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The XPath to Discovery @NathanLess Jonathan Moore

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What I do I solve problems About me Technical SEO Consultant

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Critiquing other people’s websites is easy #BrightonSEO @nathanless

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#BrightonSEO @nathanless

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12 #BrightonSEO @nathanless

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XPath is a query language. We can use it to select elements from an XML or HTML document. #BrightonSEO @nathanless

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XPath is mainly used in XSLT but can also be used as a much more powerful way of navigating through the DOM. Source: #BrightonSEO @nathanless

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Control + Shift + C 16 #BrightonSEO @nathanless

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Control + F 18 #BrightonSEO @nathanless

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#BrightonSEO @nathanless

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Hello World!

Attribute and Value Text Content Opening Tag Closing Tag #BrightonSEO @nathanless

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// a 21 Axis Step #BrightonSEO @nathanless

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#BrightonSEO @nathanless

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#BrightonSEO @nathanless

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#BrightonSEO @nathanless

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#BrightonSEO @nathanless

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#BrightonSEO @nathanless

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// Fundamentals

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// footer // a 29 Axis Step Axis Step // Descendants #BrightonSEO @nathanless

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#BrightonSEO @nathanless

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//meta[@name="description"] 31 // Exact Match #BrightonSEO @nathanless

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#BrightonSEO @nathanless

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/ / m e t a [ c o n t a i n s ( @ p r o p e r t y , " o g : " ) ] 33 // Contains #BrightonSEO @nathanless

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#BrightonSEO @nathanless

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/ / s c r i p t [ @ s r c a n d @ d e f e r ] 35 // And #BrightonSEO @nathanless

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#BrightonSEO @nathanless

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/ / l i n k [ c o n t a i n s ( @ r e l , " n e x t " ) o r c o n t a i n s ( @ r e l , " p r e v " ) ] 37 // Or #BrightonSEO @nathanless

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#BrightonSEO @nathanless

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/ / i m g [ n o t ( @ a l t ] 39 // Negation #BrightonSEO @nathanless

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#BrightonSEO @nathanless

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//a[ cont ains (tex t(), "for sal e in May fair ")] 41 // Text #BrightonSEO @nathanless

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#BrightonSEO @nathanless

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// Combinations

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//link[@rel="alternate"] /@hreflang 44 // Href Lang #BrightonSEO @nathanless

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#BrightonSEO @nathanless

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/ / * / @ * [ s t a r t s - w i t h ( n a m e ( ) , " d a t a - " ) ] 46 // Data Attributes #BrightonSEO @nathanless

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/ / l i n k [ c o n t a i n s ( @ r e l , " d n s - p r e f e t c h " ) o r c o n t a i n s ( @ r e l , " p r e c o n n e c t " ) o r c o n t a i n s ( @ r e l , " p r e l o a d " ) o r c o n t a i n s ( @ r e l , " p r e f e t c h " ) o r c o n t a i n s ( @ r e l , " p r e r e n d e r " ) ] 48 // Resource Hints #BrightonSEO @nathanless

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#BrightonSEO @nathanless

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/ / * [ s e l f : : h 1 o r s e l f : : h 2 o r s e l f : : h 3 o r s e l f : : h 4 o r s e l f : : h 5 o r s e l f : : h 6 ] 50 // Header Elements #BrightonSEO @nathanless

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#BrightonSEO @nathanless

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/ / h e a d / * [ s e l f : : i m g o r s e l f : : i f r a m e o r s e l f : : n o s c r i p t ] 52 // Invalid tags #BrightonSEO @nathanless

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#BrightonSEO @nathanless

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//picture/img 54 // Picture Element Images #BrightonSEO @nathanless

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#BrightonSEO @nathanless

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/ / i m g [ n o t ( c o n t a i n s ( @ l o a d i n g , " l a z y " ) o r c o n t a i n s ( @ c l a s s , " l a z y " ) o r c o n t a i n s ( @ c l a s s , " l a z y l o a d e d " ) ) ] 56 // Image Lazy Loading #BrightonSEO @nathanless

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#BrightonSEO @nathanless

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//a[substring(@href, string-length(@href) = '/')] 58 // URLs with trailing slash #BrightonSEO @nathanless

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#BrightonSEO @nathanless

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//a[not(substring(@href, string-length(@href)) = '/')] 60 // URLs without trailing slash #BrightonSEO @nathanless

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#BrightonSEO @nathanless

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// Scale

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#BrightonSEO @nathanless

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#BrightonSEO @nathanless

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#BrightonSEO @nathanless

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#BrightonSEO @nathanless

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//count() 67 // Count #BrightonSEO @nathanless

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#BrightonSEO @nathanless

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//boolean() 69 // Boolean #BrightonSEO @nathanless

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#BrightonSEO @nathanless

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#BrightonSEO @nathanless

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// Takeaways

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Find the root cause #BrightonSEO @nathanless

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Master the fundamentals #BrightonSEO @nathanless

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Use combinations #BrightonSEO @nathanless

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Have fun and experiment #BrightonSEO @nathanless

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#BrightonSEO @nathanless Presentation Examples

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Thank You #BrightonSEO @nathanless