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Autoloading on Autopilot by Jeremy Lindblom (@jeremeamia)

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About Me @jeremeamia

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● Includes ● Autoloaders ● Optimization ● Namespaces ● PSRs ● Composer Autoloading on Autopilot

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— Includes —

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a.php CODE CODE include ‘b.php’; CODE Includes = Why I Started Using PHP b.php CODE CODE CODE CODE Executed code CODE CODE CODE CODE CODE CODE CODE

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Includes = Why I Started Using PHP header.php sidebar.php main.php

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include include_once require require_once Including vs. Requiring What’s the difference between all of these?

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include include_once require require_once Including vs. Requiring On errors: include ➔ E_WARNING require ➔ E_COMPILE_ERROR “once”: Only loads file if you haven’t loaded it before.

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Including Classes - Not Fun

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The Bottom Line Explicit includes/requires are: 1. Necessary and helpful for procedural code. 2. Cumbersome and harmful for object- oriented code.

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— Autoloaders —

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What is an Autoloader? 1. A callback triggered when a non-existent class is referenced.

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What is an Autoloader? 1. A callback triggered when a non-existent class is referenced. 2. A function that provides a definition for a specified class name.

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What is an Autoloader? 1. A callback triggered when a non-existent class is referenced. 2. A function that provides a definition for a specified class name. “Providing a definition” can mean: ● Loading a class from a file (include/require) ● Dynamically creating a class (eval) ● Aliasing an existing class (class_alias)

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Autoloader Advantages ● Classes are loaded on demand ○ No need to write specific include statements ○ Class never loaded unless it’s needed ● Leads to better code maintainability ● Easy to write

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The Old Way – Includes everywhere require_once(‘classes/user.class.php’); require_once(‘classes/page.class.php’); // ... $page = Page::forTemplate(‘profile’); $page->set(‘user’, User::fetchById(5));

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Autoloading to the Rescue function __autoload($class) { $file = strtolower($class).‘.class.php’; require(‘classes/’.$file); } $page = Page::forTemplate(‘profile’); $page->set(‘user’, User::fetchById(5));

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Autoloading to the Rescue function __autoload($class) { $file = strtolower($class).‘.class.php’; require(‘classes/’.$file); } $page = Page::forTemplate(‘profile’); $page->set(‘user’, User::fetchById(5)); WHY NOT USE require_once?

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Implicit “Once” Autoloaders are only triggered if the specified class is not loaded, So… The “_once” is implied, since once you load a class, the autoloader won’t be called again.

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Implicit “Once” No need for these: ● include_once ● require_once Don’t use them anymore for loading classes.

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function __autoload($class) { $file = strtolower($class).‘.class.php’; require(‘classes/’.$file); } SOMETHING IS STILL WRONG WITH THIS CODE.

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function __autoload($class) { $file = strtolower($class).‘.class.php’; require(‘classes/’.$file); } YOU SHOULD NOT USE THIS FUNCTION SOMETHING IS STILL WRONG WITH THIS CODE.

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Please Use spl_autoload_register ● Added in PHP 5.1.2 ● Can register multiple autoloaders ○ Allows third-party libraries to provide their own! ● Can add an autoloader to the front or back of the autoloader queue ● Any use of __autoload gets superceded by spl_autoload_register

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Please Use spl_autoload_register spl_autoload_register(function ($c) { if ($c === ‘Foo’) require ‘lib/’; }); spl_autoload_register(function ($c) { $path = ‘classes/’.strtolower($c).‘.class.php’; if (file_exists($path)) require $path; });

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Errors in Autoloaders Do not throw exceptions or trigger errors in an autoloader. Give the rest of the chain a chance.

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— Optimization —

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BAD GOOD There are many ways to implement autoloaders.

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All classes in one file; no autoloader BAD GOOD

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Many autoloaders; Each can only load 1 class BAD GOOD

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— Namespaces —

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Namespaces ● Added in PHP 5.3 ● Prevents naming collisions ● Syntax: ○ Before Namespaces: Zend_Http_Client ○ With Namespaces: Zend\Http\Client ● Allows aliasing

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Namespaces - Defining

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Namespaces - Using

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— PSRs & PHP-FIG —

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● FIG = Framework Interop Group ● PSR - PHP Standards Recommendation ○ Autoloading: PSR-0, PSR-4 ○ Others: ■ PSR-1, PSR-2 - Coding style ■ PSR-3 - Logging interface ■ PSR-7 - HTTP message interface PHP-FIG

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Given class: Zend\Http\Client Load file: /Zend/Http/Client.php Autoloading PSRs

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Example Implementation (incomplete) spl_autoload_register(function ($class) { $path = str_replace(‘\\’, ‘/’, $class); if (file_exists($path)) require $path; });

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— Composer —

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Composer - “Dependency Manager for PHP” ● Installs dependencies (a.k.a. third-party libraries) into your project. ● Creates an autoloader capable of autoloading everything in your project.

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Setting up Autoloading w/ Composer Your files: Project/ |- README |- composer.json |- src/ |- Foo.php (contains SeaPhp\Example\Foo) |- Bar.php (contains SeaPhp\Example\Bar)

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Setting up Autoloading w/ Composer In your composer.json: ... "autoload": { "psr-4": { "SeaPhp\\Example\\": "src/" } }

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Autoloading on Autopilot w/ Composer In your project root: $ composer.phar install

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Autoloading on Autopilot w/ Composer In your index.php:

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— Optimization — (Revisited)

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BAD GOOD Composer autoloader (1 autoloader handles all classes)

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Classmap Autoloading In your project root: $ composer.phar dumpautoload -o

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Classmap Autoloading spl_autoload_register(function ($c) use ($paths) { if (isset($paths[$c])) require $paths[$c]; }); // vs. spl_autoload_register(function ($c) { $path = str_replace(‘\\’, ‘/’, $class); if (file_exists($path)) require $path; });

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BAD GOOD Composer dumped autoloader (1 autoloader; fast lookup; no file_exists)

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Summary of Best Practices 1. Don’t use include_once or require_once 2. Use spl_autoload_register, not __autoload 3. Don’t throw exceptions in autoloaders 4. One class per file 5. Namespaces/classes match directories/files 6. Follow PSR-4 (or PSR-0) 7. Use Composer, even if no dependencies 8. Use classmap autoloaders in production

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Autoloading on Autopilot by Jeremy Lindblom (@jeremeamia)