Do
you do this on a repeatable, reliable basis ?"
Mary and Tom Poppendieck,
Implementing Lean Software Development
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Satisfy your customer through early and
continuous delivery of valuable software
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A Deployment Pipeline is the automated
implementation of your process of getting
software from version control into the hands
of your users.
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It is a logical extension of Continuous
Every commit creates a potential release
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One of its key objectives is to optimise for
human resource usage
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The deployment pipeline has 3 purposes:
●every part of the process is visible
●it improves feedback
●it empowers teams
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The deployment pipeline is part of your value
stream, the process of getting a feature from
the mind of your customers into their hands
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The entire process, from concept to cash, can
be modelled as a value stream map
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Fact 1
More than just Tooling
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Continuous Delivery is a mindset
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It is about the DevOps Culture and Lean
Software Development
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The DevOps Culture : The Three Ways
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The First Way: from Left to Right
Maximise the flow from Development to
Operations to Customers
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Definition of Done is not when Development
is done coding
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The aim is single piece flow
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The Second Way: from Right to Left
Constant flow of fast feedback at all stages
of the value stream
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To get early feedback, you can't have 1 year
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The Third Way: a Culture of Improvement
A culture that fosters continual
experimentation, learning from failures and
understanding that repetition and practice
leads to mastery.
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"If a system is not improving, the result is not steady state. Instead, because of entropy,
organisational performance declines"
Mike Rother,
Toyota Kata: Managing People for Improvement, Adaptiveness and Superior Results
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The Three Ways are essential to successfully
apply Continuous Delivery
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Fact 2
Build your binaries once
and only once
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1. Keep the deployment pipeline efficient
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2. Always build upon foundations known to
be right
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It must be possible to deploy the binaries to
every environment
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Fact 3
Keep everything under Version Control
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A new team member must be able to
checkout the project from version control, and
run a single command to build and deploy the
application on the local workstation
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Fact 4
When continuously integrating,
integrate also your internal
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Always use the latest stable version of your
internal dependencies.
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Fact 5
Feature branches are evil
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They introduce risk
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They are time consuming
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Refactoring becomes difficult
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They increase the complexity of the internal
dependency management
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Break down your stories into smaller chunks
of work
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Implement the user-facing bits last
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Use Branch by Abstraction
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Use Feature Toggles
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Fact 6
Automate the hell out of it
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"If the build, deploy, test, and release process is not automated,
it is not repeatable"
Jez Humble and David Farley,
Continuous Delivery: Reliable Software Releases through Build, Test, and Deployment
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Some things are impossible to automate
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But the list of things that cannot be
automated is much smaller than many people
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Test Automation
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Human beings are simply bad at repetitive,
complex tasks that manual regression testing
To identify your bottleneck
You need to model your value stream using
a value stream map
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Any improvements made anywhere besides
the bottleneck are an illusion
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Fact 8
Build Quality In !
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"Your goal is to build quality into the code from the start, not test it in later"
Mary and Tom Poppendieck,
Implementing Lean Software Development
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When a defect is found, stop the line
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"Defect tracking systems are queues of partially done work"
Mary and Tom Poppendieck,
Implementing Lean Software Development
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"(Technical Debt) comes from taking shortcuts, which may make sense in the short-term. But like
financial debt, the compounding interest costs grow over time. If an organisation doesn't pay down its
technical debt, every calorie in the organisation can be spent just paying interest, in the form of
unplanned work."
The Phoenix Project
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"Delaying testing until after the development process is a sure-fire way to decrease the quality of your
Jez Humble and David Farley,
Continuous Delivery: Reliable Software Releases through Build, Test, and Deployment
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Test automation makes the quality of your
application significantly higher, so manual
testing is then only an affirmation of the
functional completeness
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Fact 9
Deployments become Boring
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Anti-pattern: Big feature releases as answer
for failing deployments
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"If it hurts,
do it more often !"
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Deploy the same way to each environment
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You have to have a Copy of Production
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First Fallacy
Deployments cost too much
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The indirect cost of the downtime during
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Systems that only operate during "business
hours" are rare
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SLA 99,5% availability
less than 216 minutes of unplanned
downtime per month
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216 min/month vs 5 hours of planned
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Users do not care if the downtime was
planned or unplanned
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Blue Green Deployments
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Zero-Down Time Deployments
●Expansion (days before) : add stuff
●Roll out
●Clean up (days after) : remove stuff
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Fact 10
Rollbacks become obsolete
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Fix Forward
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Fact 11
You will not risk customers for an
arbitrary release date
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For product vendors release dates matter
For the other 99,9%: nobody cares
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Customers care that the system is available
and works without too many bugs
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Do not try to rush releases into production
before being ready
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Fact 12
You build it you run it
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Everybody in your team (by extension your
organisation) is responsible for the release
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"An organisation that respects software developers as professionals will expect them to design their own jobs [...]. It
will expect them to improve continually the way they do their work as part of a learning process. Finally, it will give
them the time and equipment necessary to do their jobs well. [...] Frontline workers have process design authority and
decision-making responsibility."
Mary and Tom Poppendieck,
Lean Software Development
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Second Fallacy
That does not work here syndrome
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Continuous Delivery is all about managing
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The system prevents you to deploy a build
into production that is not thoroughly tested
and found to be fit
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Heavy change management processes bring
nothing to the stability of systems
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Everything that improves throughput
improves stability
Everything that improves innovation also
improves stability
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Third Fallacy
But we are not Unicorns !
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"Of the Fortune 500 companies in 1955, 87% are gone. In 1958, the Fortune 500 tenure was 61 years;
now it's only 18 years"
Richard Foster,
Creative Destruction: Why Companies that are built to Last underperform the Market -
and how to Successfully transform Them, 2001
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One of the primary objections from horses is
that all unicorns were born that way
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All unicorns were once horses
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2011: 2 months feature freeze
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2009: "had to come to grips that they were
living in a sea of their own engineering filth"
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2009: barely able to keep up with user
growth, code deployments were becoming
increasingly dangerous
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●BNY Mellon, Bank of America, ING
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Hello, I am Thierry de Pauw
Software Engineer, Jack of All Trades
Agile Technical Coach