“any style guide written in English is
either so brief that it’s ambiguous, or so
long that no one reads it.”
Bob Nystrom
The Hardest Program I've Ever Written
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Code Formatter!!
“Spend more time discussing important
issues in code review and less time on
code style. Scalafmt formats code so that
it looks consistent between people on
your team.”
maxColumn (default: 80)
// before
class ExtendTest extends A with B with C with D
// after (maxCoulumn=20)
class ExtendTest
extends A
with B
with C
with D
continuationIndent.callSite (default: 2)
// before
foo: Type,
bar: Type
// after
foo: Type,
bar: Type
Slide 18
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continuationIndent.defnSite (default: 4)
// before
def function(
foo: Type,
bar: Type
// after
def function(
foo: Type,
bar: Type
Slide 19
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continuationIndent.extendSite (default: 4)
// before
class UserProfile
extends Profile
with SomeTrait
// after
class UserProfile
extends Profile
with SomeTrait
Slide 20
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- none
- some (default)
- more
- most
align.tokens で詳細を設定できるが、上記の4種類で十分
Slide 21
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align = none
// before
x match {
case "foo" => 1 // comment
case "hoge" => 123 // comment
case "foobar" => 12345 // comment
// after
x match {
case "foo" => 1 // comment
case "hoge" => 123 // comment
case "foobar" => 12345 // comment
Slide 22
Slide 22 text
align = some (default)
// before
x match {
case "foo" => 1 // comment
case "hoge" => 123 // comment
case "foobar" => 12345 // comment
// after (case match の => のみ align する)
x match {
case "foo" => 1 // comment
case "hoge" => 123 // comment
case "foobar" => 12345 // comment
Slide 23
Slide 23 text
align = more
// before
x match {
case "foo" => 1 -> 1 // comment
case "hoge" => 123 -> 123 // comment
case "foobar" => 12345 -> 12345 // comment
// after (// や -> も)
x match {
case "foo" => 1 -> 1 // comment
case "hoge" => 123 -> 123 // comment
case "foobar" => 12345 -> 12345 // comment
Slide 24
Slide 24 text
align = more
// before
val foo = 1
val hoge = 2
libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
"org.scala-lang" % "scala-compiler" % scalaVersion.value,
"com.tanishiking" %% "scalaunfmt" % "0.0.1"
// after (= や sbtの % も)
val foo = 1
val hoge = 2
libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
"org.scala-lang" % "scala-compiler" % scalaVersion.value,
"com.tanishiking" %% "scalaunfmt" % "0.0.1"
Slide 25
Slide 25 text
align = most
// before
for {
x <- List()
yyy = 2
} yield {
// ...
// after (<- と = をもalign)
for {
x <- List()
yyy = 2
} yield {
// ...
RewriteRules - AvoidInfix
// before
foo toList map { x =>
x should have length 5
// after
foo.toList.map { x =>
(x should have).length(5)
Slide 28
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RewriteRules - RedundantBraces
// before
val x: Int => String = {
case 2 => { "two" }
case _ => { "other" }
// after
val x: Int => String = {
case 2 => "two"
case _ => "other"
Slide 29
Slide 29 text
RewriteRules - RedundantParens
// before
for {
a <- b
if ((b ++ b).length >= 2)
} yield a
// after
for {
a <- b
if (b ++ b).length >= 2
} yield a
Slide 30
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RewriteRules - SortModifiers
// before
final lazy private implicit val x = 42
lazy final implicit private val y = 42
// after
implicit final private lazy val x = 42
implicit final private lazy val y = 42
sortModifiers.order = [“implicit”, “final” … ] で順番の設定も可能
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RewriteRules - SortImports
// before
import a.b.{c, a, b}, k.{
g, f
// after
import a.b.{a, b, c}, k.{f, g}