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Buildıng a tıme machine with event sourcıng Alper Hankendi @alper_hankendi

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Agenda ➔ Getting Started Event Sourcing ➔ History of Event Sourcing ➔ Building Aggregates ➔ Projections ➔ Rolling Snapshot ➔ Related Concepts ➔ Evolution of Event Sourcing

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Once upon a time...

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Scalıng up...

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Let’s go asynchronous

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COMMANDs >>> Event sourcing

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COMMANDS vs events Command “Create Account” —> A request (imperative sentence) —> May fail —> May affect multiple Aggregates Rebuild Aggregate State From Commands

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COMMANDS vs events Event “Account Created” —> Statement of fact (past tense) —> Never fails —> May affect a single Aggregates —> Events are immutable Rebuild Aggregate State From Events

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What about reads?

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CQRS and Event sourcıng

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What about event storage?

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Column Types Partition Keys Clustering Columns Columns Event Table RowId text AggregateId text Event Time timespam Event Data blob Event Mapper string RowId AggregateId EventTime EventData EventMapper b7913401-f237-4378-b400-4597d26838fd ABC-001 2019 May 3 00:25:07 { "Owner": "Alper Hankendi", "Name": "TL" } namespace.AccountCreated 220e344d-d16b-4a45-b9c6-71d023320a29 DEF-001 2019 May 5 00:45:15 { "Amount": 233.0, "Description": "" } namespace.Deposited

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Event sourcing “Capture all changes to an application state as a sequence of events. “ M.Fowler

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Advantages of event sourcing —> Split logic from events —> Stable record of events, rather than just the final state —> Change logic and re-apply events —> Emit events we don’t need —> Add Logic to them after the fact (events..) —> audit free, yey!

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Event Sourcıng..use cases —> When the mode is complex —> Going to need additional behavior over time —> Need to re-run according to new rules Payroll , accounting, money/audit, banks and… “any state machine based business login”

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More concepts...

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A couple of concepts from ddd

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Interactıon wıth aggregates

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Commands Events Projections

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EVENT STORE Bank Account Created Deposited Withdrawn Change Owner Deposited

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EVENT STORE UPS! The bank says “Where ıs my commısıon ffs”? Bank Account Created Deposited Withdrawn Change Owner Deposited You can’t delete events...

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EVENT STORE UPS! The bank says “Where ıs my commısıon ffs”? Bank Account Created Deposited Withdrawn Change Owner Deposited you can fıx the past wıth adding a new event WithdrewFix

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How do I replay tons of events ? The problem is that there may be a large number of events between the beginning of time and the current point. You can imagine that an event stream with a million or many more events would be inefficient to load.

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The answer is “rollıng snapshot” Snapshot is a projection of the current state of an aggregate at a given point. It presents the desired state when all events to that point have been replayed.

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Gettıng and Savıng aggregates

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Evolutıon of ddd -- cqrs & event sourcıng -- event storming

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A couple of concepts from event stormıng

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Story Challenges —> Migrating product review data from Legacy system —> Big bang is forbidden —> Mobile Application needs backward compatibility —> Scalability (80M visit on product page, 1K command per second) —> Eventual Consistency —> Business Validation on command side

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FIN @alper_hankendi source code ps: code puzzling in readme file, fork the code and crack it!