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Scaling ASP.NET Core Applications David Fowler @davidfowl Damian Edwards @damianedwards

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Disclaimer • We don’t build real applications • We see *A LOT* of broken applications • We help customers solve their scalability issues

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What do we mean by “scale”? • Scale is a measure of user/request/connections per scale- unit (machine, container etc) • If you do nothing, you can scale it infinitely – Scott Hanselman

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Types of scaling • Horizontal scale (scaling out) • Adding more units of scale (machines/VMs/containers etc) • Vertical scale (scaling up) • Adding more capable resources to an existing scale unit (CPU, memory, bandwidth)

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Why doesn’t my application scale? • “Work” that doesn’t clean up after itself • Creating work faster than work is being executed

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What affects scale • CPU • Hot paths in your application • Contended locks • Memory • Memory leaks (work isn’t cleaning up properly when complete) • Inefficient memory usage (using more memory than expected for the work) • IO • Ephemeral port exhaustion • Running out of disk/storage space • Blocking • Bandwidth & latency

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What affects scale (CLR) • GC • Too many GC pauses • ThreadPool • Thread pool starvation • Timers • Too many timers • Exceptions • Locks • Highly contended locks • Synchronous IO

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Async Programming • Doing async right can increase scalability • Doing async wrong can severely decrease scalability • .NET has lots of async traps • The number one rule is DON’T BLOCK

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Load testing • Scale issues usually show up when it’s too late • It’s important to figure out how much load your application can handle • For a fixed RPS, monitor CPU usage and memory usage • Understand how much each scale unit in your deployment can handle (e.g. each VM can handle 1000 RPS)

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Load testing Run load tests Find bottleneck Fix issues

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Scalability Checklist: CPU • Machine resources • CPU usage • CLR resources • ThreadPool (work-items and worker threads) • GC (Gen0, Gen1 and Gen2) collections • Locks • Application logic • Serialization • Chatty IO

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Scalability Checklist: Memory • Machine resources • Memory usage • Number of threads • CLR resources • Timers • GC (heap sizes for Gen0, Gen1 and Gen2) • Application logic • Strings • Reading everything into memory instead of using streaming data • Disk IO • Network IO • Disposable objects not being disposed • AsyncLocal leaks

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Scalability Checklist: IO • Machine resources • Number of open files/handles/sockets (check ulimit) • CLR resources • IO threads • Application logic • HttpClient • DbConnection/SqlConnection • FileStream • Inefficient buffering (lots of small reads/writes packets)

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Sync over Async

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ThreadPool • Sync over async • APIs that masquerade as synchronous but are actually blocking async methods • Uses 2 threads to complete a single operation • Blocking APIs are BAD • Avoid blocking APIs where possible e.g. Task.Wait, Task.Result, Thread.Sleep, GetAwaiter.GetResult() • Excessive blocking on thread pool threads can cause starvation • Thread injection rate beyond configured max is slow (2 per second)

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Sync over Async

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Demo: Sync over async

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Cache Lookup

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Highly contended locks • Web applications are highly concurrent • Highly contended locks can be a death knell for scalable services • Lock contention is sometimes hard to look at in basic profilers • Visual Studio Concurrency Visualizer • dotTrace timeline view • Prefer concurrent data structures • Understand which operations take locks and which operations are lock free • Know what BCL APIs take locks on your behalf • String.Intern • System.Drawing (GDI)

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Demo: Cache Lookup

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Parsing a JSON payload

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GC issues • Allocating memory is very cheap, collecting it isn’t • Allocating lots of memory can lead to GC pauses • Allocating objects over 85KB in size ends up on the LOH (large object heap) • The LOH is collected with Gen2 but not compacted (by default)

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Demo: Parsing a JSON payload

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TimerQueue • There’s a TimerQueue per CPU Core • Timers within a TimerQueue form a linked list • Timers are optimized for adding and removing • Timer callbacks are scheduled to the thread pool • Each TimerQueue is protected by a lock • Disposing the timer removes it from the queue

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TimerQueue TimerQueue TimerQueueTimer TimerQueueTimer TimerQueueTimer TimerQueueTimer TimerQueueTimer TimerQueue TimerQueueTimer TimerQueueTimer TimerQueueTimer TimerQueueTimer TimerQueueTimer

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Demo: Timer leak

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Demo: Timeout (fixed)

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.NET Async traps

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.NET Async traps

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.NET Async traps: ConcurrentDictionary

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.NET Async traps

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.NET Async traps

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.NET Async traps

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.NET Async traps

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.NET Async traps

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Diagnostics: Performance Traces • Types of issues • High CPU • Tools • Visual Studio • dotTrace • PerfView • dotnet-collect

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Diagnostics: Post Mortem Debugging • Types of issues • Crashes • Hangs (sync and async) • Memory leaks • Locks • Tools • Visual Studio • Windbg • lldb • dotnet-analyze • dotMemory

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Future Enhancements • Improved documentation on how to scale web services • Improvements to the thread pool to better handle blocking workers • Analyzers to catch common mistakes with asynchronous programming • Tools to help better diagnose common issues • Async hangs • Thread pool starvation • More counters in .NET Core • Reduce the amount of .NET async traps • IAsyncDisposable • FileStream (sync over async)

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In summary… coding is hard