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Du GraphQL 100% Kotlin Avec Apollo-Android Talking.kt - 2020 1

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Du GraphQL 100% Kotlin avec Apollo-Android @martinbonnin 2

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Kotlin 3 Graphql Moderne Typage fort Null safe Des outils Moderne Typage fort Null safe Des outils ❤

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Moderne 4 ● Query Language ● 2012: Facebook ● 2015: Release publique ● 2018: Linux Foundation ●

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● Objets ● Scalaires ○ Boolean ○ Int ○ Float ○ String Typage fort 5 type User { login: String bio: String isBountyHunter: Boolean status: UserStatus issueComments: List } User Github

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● Objets ● Scalaires ○ Boolean ○ Int ○ Float ○ String Typage fort 6 type User { login: String bio: String isBountyHunter: Boolean status: UserStatus issueComments: List } User Github

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● Objets ● Scalaires ○ Boolean ○ Int ○ Float ○ String Typage fort 7 type User { login: String bio: String isBountyHunter: Boolean status: UserStatus issueComments: List } User Github

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● Objets ● Scalaires ○ Boolean ○ Int ○ Float ○ String Typage fort 8 type User { login: String bio: String isBountyHunter: Boolean status: UserStatus issueComments: List } User Github

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● Objets ● Scalaires ○ Boolean ○ Int ○ Float ○ String Typage fort 9 type User { login: String bio: String isBountyHunter: Boolean status: UserStatus issueComments: List } User Github

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● Mais aussi: ○ Interfaces ○ Listes ○ Enums ○ Unions Typage fort 10 type User implements Node { id: ID! login: String bio: String [...] } User Github

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Null safety ❗ 11 type User { login: String❗ bio: String isBountyHunter: Boolean❗ status: UserStatus issueComments: List❗ }

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Schema 12 { "data" { "__schema": { "types": [ { "kind": "OBJECT", "name": "User", "description": "A user is an individual..", "fields": [...], "interfaces": [...], }, [...] ] } }

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En pratique... 14

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● Générateur automatique Apollo-Android 15 user.graphql Schema.json UserQuery.kt

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Apollo-Android 16 query { viewer { login bio status { emoji message } } } data class Viewer( val __typename: String = "User", /** * The username used to login. */ val login: String, /** * The user's public profile bio. */ val bio: String?, /** * The user's description of what they're currently doing. */ val status: UserQuery.Status? )

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Depreciation 17 query { pinnedRepositories { nodes { id } } } /** * A list of repositories this user has pinned to their profile */ @Deprecated(message = "pinnedRepositories will be removed Use ProfileOwner.pinnedItems instead. Removal on 2019-10-01 UTC.") val pinnedRepositories: PinnedRepositories

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Runtime 18 val client = ApolloClient.builder() .serverUrl("") .build() val viewer = runBlocking { client.query(UserQuery()) .toDeferred() .await() .data() .viewer() }

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● Parsing Json ● Requête HTTP ● Coroutines ● Cache Runtime 19 ● Android/JVM ● MPP ?

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● Rajout d’une dépendance ● es/4723 Java -> Kotlin MPP 20

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● Compatibilité source/binaire ○ Checked exception ○ Methodes et classes finales ○ Optionel par defaut ○ Les data class explosent la surface d’API ○ @JvmField ● Japicmp Java -> Kotlin MPP 21

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● Modèles + Parsing ✅ ● Runtime + Cache ❌ Java -> Kotlin MPP 22

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Kotlin + Graphql = ❤ Typage fort du backend au frontend Bientôt MPP 23

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Merci ! @martinbonnin 24

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● Graphql-kotlin (Expedia) ● ● Server side 25

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● HTTP cache ● Normalized cache ○ In Memory ○ SQLLite Cache 26

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runBlocking { client.subscribe(UserSubscription()) .toFlow() .collect { // do something with data } } Subscriptions 27