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Symfony ImportMaps The modern toolchain for low-JS projects.

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Kévin Dunglas ➔ Symfony Core Team ➔ Creator of API Platform ➔ Co-founder of @dunglas

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➔ Symfony, JS and Cloud experts ➔ 100% employee-owned co-op ✊ ➔ Democratically managed 💬 ➔ 💌 12 YEARS OF EXPERTISE 70 COOPERATORS 300 CUSTOMERS 50 PROJECTS/YEAR

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Do You Still Need JavaScript?

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The Symfony UX Initiative

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➔ Turbo SPAs-like (almost) without JS ➔ Stimulus when you really need JavaScript ➔ Strada (not released yet) mobile hybrid apps (used by Hey) Hotwire

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Symfony UX Turbo

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Installing Symfony UX (Turbo)

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Installing Symfony UX (Turbo)

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➔ Node (JS runtime) ➔ NPM or Yarn (package manager) ➔ Webpack: JS bundler ➔ Encore: because Webpack is hard ➔ And many optional dependencies This is too much complexity! And hard to maintain. So You Need…

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➔ The web platform evolved, we can now do simpler! ➔ No Node, no NPM, no Webpack?! ➔ It’s possible with modern browsers! #UseThePlatform

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JavaScript Modules

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➔ Are supported by all modern browsers… ➔ …and by Node ➔ But only allow to import relative or absolute URLs ➔ Performance boost: download your modules in parallel thanks to HTTP/2+ multiplexing ➔ Better cache dynamics than large JS files JavaScript Modules

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➔ Importing “NPM packages” is not standard ➔ This syntax isn’t supported by default! ➔ But it’s very very common What About NPM Packages?

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Here Come Import Maps

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Part of The HTML Spec

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➔ String substitution for JavaScript modules imports ➔ Basically allow to use NPM (and other) JS packages! ➔ Natively supported by modern browsers ➔ A Polyfill exists for older browsers! Import Maps

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➔ Use JS modules to manage your modern JS ➔ No Node ➔ No NPM ➔ No Webpack! ➔ Inspired by rails/importmap-rails The Symfony ImportMaps Component

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➔ JS package manager ➔ CLI similar to Composer: require / update / remove ➔ Converts NPM as ESM module ➔ Relies on JSPM (open source CDN) ➔ Handles your local JavaScript code Features

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The importmap.php file your local JS code

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The Symfony ImportMaps Component

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The CLI and the Twig integration

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Download Packages Locally $ bin/console importmap:require @hotwired/stimulus --download

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Modules Preloading $ bin/console importmap:require @hotwired/stimulus --preload

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103 Early Hints © Google

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➔ Module preloading using 103 Early Hints thanks to 103 Early Hints and PHP

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103 Early Hints and FrankenPHP

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103 Early Hints and Symfony

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Import Maps and 103 Early Hints

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➔ CSS assets (we’re working on it) ➔ TypeScript, JSX and other non-standard JS: use Webpack Encore… ➔ …or better: API Platform! Next Steps and Limitations

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Thanks for your attention! ➔ Any questions ? @dunglas