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ConFoo 2023 Node.js Runtime The Renaissance

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Ruy Adorno 
 Based in Montreal Node.js Collaborator & Releaser. 
 Working with Node.js things at Google The Node.js Runtime Renaissance ConFoo 2023

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Chronology 2022 features What’s next in 2023 ToC ConFoo 2023 The Node.js Runtime Renaissance

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The Node.js Runtime Renaissance ConFoo 2023 Chronology

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The Node.js Runtime Renaissance ConFoo 2023 2009 Ryan Dahl writes the initial implementation of the Node.js runtime

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The Node.js Runtime Renaissance ConFoo 2023 2010 npm initial release

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The Node.js Runtime Renaissance ConFoo 2023 2011 npm bundled with Node.js

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The Node.js Runtime Renaissance ConFoo 2023 2014 io.js fork

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The Node.js Runtime Renaissance ConFoo 2023 2015 Node.js Foundation announced, Node.js and io.js merged back together

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The Node.js Runtime Renaissance ConFoo 2023 2015 Welcome to the Renaissance era!

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The Node.js Runtime Renaissance ConFoo 2023 2017 Ruy Adorno fi rst commit to the project

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The Node.js Runtime Renaissance ConFoo 2023 2018 Ryan Dahl announces the work on Deno, a new JavaScript runtime

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The Node.js Runtime Renaissance ConFoo 2023 2019 Node.js Foundation and the JS Foundation merge together forming the OpenJS Foundation

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The Node.js Runtime Renaissance ConFoo 2023 2020 Deno v1.0 is released

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The Node.js Runtime Renaissance ConFoo 2023 The end of the small core Most collaborators these days are open to the idea of adding more features in order to provide a batteries-included experience in order to improve DX.

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The Node.js Runtime Renaissance ConFoo 2023 2022 Welcome to the Industrial era!

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The Node.js Runtime Renaissance Industrialization ConFoo 2023 2022 Welcome to the Industrial era!

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The Node.js Runtime Renaissance ConFoo 2023 5 exciting recent features

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Test Runner ConFoo 2023 The Node.js Runtime Renaissance

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The Node.js Runtime Renaissance ConFoo 2023 Test Runner Shipped initially in v18.0.0, the test runner was initially designed to be a minimal viable test runner but has been getting more and more features since then.

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The Node.js Runtime Renaissance ConFoo 2023 Test Runner - Mocks added in v18.13.0, v19.1.0 
 - Reporters added in v19.6.0 
 - Coverage added in v19.7.0 (this week!)

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The Node.js Runtime Renaissance ConFoo 2023 import assert from 'node:assert'; import test from 'node:test'; import {splitChars} from './split-chars.mjs'; test('test splitChars function', async t => { const input = 'a:b:c'; const expected = ['a', 'b', 'c']; assert.deepStrictEqual( splitChars(input), expected, 'should return expected characters' ); }) test-runner.mjs

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The Node.js Runtime Renaissance ConFoo 2023 $ node test-runner.mjs TAP version 13 # Subtest: test splitChars function ok 1 - test splitChars function --- duration_ms: 4.859125 ... 1..1 # tests 1 # pass 1 # fail 0 # cancelled 0 # skipped 0 # todo 0 # duration_ms 59.869375 shell

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The Node.js Runtime Renaissance ConFoo 2023 $ node --test TAP version 13 # Subtest: test splitChars function ok 1 - test splitChars function --- duration_ms: 4.859125 ... 1..1 # tests 1 # pass 1 # fail 0 # cancelled 0 # skipped 0 # todo 0 # duration_ms 59.869375 shell

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The Node.js Runtime Renaissance ConFoo 2023 How the test runner finds what files to run - skip node_modules folders 
 - if a test folder is found, recursively fi nd all .js .cjs .mjs fi les 
 - in other folders, match: 
 - Files named test: ^test$ 
 - Filenames that start with test-: ^test-.+ 
 - Filenames that ends with -test: .+[\.\-\_]test$

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The Node.js Runtime Renaissance ConFoo 2023 Learn more

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File Watcher ConFoo 2023 The Node.js Runtime Renaissance

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The Node.js Runtime Renaissance ConFoo 2023 File Watcher First introduced in v18.11.0 and v16.19.0, the fi le watcher is a native way to have the node runtime reload anytime watched fi les are modi fi ed.

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The Node.js Runtime Renaissance ConFoo 2023 import assert from 'node:assert'; import test from 'node:test'; import {splitChars} from './split-chars.mjs'; test('test splitChars function', async t => { const input = 'a:b:c'; const expected = ['a', 'b', 'c']; assert.deepStrictEqual( splitChars(input), expected, 'should return expected characters' ); }) test-runner.mjs shell $ node --watch test-runner.mjs (node:42453) ExperimentalWarning: Watch mode is 
 an experimental feature and might change at any 
 time (Use `node --trace-warnings ...` to show where 
 the warning was created) TAP version 13 # Subtest: test splitChars function ok 1 - test splitChars function --- duration_ms: 2.681209 ... 1..1 # tests 1 # pass 1 # fail 0 # cancelled 0 # skipped 0 # todo 0 # duration_ms 6.377 Completed running 'test-runner.mjs'

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The Node.js Runtime Renaissance ConFoo 2023 export function splitChars(str) { return str.split(':'); } split-chars.mjs shell $ node --watch test-runner.mjs (node:42453) ExperimentalWarning: Watch mode is 
 an experimental feature and might change at any 
 time (Use `node --trace-warnings ...` to show where 
 the warning was created) TAP version 13 # Subtest: test splitChars function ok 1 - test splitChars function --- duration_ms: 2.681209 ... 1..1 # tests 1 # pass 1 # fail 0 # cancelled 0 # skipped 0 # todo 0 # duration_ms 6.377 Completed running 'test-runner.mjs'

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The Node.js Runtime Renaissance ConFoo 2023 export function splitChars(str) { return str.split('d'); } split-chars.mjs shell Restarting 'test-runner.mjs' TAP version 13 # Subtest: test splitChars function not ok 1 - test splitChars function --- duration_ms: 3.022458 failureType: 'testCodeFailure' error: 'should return expected characters' code: 'ERR_ASSERTION' 0: 'a' 1: 'b' 2: 'c' 0: 'a:b:c' operator: 'deepStrictEqual' ... 1..1 # tests 1 # pass 0 # fail 1 # duration_ms 6.597791 Failed running 'test-runner.mjs'

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The Node.js Runtime Renaissance ConFoo 2023 export function splitChars(str) { return str.split(':'); } split-chars.mjs shell Restarting 'test-runner.mjs' TAP version 13 # Subtest: test splitChars function ok 1 - test splitChars function --- duration_ms: 2.054583 ... 1..1 # tests 1 # pass 1 # fail 0 # cancelled 0 # skipped 0 # todo 0 # duration_ms 4.697125 Completed running 'test-runner.mjs'

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The Node.js Runtime Renaissance ConFoo 2023 More options - --watch-path specify what exact folders / fi les to watch, disable watching of imported modules 
 - --watch-preserve-output disable clearing the console when watch mode restarts the process

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The Node.js Runtime Renaissance ConFoo 2023 Learn more

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Argument Parser ConFoo 2023 The Node.js Runtime Renaissance

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The Node.js Runtime Renaissance ConFoo 2023 Argument Parser Initially added in v18.3.0 and v16.17.0, the argument parser is an opinionated way to handle command line arguments in your apps without the need of an extra package.

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The Node.js Runtime Renaissance ConFoo 2023 Argument Parser Made in collaboration between the maintainers of yargs and Commander , two of the most popular argument parsers.

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The Node.js Runtime Renaissance ConFoo 2023 Argument Parser Currently an experimental API but should be promoted to stable soon. Unlikely to have changes at this point.

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The Node.js Runtime Renaissance ConFoo 2023 import { parseArgs } from 'node:util'; const { values } = parseArgs({ options: { active: { type: 'boolean' }, pathname: { type: 'string' }, }, }); if (Object.keys(values).length) { console.table(values) } cli-parse-args.mjs

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The Node.js Runtime Renaissance ConFoo 2023 $ node cli-parse-args.mjs --active \ --pathname=./cli-parse-args.mjs ┌──────────┬────────────────────────┐ │ (index) │ Values │ ├──────────┼────────────────────────┤ │ active │ true │ │ pathname │ './cli-parse-args.mjs' │ └──────────┴────────────────────────┘ shell

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The Node.js Runtime Renaissance ConFoo 2023 Highly customizable The argument parser has much more options such as support to positional values, loose mode, providing default values, etc.

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The Node.js Runtime Renaissance ConFoo 2023 Learn more fi g

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Fetch ConFoo 2023 The Node.js Runtime Renaissance

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The Node.js Runtime Renaissance ConFoo 2023 Fetch After many years in the making, the fetch() method is fi nally available in Node.js starting at version v18.3.0 and up.

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The Node.js Runtime Renaissance ConFoo 2023 const res = await fetch('', { method: 'GET', headers: [ ['Accept', 'application/json'], ], }) const data = await res.json() const versions = data .map(i => ({ version: i.version, date: })) .slice(0, 10) console.table(versions) fetch-something.mjs

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The Node.js Runtime Renaissance ConFoo 2023 $ node fetch-something.mjs ┌─────────┬───────────┬──────────────┐ │ (index) │ version │ date │ ├─────────┼───────────┼──────────────┤ │ 0 │ 'v19.7.0' │ '2023-02-21' │ │ 1 │ 'v19.6.1' │ '2023-02-16' │ │ 2 │ 'v19.6.0' │ '2023-02-01' │ │ 3 │ 'v19.5.0' │ '2023-01-24' │ │ 4 │ 'v19.4.0' │ '2023-01-05' │ │ 5 │ 'v19.3.0' │ '2022-12-14' │ │ 6 │ 'v19.2.0' │ '2022-11-29' │ │ 7 │ 'v19.1.0' │ '2022-11-14' │ │ 8 │ 'v19.0.1' │ '2022-11-04' │ │ 9 │ 'v19.0.0' │ '2022-10-17' │ └─────────┴───────────┴──────────────┘ shell

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Stream iterator methods and Stream Web API helpers ConFoo 2023 The Node.js Runtime Renaissance

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The Node.js Runtime Renaissance ConFoo 2023 Stream iterator methods A variety of stream iterator methods have been introduced between v17.4.0 and v17.5.0. Some of these methods may also be available in v16.4.0.

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The Node.js Runtime Renaissance ConFoo 2023 import { Readable } from 'node:stream'; const s = Readable.from([1, 2, 3, 4]); const mapped = [] s.on('data', data => { mapped.push(data * 2); }) s.on('end', () => { for (const m of mapped) { console.log(m) } }) map-stream-before.mjs map-stream-iterator.mjs import { Readable } from 'node:stream'; const s = Readable.from([1, 2, 3, 4]); const mapped = => i * 2); for await (const m of mapped) { console.log(m); }

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The Node.js Runtime Renaissance ConFoo 2023 Web Stream API Utility Consumers Added in v16.7.0, providing helper methods to help collect stream data.

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The Node.js Runtime Renaissance ConFoo 2023 import { Readable } from 'node:stream'; const s = Readable .from(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']); let res = ''; s.on('data', data => { res += data; }); s.on('end', () => { console.log(res); }); read-stream-before.mjs read-stream-utility-consumer.mjs import { Readable } from 'node:stream'; import { text } from 'node:stream/consumers'; const s = Readable .from(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']); const res = await text(s); console.log(res);

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The Node.js Runtime Renaissance ConFoo 2023 Web Stream API Utility Consumers There are also utility consumers for arrayBuffer , blob , buffer and json .

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The Node.js Runtime Renaissance ConFoo 2023 Learn more

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ConFoo 2023 2023 The Node.js Runtime Renaissance Coming up this year

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Single Executable 
 Apps ConFoo 2023 The Node.js Runtime Renaissance

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The Node.js Runtime Renaissance ConFoo 2023 Single Executable Apps (Just landed!) Added in v19.7.0, there’s now a way to package your app code along with the Node.js runtime so that you can distribute a single executable binary fi le.

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The Node.js Runtime Renaissance ConFoo 2023 Learn more

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Process-based Permissions ConFoo 2023 The Node.js Runtime Renaissance

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The Node.js Runtime Renaissance ConFoo 2023 Process-based Permissions (Work in progress) New options to restrict access to speci fi c resources (such as fi le system, child process, workers) during execution.

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The Node.js Runtime Renaissance ConFoo 2023 Process-based Permissions Very likely to still change, this new permission model is going to be behind a fl ag: --experimental-permission

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The Node.js Runtime Renaissance ConFoo 2023 $ node --experimental-permission index.js node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:171 const result = internalModuleStat(filename); ^ Error: Access to this API has been restricted code: 'ERR_ACCESS_DENIED', permission: ‘FileSystemRead' $ node --experimental-permission --allow-fs-read=* --allow-fs-write=./tmp index.js Hello world! (node:19836) ExperimentalWarning: Permission is an experimental feature (Use `node --trace-warnings ...` to show where the warning was created) shell

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The Node.js Runtime Renaissance ConFoo 2023 Learn more

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The Node.js Runtime Renaissance ConFoo 2023 Want to learn even more? Join one of the Working Groups meetings: 
 Join the OpenJS Foundation Slack: Repository: 

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Merci! The Node.js Runtime Renaissance ConFoo 2023