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GCP for data scientists Giulia Bianchi 08 feb 2019 1

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@Giuliabianchl giulbia Data Scientist 2

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3 Google announcement GCP podcast episode 117

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Democratising AI 4 To everyone and every business

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Democrating the cloud 5 to those who know about AI

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The cloud in 3 slides 6

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Twitter 7

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Shift from On-premises to *aaS ● Iaas ● Paas ● Saas 8 SaaS vs PaaS vs IaaS: What’s The Difference and How To Choose

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Who says "cloud" says "managed services" ● Remote physical machines ● Managed by the provider → no need to care about the infrastructure and architecture ● Pay for usage → not for rent 9

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Why 10 Why are we even talking about it?

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Why a data scientist should care about the cloud ● Access to theoretically unlimited resources ● Rapidity of provisioning ● Reliability → PROCESS DATA FASTER! 11 How reliable is Google Cloud

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What Google Cloud Platform - the cloud by Google 12

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What are the services offered by GCP for AI/ML? 13 Cloud AutoML Vision From conceptdraw

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Cloud ML engine 14 ML engine docs

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How A glimpse to GCP 15

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Concretely ● Set up a GCP account (gmail ID needed) ● Sign in Google Cloud Console and set up a project ($$$) ● Install Cloud SDK 16

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Resources ● MOOC Coursera - Data Engineering on Google Cloud Platform ● On-line GCP documentation ● GCP podcast 17

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Machine Learning in 3 words ● TRAINING → Automatically learn a set rules from a known dataset ● PREDICTION → Assess new data ● FEATURE ENGINEERING → Data have to be processed before training and prediction 18

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Parenting 3.0 19 Hands on!

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Back to "Parenting 2.0" ● Train a model to detect a baby crying and start a lullaby if need be ● Feature engineering and model training locally (PC) ● Recording, feature engineering and prediction on Raspberry Pi 20 giulbia/baby_cry_detection

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Back to "Parenting 2.0" ● Train a model to detect a baby crying and start a lullaby if need be ● Feature engineering and model training locally (PC) ● Recording, feature engineering and prediction on Raspberry Pi 21 giulbia/baby_cry_detection It takes about 45 seconds...

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The intuition ● Recording on Raspberry Pi ● Use GCP for feature engineering and prediction 22 Recording Storage

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The intuition ● Recording on Raspberry Pi ● Use GCP for feature engineering and prediction 23 Recording Storage trained model ML Engine Prediction

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The intuition ● Recording on Raspberry Pi ● Use GCP for feature engineering and prediction 24 (*) Storage ML Engine Recording Storage trained model ML Engine

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Data pre-processing needs to be done BEFORE ml engine... 25 (*)

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26 FE FE FE FE FE P P P P P 1. FE → feature engineering 2. P → prediction 3. Maj. vote & 4. Final pred. → final prediction is positive iff at least 3 subsequences have a positive prediction Majority vote Final prediction

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giulbia/baby_cry_rpi giulbia/gcp-rpi 27 From PI to Storage

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28 FE FE FE FE FE P P P P P Majority vote Final prediction QUESTIONS 1. Dependencies? 2. How to trigger each step? 3. How to send the answer back to Raspberry Pi? From Storage to??

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29 FE FE FE FE FE P P P P P Majority vote 1. FE Final prediction ANSWERS BY GOOGLE CLOUD FUNCTIONS ● Background function ● Trigger type → Cloud Storage ○ Bucket → parenting-3-recording ○ Event type → Finalize/Create ● Dependencies → requirements.txt ● Easy access to Cloud ML Engine API From Storage to Functions

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30 FE FE FE FE FE P P P P P Majority vote 1. FE 2. P Final prediction From Functions to ML engine

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31 FE FE FE FE FE P P P P P Majority vote 1. FE 2. P 3. MV & 4. FP Final prediction Back to Functions, Storage and PI!

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giulbia/baby_cry_rpi giulbia/gcp-rpi 32 Results It takes about 5 seconds!

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giulbia/baby_cry_rpi giulbia/gcp-rpi 33 Some code: Function

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giulbia/baby_cry_rpi giulbia/gcp-rpi 34 Some code: Function

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giulbia/baby_cry_rpi giulbia/gcp-rpi 35 Some code: Function

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giulbia/baby_cry_rpi giulbia/gcp-rpi 36 Some code: Predict

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● Pricing system based on quotas ○ number of requests over time ○ training vs. prediction ○ it depends on regions ○ it depends on the machine used [scale tiers] ● Simulation [price calculator] ○ Europe, training job takes 15 minutes, 4 cpu, 15GB ○ batch prediction takes 36 seconds ○ it costs $0.08 per month ● Until now I paid nothing 37 Let's talk money (ML Engine)

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Towards "Parenting 4.0" ● Training in GCP ○ Upload training data ● Push it further with TensorFlow ● Other options for exploration and preprocessing ○ Cloud Datalab ○ BigQuery ○ Cloud Dataproc ○ Cloud Dataflow ○ Cloud Dataprep 38

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Conclusion 39

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● Huge potential for data science ● A data scientist can help to exploit it at its most ● Now make it data scientist friendly! 40

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THX 41 Icones from kisspng or made by Freepik from flaticon