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Migrate to Gradle version catalog and convention plugins Merab Tato Kutalia Android GDE @TatoKutalia

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πŸ—Ώ Stone Age - Groovy ● Easy setup ● Tons of examples Pros

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πŸ—Ώ Stone Age - Groovy ● Easy setup ● Tons of examples ● No type-safety ● Manual version management ● β€œext” blocks (no code completion) Pros / Cons

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β€œext” block classic dependency management

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🏰 Medieval Age- buildSrc ● Code completion ● IDE support (navigation) ● Type-safety Pros

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🏰 Medieval Age- buildSrc ● Code completion ● IDE support (navigation) ● Type-safety ● Non-trivial setup ● Frequent cache loss (version update clears the cache) ● Android Studio dependency update Pros / Cons

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buildSrc Typical module structure

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πŸš€ Modern Age - Version Catalog Pros ● Type safety ● Standard for libraries and plugins ● 1 line implementation via bundles ● No cache loss ● Auto dependency updates ● Best practices and easy to setup ● Publish 🀯

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πŸš€ Modern Age - Version Catalog ● Type safety ● Standard for libraries and plugins ● 1 line implementation via bundles ● No cache loss ● Auto dependency updates ● Best practices and easy to setup ● Publish 🀯 ● Android Studio support 🫠 ➑ β˜€ Pros / Cons

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πŸ“œ lib.versions.toml [versions] is used to declare the version numbers that will be referenced later by plugins and libraries. [libraries] Define the libraries [bundles] Are used to define a set of dependencies [plugins] Are used to define plugin

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σ° Ό Assemble

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1. create lib.versions.toml root gradle folder

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2. create Gradle plugin configure build.gradle.kts and settings.gradle.kts

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3. add plugin to root settings.gradle - Composite Build

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4. Enable feature stable in Gradle 7.4 not required when using 7.4+

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🚦 Limitations ● Not supported in precompiled scripts - use type-unsafe api ● IDE support? πŸš€

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☣ Type-Unsafe API

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πŸͺ› Tools - Renovate

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πŸͺ› Tools - refreshVersions

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Proprietary + Confidential 🫠 Android Studio

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πŸ— Convention Plugins ● Convention over configuration ● Standard API by Gradle ● Share build logic ● Composable ● Type-unsafe API for version catalogs 😭

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🦾 Assemble

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1. reuse/create Gradle plugin configure build.gradle.kts and settings.gradle.kts

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2. Code

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class AndroidApplicationConventionPlugin : Plugin { override fun apply(target: Project) { with(target) { } } }

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class AndroidApplicationConventionPlugin : Plugin { override fun apply(target: Project) { with(target) { with(pluginManager) { apply("") apply("") } } } }

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class AndroidApplicationConventionPlugin : Plugin { override fun apply(target: Project) { with(target) { with(pluginManager) { apply("") apply("") } extensions.configure { } } } }

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class AndroidApplicationConventionPlugin : Plugin { override fun apply(target: Project) { with(target) { with(pluginManager) { apply("") apply("") } extensions.configure { compileSdk = 33 } } } }

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class AndroidApplicationConventionPlugin : Plugin { override fun apply(target: Project) { with(target) { with(pluginManager) { apply("") apply("") } extensions.configure { compileSdk = 33 defaultConfig.apply { targetSdk = 33 minSdk = 26 applicationId = "me.tatocaster.gradleversioncatalogexample" versionCode = 1 versionName = "1.0" } } } } }

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class AndroidApplicationConventionPlugin : Plugin { override fun apply(target: Project) { with(target) { with(pluginManager) { apply("") apply("") } extensions.configure { compileSdk = 33 defaultConfig.apply { targetSdk = 33 minSdk = 26 applicationId = "me.tatocaster.gradleversioncatalogexample" versionCode = 1 versionName = "1.0" } compileOptions { sourceCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_11 targetCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_11 } } } } }

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🧩 Result

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🧩 Composable

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πŸ”Ž Explore β€œNow in Android”

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🧱 Resources ● Now In Android - ● Convention plugins - ● Version Update plugin -

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