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Machine learning libraries you'd wish you'd known about London Python 2018-01 Ian Ozsvald @IanOzsvald

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[email protected] @IanOzsvald[.com] London Python 2018-01 Introductions ● I’m an engineering data scientist ● Consulting in AI + Data Science for 15+ years Blog->

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[email protected] @IanOzsvald[.com] London Python 2018-01 Goals today ● Can I calculate on Pandas in parallel? ● Can I automate my machine learning? ● Is my regression working? ● Why did it make that decision? ● Github for examples: Builds on PyConUK 2016 – my introduction to Random Forests as a worked process with examples and graphs

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[email protected] @IanOzsvald[.com] London Python 2018-01 watermark for reproducibility

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[email protected] @IanOzsvald[.com] London Python 2018-01 Dask for Medium Data Tasks ● Pandas-compatible parallel processor ● Also see: Automated data exploration by Víctor Zabalza at PyConUK 2017 ● -quora-question-paris-competition/ ● In top 40% in < 6 days of effort

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[email protected] @IanOzsvald[.com] London Python 2018-01 Dask – 3.5* speedup

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[email protected] @IanOzsvald[.com] London Python 2018-01 TPOT – automated ML

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[email protected] @IanOzsvald[.com] London Python 2018-01 TPOT ● Used on Kaggle Mercedes (6 week competition, 5 days of my effort) ● In top 40% result with little more than TPOT and a few days ● Ensembled 3 estimators (2 from TPOT) ● es-mercedes-benz-greener-manufacturing

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[email protected] @IanOzsvald[.com] London Python 2018-01 pandas_profiling for EDA

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[email protected] @IanOzsvald[.com] London Python 2018-01 Why explain our models? ● Check that our model works as we’d expect in the real world – are the “important features” really important? Are they noise? ● Help colleagues gain confidence in the model ● Diagnose if certain examples are poorly understood

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[email protected] @IanOzsvald[.com] London Python 2018-01 Boston housing data ● Regress median-value (MEDV) from other features ● LSTAT - ‘low status %’ ● RM - ‘median rooms’ ● 13 features overall ● 506 rows

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[email protected] @IanOzsvald[.com] London Python 2018-01 Yellowbrick ● Lots of visualisations that plug into sklearn ● Classification – class balance, confusion matrix ● Regression – y vs ŷ, residual errors ● Presented at PyDataLondon 2017 ●

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[email protected] @IanOzsvald[.com] London Python 2018-01 Yellowbrick

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[email protected] @IanOzsvald[.com] London Python 2018-01 ELI5 ● “Explain it like I’m 5!” ● Feature Importance via Permutation Importance ● Prediction explanations including text ● Sklearn, XGBoost, LightGBM ●

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[email protected] @IanOzsvald[.com] London Python 2018-01 ELI5 - Permutation Importance ● Model agnostic, hopefully not skewed ● Useful with both RF and linear models RandomForest's feature importances:

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[email protected] @IanOzsvald[.com] London Python 2018-01 Explaining the regression ● ELI5 & LIME can explain single examples ● Expensive house – many rooms, low LSTAT %, good pupil/teacher ratio ● Cheap house – high LSTAT %, few rooms, maybe high nitric oxide pollution and lower pupil/teacher ratio ● These interpretations are different to the global feature importances ● Also see Kat Jarmul’s keynote @ PyDataWarsaw 2017: ● Michał Łopuszyński @ PyDataWarsaw

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[email protected] @IanOzsvald[.com] London Python 2018-01 ELI5 explanation ● Model specific ● Explain “46.8” ● Expensive property ● RM & LSTAT ● Some PTRATIO

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[email protected] @IanOzsvald[.com] London Python 2018-01 ELI5 explain many examples

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[email protected] @IanOzsvald[.com] London Python 2018-01 ELI5 explain many examples Few rooms, close to employment centres, lower LSTAT% Many rooms (big houses!)

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[email protected] @IanOzsvald[.com] London Python 2018-01 LIME (circa 2016) ● Locally linear classifiers built around the 1 data point you want to explain ● Model agnostic, even images & text! ●

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[email protected] @IanOzsvald[.com] London Python 2018-01 LIME ● 10.99 predicted (cheap property) ● Strong negative influences (from the mean price) – LSTAT, RM, NOX, ... Caveats:

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[email protected] @IanOzsvald[.com] London Python 2018-01 Closing... ● Diagnose your ML just like you debug your code – explain its working to colleagues ● Write-up: ● Data science team coaching – can I help? ● Questions in exchange for beer :-) ● Learn something? Please send me a postcard! ● See my longer diagnosis Notebook on github:

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[email protected] @IanOzsvald[.com] London Python 2018-01 Appendix: Dask – 3.5* speedup