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Storage Management is Evolving May 2023

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Spectra Logic is Vital to our Customers’ Success We have been helping organizations manage, migrate, store and preserve data for 40+ years We are privately held & employee owned We have 10,000+ installations worldwide in over 80 countries We have obtained 142 patents to help meet your needs Trusted Committed Global Innovative

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Customers struggling to find cost-effective ways to manage growing data trategy/#:~:text=This%2C%20coupled%20with%20other%20advantages,up%20from%2030%25%20in%202021. 68% 42% 79% 40% 68% of companies report storage costs as their top concern with data storage. The average enterprise saw data increase 42% over the last two years. 79% of IT teams struggle to manage the tiering of their data. Spectra predicts storage footprint will grow by 40% to 14 Zettabytes by 2031.

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Data Locality is Changing Cloud data will continue to accelerate 95% Cloud Approximately 95% of new digital workloads will consider the cloud by 20251. 85% Cloud First 85% of organizations will have a cloud first principal by 20254 80% Multiple Clouds 80% of IT organizations will be using multiple clouds with three years3. trategy/#:~:text=This%2C%20coupled%20with%20other%20advantages,up%20from%2030%25%20in%202021.

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Customer Challenges Drive Our Innovation Software Hardware NAS BlackPearl NAS Nearline Gateway BlackPearl DS3 Hybrid-Cloud Storage BlackPearl S3 & On Prem-Glacier Tape Libraries Large, Medium & Small Hybrid Cloud Object Data Management Spectra Vail Digital Archive StorCycle Data Mover RioBroker

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What changed since 2022? • Significant new markets have developed • On-prem cloud - and specifically on-prem Glacier • Multi-site/Multi-cloud • Media & Entertainment modernization & migration • Secure Digital Archive of critical long term data • Technology trends driving behavior • Cloud interfaces are transformative - and object storage becoming mainstream • Developing acceptance of file vs object storage use cases • Glacier - conceptually - is now completely accepted • Spectra’s special advantage • Broad deployment - and redeployment of tape systems • Unique handling of “long SLA media” • Crisp handling of data that crosses the boundary from online to archive

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Spectra’s Platforms

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Customer Challenges Drive Our Innovation Software Hardware NAS BlackPearl NAS Nearline Gateway BlackPearl DS3 Hybrid-Cloud Storage BlackPearl S3 & On Prem-Glacier Tape Libraries Large, Medium & Small Hybrid Cloud Object Data Management Spectra Vail Digital Archive StorCycle Data Mover RioBroker

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Spectra’s Simple Portfolio BlackPearl On-prem Glacier NAS S3 Standard Disk S3 IA/GIR Disk Standalone Software Platform Storage

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Amazon S3 Glacier Deep Archive storage class 12 to 48 hours retrieval of data in the lowest cost archive S3 storage class Amazon S3 STD/ Infrequent Access storage class Milliseconds retrieval of data in a low-cost S3 storage class Amazon Cloud Storage vs. Spectra On-Prem Protect your backup files and archive Expect costs for bandwidth and egress fees Amazon S3 Glacier Flexible Retrieval storage class Minutes to 12 hours retrieval of data in a lower cost archive S3 storage class Optimizes your storage costs with low-cost storage options for long-term digital preservation for rarely accessed data. Amazon S3 Glacier 100% cloud accessed and retrieved Protect your backup files and archive No additional fees Spectra On-Prem Glacier On-premises storage with hybrid cloud option >50% lower costs and no surprises with hidden fees. Eco Object storage Retrieval of data in SECONDS with spin-down disk for reduced carbon footprint Scale: up to 20PB/head Minutes to 12 Hours vs. Seconds S3 Std / Infrequent Access storage class MILLISECONDS retrieval of data in a low-cost S3 storage class Scale: up to 20PB/head Milliseconds vs. Milliseconds Archive S3 storage class Retrieval of data in MINUTES the lowest cost & most environmentally positive solution Scale: up to 100s of PBs 12 to 48 Hours vs. Minutes Glacier

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A University Example

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Drivers for University Storage Requirements • Government funded research - large scale HPC • Minimum 7 year retention after grant ends that they must self fund • Medical research • Long term patient storage, confidentiality/HIPAA • Hospitals associated with university - patient records and research • University sports • M&E like with special venue needs • Cross-college data management • Backup, research, shared data, internal projects • Long term university archive • Desire for centralization

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A Set of Workflows for Universities • The Traditional approach… • Every Department buys their own storage • When it fills, they blindly buy more (or try to throw undergrads at the problem) • Some departments invest in archive (traditionally HPC) • Some department buy USB or consumer grade boxes that get “lost” • Some try to use the cloud (and either get big bills, delayed bills, or inadequate access when used improperly) • Everyone absolutely has to have their own unique backup solution • IT attempts to centralize but • User experiences are difficult to change • Data management is painful • Everyone wants to game the system - and some don’t want to comply • Everyone wants only file systems Engineering Comp Sci Physics Business IT Hey!! Come use our stuff

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A Set of Workflows for the University Setting Engineering Comp Sci Physics Business IT

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• The Modern option • Consolidate storage, tier when possible, archive when needed, reuse as a policy, cloud when necessary • Auto archive and tiering from primary storage - StorCycle provides rule based tiering as well as project • Shared Backup Target - BlackPearl S3 provides S3 compatible multi-tier storage for most backup SW • Multi-Site/Multi-Cloud - BlackPearl S3 powered by Vail allows multi-copy and tiering object storage • Hybrid cloud collaboration - BlackPearl S3 allows cloud copies and out-of-datapath coordination • On-Prem collaboration - Third party tools on top of BlackPearl S3… on-prem Dropbox • Multi-department tenancy - BlackPearl S3 presents tape as a ”big Glacier USB stick” Hey, Can we use your stuff?? Consolidated Backup Automated Tiering & Archive Multi-Site/Multi-Cloud On-Prem/Cloud Collaboration

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Spectra Digital Archive - StorCycle Digital Archive for Data at Scale Automated Tiering and Archive

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Best Data to Archive Top 8 Reasons to Archive 1. Large dataset management 2. Ransomware resiliency 3. Digital preservation 4. Compliance 5. Disaster recovery 6. Future utilization of data 7. Storage cost control 8. Sustainability Medical records, video footage, broadcast media, aerial images, genomics data, geological study data, compliance data, completed projects, and more. Archive Options Project Archive Preserve large datasets for long-term retention Bulk Archive Migrate, manage and protect on cost and carbon-footprint efficient storage Active Archive Preserve growing datasets while maintaining user accessibility

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Spectra Digital Archive Workflow

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StorCycle Software 1. Simple to set up and use 2. Active, Project and Long-term archive use cases 3. Policy driven automation 4. Highly scalable 5. Low impact high performance data transfers 6. Maintains original file formats and no lock ins 7. Mixed storage targets – disk/flash, tape, cloud 8. Data redundancy options – inclusive of "tape eject" 9. Ransomware protection – inclusive of "air gap" 10. File search and reporting 11. API and GUI driven interfaces 12. Supports environmentally sustainable initiatives Capabilities and Components Platform Solutions • Small and Large tape libraries • NAS and Object storage • Nearline disk/libraries • Hybrid Cloud – disk/libraries/cloud • Professional Services Software Platform Support Spectra Logic World Class Support

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Korean Institute for Basic Science Spectra Digital Archive Solution The IBS is Korea’s first dedicated basic science research institute that specializes in long-term projects with large numbers of researchers. IBS Challenges: • New cryo-EM microscope is creating 2TB per day of data. • Needed high-capacity system to store and expand as needed. Solution: • StorCycle scans and moves data from their Lustre file system, writing new data daily to BlackPearl Nearline Gateway, which in turn writes two copies to a Spectra T950 tape library.

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IQVIA Spectra Digital Archive Solution IQVIA chose Spectra Digital Archive to replace their aging archive system with a solution that is scalable while improving data availability with replication data across data centers. Challenges: • Their existing archive solution was aging, and needed a new solution that would scale while using their existing infrastructure. • The new solution must be able to replicate data across sites to provide data, and transition to the new archive with minimal disruption. Solution: • Deployed three instances of StorCycle to scan primary storage and move data to two BlackPearl Nearline Gateways and two Spectra Stack Libraries located in New Jersey and Ireland. IQVIA enables modern data science advancements by capturing and preserving global healthcare data sets.

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Hybrid Cloud Object Storage & On-Prem S3 Glacier Consolidated Backup

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Use Cases • Backup to On-Prem S3 Object Storage • Backup to an On-Prem Glacier Solution • Offsite & Long-term Retention

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Backup to On-Prem S3 Object Storage S3-Compatible Object Storage • Secondary hybrid cloud storage optimized for backup and archive • Replication to public cloud or on-prem storage enabling east access to data for disaster recovery • Object Lock offers assurance data is immutable and cannot be altered or deleted On-Prem S3 Object S3 storage classes Object Storage Software Instant Retrieval Retrieval in milliseconds Eco Object Retrieval in seconds

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Backup to an On-Prem Glacier Solution Object Storage Disk • Cost effective immutable storage for ms retrieval • High performance long-term storage Object tape • Immutable storage with offsite air gap • Predictable costs with no ingress/egress fees Replicate to remote site or public cloud for low-cost DR On-Prem S3 Glacier S3 storage classes Object Storage Software Instant Retrieval Retrieval in milliseconds Eco Object Storage Retrieval in seconds Archive Retrieval in minutes

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Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 3 30 Days 90 Days Offsite tape copy 4th Copy on tape for long-term retention Backup Use Case: Offsite & Long-term Retention Site 2 Backup Appliance Replication Site 1 Backup Appliance BlackPearl S3 Appliance BlackPearl S3 Appliance BlackPearl S3 Appliance Spectra On-Prem Glacier Spectra On-Prem Glacier

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Independent system operation that manages the flow of electric power to millions of customers Challenge: • They were going through a data center refresh and needed a new data storage solution would easily integrate with other infrastructure within two separate site. • Data volumes were growing, and they were looking for a cost-effective way to scale storage and backup infrastructure. • The new solution must accommodate compliance requirements, and backup data needs to be stored offsite. .Solution: • Within each of the two sites, a modern backup appliance archives data to Spectra BlackPearl S3 and On-Prem Glacier configured with Spectra Stack tape library. The backup appliances replicate across sites, the BlackPearl S3 in each site writes a copy of the backup data to tape, which is ejected for long-term retention. On-Prem Glacier for the Energy Industry Case Study The independent grid system operator manages the flow of electric power to tens of millions of customers in its area, scheduling power on an electric grid that represents the majority of the state’s electric load.

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Oral care Leader delivering dental services through a telehealth platform Challenge: • The oral care provider chose the public cloud for their offsite storage target of backups. The cloud spend became cost prohibitive and they needed a hybrid solution that would allow them to restore the cloud data to on-prem cloud storage. • They have two locations and needed to standardize their backup infrastructure across both locations .Solution: • In the US, Spectra StorCycle was used to migrate the data from the public cloud to Spectra BlackPearl S3 with On-Prem Glacier, configured with Spectra Stack. The Spectra Stack is also being used as the backup target for their modern data protection solution, taking advantage of Spectra On-Prem Glacier • In the second location, Spectra BlackPearl S3 with On-Prem Glacier is used as the backup target for their moder data protection solution. The international oral care leader strives to provide accessible, affordable and conveniently care through their telehealth platform. Cloud Migration & On-Prem Glacier for the Dental Industry Case Study

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Hybrid Cloud Object Storage & On-Prem S3 Glacier Multi-Site Multi-Cloud

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Object Data Management – Spectra Vail Software On-Prem Glacier On-Prem Object Storage Global Namespace Enabling: • Data management by Lifecycle Rules • Universal access to data • Automated Data Placement Management-as-a-Service Metadata

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Spectra Multi-Site Multi-cloud Benefits Strong ROI over public cloud • Achieve significant cost savings compared to storing data at scale in the public cloud Multi-site replication • Single namespace across multiple sites and multiple clouds. • Clone copies of data (multi- region capable) allows high availability and data security Hybrid cloud architecture • Enables you to migrate workloads between on-premises and cloud environments • Directly use cloud services Seamless Sharing • Public cloud buckets and distributable nodes for projects allow mass sharing and collaboration Easily scales with data growth • Scale from terabytes to 100s of petabytes, accommodating data growth demands and allowing you to add capacity as needed. Supports sustainability initiatives • Choose from a range of options; optimizing for access time, cost, and power consumption. You can select a more cost-effective and power-saving archive tier for fast access.

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Hybrid Cloud Object Storage & On-Prem S3 Glacier Collaboration options On-Prem and Global

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On-Prem and Cloud Collaboration Sharing • Simple open source systems like OwnCloud allow on prem mass collaboration with an S3 backend • Full cloud collaboration out-of- data-path File vs Object • OwnCloud, MountainDuck, StorCycle bridge the gap as users adapt to new workflows Scalability • Spectra partnership with Arcitecta allows seamless scalability of primary storage to hundreds of PB, HA, and single namespace locally Multi-site replication • Consider using the existing tape as an alternate DR storage location • BlackPearl S3 can present the library as a Glacier target Quotas and tracking • Simple bucket tracking allows real time chargeback scripting using BlackPearl • Roadmap includes full quota management system Cloud now or later • Spectra data management allows seamless migration, hybrid collaboration, or full moves to or between clouds. Use the cloud judiciously and prepare for change

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Hybrid Cloud Object Storage & On-Prem S3 Glacier Long Term Preservation with VOF

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Spectra launches new Open Standard Versioned Object Format Leverages LTFS: - Large LTFS files for performance while supporting any file size - Guarantee universal cross compatibility - no lock in - Fully self-describe all assets - even packs Providing: - Industry standard S3 interface - including tape - Full S3 compliant versioning - Compression, Encryption, Hashing - Tape set priority

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