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2 Seán R. Kavanagh doped: Python toolkit for robust and repeatable charged defect supercell calculations

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Design Philosophy • Wide-spanning functionality • Reasonable defaults, but with full control/flexibility for the user • User-friendly, extensive tutorials/documentation, automated compatibility/sanity checks • Aid and encourage reproducibility • Computational efficiency through intelligent algorithms • Publication-ready outputs 6

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9 • Candidate interstitial sites generated with Voronoi tessellation (most reliable approach)1 – or user-specified. • Auto-generated optimal supercell, or user-provided. • Generates all intrinsic (and extrinsic if specified) point defects. • Fully flexible 1. Kononov et al 2023 J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 35 334002

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10 1. Kononov et al 2023 J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 35 334002 • Candidate interstitial sites generated with Voronoi tessellation (most reliable approach)1 – or user-specified. • Auto-generated optimal supercell, or user-provided. • Generates all intrinsic (and extrinsic if specified) point defects. • Fully flexible

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11 doped: Supercell Generation Goal: Maximise the image distance for the minimum number of atoms (electrons) in our supercell • In certain cases, may want to optimize dielectric-weighted minimum image distance (e.g. 2D/low-dimensional materials), or adjust to optimize kpoint sampling 11 *Dielectric-weighted “optimal” supercell may be desired for highly-anisotropic systems

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12 Efficient, direct optimization of image distance over all possible supercell transformations, and accounting for rotational invariances 12 doped: Supercell Generation Example: Cubic Structure ➡ minimal DFT/computational cost Mean improvements of ~10% compared to custom ASE scans -> ~35% DFT cost reduction (Averaged over several crystal systems)

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13 doped: Charge State Estimation • Defects can adopt various charge states in materials – but which ones will actually be stable? • False positives = Charge states included, but not stable (bad, but inevitable) • False negatives = Not included, but actually stable (very bad)

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14 doped: Charge State Estimation • Defects can adopt various charge states in materials – but which ones will actually be stable? • False positives = Charge states included, but not stable (bad, but inevitable) • False negatives = Not included, but actually stable (very bad) • As always, fully tunable (probability threshold to control lean/completeness) & flexible 14 * False negatives underestimated for PyCDT due to bias in dataset (Intermediate charge states which are metastable should still be calculated and are not considered false positives)

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Defect Simulation Workflow 16 Automatic charge/spin state setting, consistency checks for calculation settings, k-point grid generation, fully flexible…

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Calculation I/O 17 • Fully supported for VASP • Supercell file generation supported for CP2K, FHI-aims, Quantum Espresso… (via pymatgen) • Fully customizable, hybrid or GGA DFT, SOC settings, magnetic moments, +U… • Automatically set appropriate charge and spin states

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18 Calculation Parsing • Native, automated parsing support for VASP • Thermodynamic/plotting/analysis agnostic of underlying DFT/ML/FF code • Automatic consistency checks for: • k-point settings • supercell sizes • pseudopotentials (POTCARs) • input file / basis set (INCAR) settings • charge corrections • Automatic determination of defect site, charge, point symmetry, strain field, charge correction, charge delocalization, configurational/spin degeneracy, formation energy… aiding analysis

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21 21 Finite-Size Charge Corrections As always, automated but fully flexible/controllable (sampling region, excluded atoms – useful for low-dimensional systems…) Automated estimation of error in charge correction energy, based on variance of site/electrostatic potential in sampling region Kumagai-Oba (eFNV); anisotropic Freysoldt (FNV); isotropic

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22 Formation Energy Diagrams 22 • With/out metastable states • Controllable grouping of same-type defects by distance between equiv. sites • Auto labelling of inequivalent sites by point symmetry & neighbour distances • Easy looping through chemical potential space (just set “X-rich/poor” etc) • Fully customizable (as w/correction plots) • … :

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23 • Efficient competing phase selection based on chosen error tolerances and database phase diagrams. • Automated grid interpolation for multi-dimensional property optimization (doping, defect concentration, luminescence, recombination…)* • Automated plotting, analysis tools… Chemical Potentials / Competing Phases Cu-Si-Se Phase Diagram (Materials Project) *Work by Dr Alex Squires

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24 Chemical Potentials / Competing Phases Cu-Si-Se Phase Diagram (Materials Project) • Efficient competing phase selection based on chosen error tolerances and database phase diagrams. • Automated grid interpolation for multi-dimensional property optimization (doping, defect concentration, luminescence, recombination…)* • Automated plotting, analysis tools… *Work by Dr Alex Squires

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25 Chemical Potentials / Competing Phases Cu-Si-Se Phase Diagram (Materials Project) • Efficient competing phase selection based on chosen error tolerances and database phase diagrams. • Automated grid interpolation for multi-dimensional property optimization (doping, defect concentration, luminescence, recombination…)* • Automated plotting, analysis tools… *Work by Dr Alex Squires

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26 Chemical Potentials / Competing Phases • Efficient competing phase selection based on chosen error tolerances and database phase diagrams. • Automated grid interpolation for multi-dimensional property optimization (doping, defect concentration, luminescence, recombination…)* • Automated plotting, analysis tools… *Work by Dr Alex Squires

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29 Further Thermodynamics 29 1. Mosquera-Lois Chem Soc Rev 2023 2. Kavanagh et al. Faraday Discussions 2022 • Automatic determination of relaxed point symmetries and corresponding orientational & spin degeneracy factors g – important!1,2 • Rapidly scan through chemical potential space, (non-)equilibrium (annealed & quenched) Fermi level / carrier concentrations • Native support for temperature-dependent electronic structure & chemical potentials • Dopability limits & doping windows • Transition levels (incl. metastable states)… !! = #exp −Δ) *" + …

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30 Further Thermodynamics 30 • Automatic determination of relaxed point symmetries and corresponding orientational & spin degeneracy factors g – important!1,2 • Rapidly scan through chemical potential space, (non-)equilibrium (annealed & quenched) Fermi level / carrier concentrations • Native support for temperature-dependent electronic structure & chemical potentials • Dopability limits & doping windows • Transition levels (incl. metastable states)… 1. Mosquera-Lois Chem Soc Rev 2023 2. Kavanagh et al. Faraday Discussions 2022 !! = #exp −Δ) *" +

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31 Further Thermodynamics 31 1. Mosquera-Lois Chem Soc Rev 2023 2. Kavanagh et al. Faraday Discussions 2022 • Automatic determination of relaxed point symmetries and corresponding orientational & spin degeneracy factors g – important!1,2 • Rapidly scan through chemical potential space, (non-)equilibrium (annealed & quenched) Fermi level / carrier concentrations • Native support for temperature-dependent electronic structure & chemical potentials • Dopability limits & doping windows • Transition levels (incl. metastable states)… !! = #exp −Δ) *" +

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32 Further Thermodynamics 32 1. Mosquera-Lois Chem Soc Rev 2023 2. Kavanagh et al. Faraday Discussions 2022 • Automatic determination of relaxed point symmetries and corresponding orientational & spin degeneracy factors g – important!1,2 • Rapidly scan through chemical potential space, (non-)equilibrium (annealed & quenched) Fermi level / carrier concentrations • Native support for temperature-dependent electronic structure & chemical potentials • Dopability limits & doping windows • Transition levels (incl. metastable states)… !! = #exp −Δ) *" +

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33 Reproducibility • All objects & info directly output to JSON/yaml • Small files with all necessary info to reproduce, encouraged! • Includes generated/parsed defects, calculation settings, competing phases, corrections, thermodynamics Python framework -> plug and play with other packages (e.g. CarrierCapture/nonrad/TLC for electron-hole recombination, pymatgen, ShakeNBreak, easyunfold, atomate2, AiiDA…)

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Acknowledgements Contributors: Alex Squires, Adair Nicolson, Irea Mosquera- Lois, Alex Ganose, Bonan Zhu, Katarina Brlec PhD Supervisors: Profs David Scanlon & Aron Walsh & user feedback, often from Walsh & Scanlon group members Current Funding & Position: Postdoc w/ Prof. Boris Kozinsky @ Harvard (Materials Intelligence Research (MIR) Group) Code docs: Kavanagh* et al. Journal of Open Source Software 2024 Scan for docs/paper: @Kavanagh_Sean_ Solar cells, batteries, thermoelectrics, transparent conductors, ferroelectrics, photocatalysts, phosphors…

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39 Automated Local Strain / Displacement Analysis

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40 Automated Shallow Defects / Perturbed Host States Analysis

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41 Automated Dopability Analysis

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42 Automated Transition Level Analysis

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• Automated charge correction error analysis • High-throughput compatibility (AiiDA, atomate(2)…) • Simple interface with CarrierCapture.jl, nonrad, ShakenBreak etc via pymatgen API • Multiprocessing & numerical optimization for expedited generation, parsing & analysis (even for highly-complex / disordered systems) • Concentration / formation energy / symmetry / … tabulation • Gas molecule generation for competing phases • … 43

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45 ShakeNBreak 45 Run calculations (semi-automated w/snb-run)

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46 Chemical Potentials / Competing Phases • Efficient competing phase selection based on error tolerances and database phase diagrams. • Automated grid interpolation for multi- dimensional property optimization (doping, defect concentration, luminescence, recombination…) • Automated plotting, analysis tools…

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47 Automated Symmetry & Orientational/Spin Degeneracy Analysis