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Angular 2: Getting Started Shmuela Jacobs Campus TLV, 31.5.2016

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Shmuela Jacobs - ng-ninja by day - Octo-Kitten by evening - vegan Goblin by night Sr. Web Developer @ 500Tech

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ReactNext 2016 September 15 Dan Panorama, Tel Aviv

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• Intro to Angular 2 • TypeScript • App architecture • Components • Built-in Directives • Services • Http • Routing

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Angular 2

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No content

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JavaScript + Types TypeScript ES6 (ES-2015) JavaScript (ES5) • type checking
 string, number, boolean, any, Array • custom types - interfaces • code help - intellisense • decorators • and more... Typescript: Angular 2's Secret Weapon - Dan Wahlin ng-conf 2016:

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 class Dog { age = 0;
 children = [];
 talk(times: number) {
 const bark = 'Ruff! ';
 return bark.repeat(times);
 let Ziggi = new Dog();
 console.log(; TypeScript + tooling

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interface Animal {
 age: number,
 children: Array,
 talk(times: number): string
 } class Dog implements Animal { age = 0;
 children = [];
 talk(times: number) {
 const bark = 'Ruff! ';
 return bark.repeat(times);
 let Ziggi = new Dog();
 console.log(; TypeScript + tooling

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Setting up the environment

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option #2

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App Architecture

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E-Store search 4

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E-Store search 4

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E-Store search 4 


 appRoot my-store header search-bar products-list nav-bar product product product product x

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appRoot my-store header search-bar products-list nav-bar product product product product x Component tree

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appRoot my-store header search-bar products-list nav-bar product product product product x Component tree ( output ) [ input ]

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appRoot my-store header search-bar products-list nav-bar product product product product x Change Detection product name changed

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appRoot my-store header search-bar products-list nav-bar product product product product x Change Detection product name changed using OnPush change detection strategy

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Component Template > Controller { } Style {CSS}

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Component Template > Controller { } Style {CSS} Hi She Codes!

Hi {{name}}!

name = 'She Codes'; h1 { color: red }

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Component Template > Controller { } Directive { } Component > + { } Service { } Style {CSS} Hi She Codes!

Hi {{name}}!

name = 'She Codes'; h1 { color: red }

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appRoot my-store header search-bar products-list nav-bar product product product shopping cart service product x inject provide Services

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appRoot my-store header search-bar products-list nav-bar product product product shopping cart service product x inject provide provide Services

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appRoot my-store header search-bar products-list nav-bar product product product product x Services product service

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appRoot my-store header search-bar products-list nav-bar product product product product x Routing

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E-Store search 4

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E-Store search 4

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appRoot my-store header search-bar products-list nav-bar product product product product x Routing Router

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Break Angular 2 Project Setup With Angular CLI Shmuela Jacobs @ShmuelaJ

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appRoot my-store header search-bar products-list nav-bar product product product product x Component tree

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Bootstrapping the root component // main.ts import { bootstrap } from '@angular/platform-browser-dynamic';
 import { MyStoreComponent } from './app/';
 // index.html 
 System.import('system-config.js').then(function () {

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Module Component Template > Controller { } Directive { } Component > + { } Service { } Style {CSS}

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Bootstrapping the root component // main.ts import { bootstrap } from '@angular/platform-browser-dynamic';
 import { MyStoreComponent } from './app/';
 // index.html 
 System.import('system-config.js').then(function () {

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Bootstrapping the root component // main.ts import { bootstrap } from '@angular/platform-browser-dynamic';
 import { MyStoreComponent } from './app/';
 // index.html 
 System.import('system-config.js').then(function () {

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Basic component import { Component } from '@angular/core';
 selector: 'my-store',
 templateUrl: './app/my-store.component.html', 
 export class MyStoreComponent {}

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Basic component import { Component } from '@angular/core'; 
 @Component({ moduleId:,
 selector: 'my-store',
 templateUrl: 'my-store.component.html'
 export class MyStoreComponent {}

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Basic component import { Component } from '@angular/core'; 
 @Component({ moduleId:,
 selector: 'my-store', template: '


 export class MyStoreComponent {}

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Basic component import { Component } from '@angular/core'; 
 @Component({ moduleId:,
 selector: 'my-store', template: '


', styleUrls: ['product.component.css']
 export class MyStoreComponent {}

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Using child component my-store import { Component } from '@angular/core'; import { ProductComponent } from './product/product.component';
 @Component({ moduleId:,
 selector: 'my-store', template: '', directives: [ProductComponent]
 export class MyStoreComponent {}

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Using child component import { Component } from '@angular/core'; import { ProductComponent } from './product;
 @Component({ moduleId:,
 selector: 'my-store', template: '', directives: [ProductComponent]
 export class MyStoreComponent {}
 // product/index.ts - barrel export { ProductComponent } from './action.component'; my-store

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Basic component import { Component } from '@angular/core';
 selector: 'product',
 templateUrl: 'app/product/product.component.html'
 export class ProductComponent {}
 // parent component template product my-store // generate new component > ng g c product

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Basic component import { Component } from '@angular/core';
 selector: 'product',
 templateUrl: 'product.component.html'
 export class ProductComponent {}
 // parent component template product my-store // generate new component > ng g c product

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Basic component import { Component } from '@angular/core';
 selector: 'product',
 template: `

Hello World!

 export class ProductComponent {}
 product // generate new component > ng g c product

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Binding to controller member import { Component } from '@angular/core';
 selector: 'product',
 template: `

{{ title }}

 export class ProductComponent { title = 'Hello World!'; }
 product // generate new component > ng g c product

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Binding to controller method import { Component } from '@angular/core';
 selector: 'product',
 template: `

{{ getTitle() }}

 export class ProductComponent { 
 getTitle() {
 return 'Hello World!';
 } }
 product // generate new component > ng g c product

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Class members and methods import { Component } from '@angular/core';
 selector: 'product',
 template: `

{{ getTitle() }}

 export class ProductComponent { title = 'Hello World!'; 
 getTitle() {
 return this.title;
 } getTitle2() {
 return this.getTitle();
 } }

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Typings import { Component } from '@angular/core';
 selector: 'product',
 template: `

{{ getTitle() }}

 export class ProductComponent { title: string = 'Hello World!'; 
 getTitle(): string {
 return this.title;
 } }

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Passing input import { Component } from '@angular/core';
 selector: 'product',
 template: `

{{ title }}

`, inputs: ['title']
 export class ProductComponent { title: string; }
 // parent component template 
 product my-store [ input ]

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Binding input import { Component } from '@angular/core';
 selector: 'product',
 template: `

{{ title }}

`, inputs: ['title']
 export class ProductComponent { title: string; }
 // parent component template 
 // parent component controller productTitle ='Hello World!'; product my-store [ input ]

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Binding input import { Component } from '@angular/core';
 selector: 'product',
 template: `

{{ product.title }}

`, inputs: ['product']
 export class ProductComponent { product: any; }
 // parent component template 
 // parent component controller productToDisplay = { title: 'Hello World!' }; product my-store [ input ]

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Binding to element property import { Component } from '@angular/core';
 selector: 'product',
 template: `

{{ product.title }}

`, inputs: ['product']
 export class ProductComponent { product: any; }
 // parent component template 
 // parent component controller productToDisplay = { title: 'Hello World!', color: 'red' }; product my-store [ input ]

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Catching events import { Component } from '@angular/core';
 selector: 'product',
 template: `

{{ product.title }}

 Change Color`, inputs: ['product']
 export class ProductComponent { product: any;
 changeColor() {
 this.product.color = 'blue'; } }
 // parent component template
 // parent component controller productToDisplay = { title: 'Hello World!', color: 'red' }; product my-store ( output ) button

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Emitting events import { Component, EventEmitter } from '@angular/core';
 selector: 'product',
 template: `

{{ product.title }}

 Green Blue`, inputs: ['product'], outputs: ['color']
 export class ProductComponent { product: any; 
 color = new EventEmitter();
 changeColor(chosenColor) {
 } }
 product ( output ) my-store

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Catching custom events (parent) @Component({ ... selector: 'product',
 inputs: ['product'], outputs: ['color']
 import { Component } from '@angular/core'; import { ProductComponent } from './product';
 @Component({ moduleId:,
 selector: 'my-store', template: ` `, directives: [ProductComponent]
 export class MyStoreComponent { productToDisplay = { title: 'Hello World!', color: 'red' };
 changeProductColor(event) {
 this.productToDisplay.color = event;
 } } product ( output ) my-store

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Built-in Directives

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ng-if *ngIf

{{ product.title }}
 - Love it!

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ng-show / ng-hide [hidden]

{{ product.title }}
 - Love it!

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 ng-repeat *ngFor

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ng-model [(ngModel)]

{{ product.title }}

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More built-in directives ng-class [ngClass] ng-style [ngStyle] ng-switch *ngSwitch ng-switch-when *ngSwitchWhen ng-switch-default *ngSwitchDefault form form (QTOUCTGCYJQNG PQVJGTUWDLGEV

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Submit Template reference variables

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Submit Template reference variables

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More about Components: Lifecycle

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constructor import { Component } from '@angular/core'; 
 selector: 'product',
 templateUrl: 'product.component.html'
 export class ProductComponent { constructor() {
 // do simple stuff
 } }

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constructor import { Component } from '@angular/core'; import { ProductService } from '../services/product.service';
 selector: 'product',
 templateUrl: 'product.component.html'
 export class ProductComponent { constructor(private productService: ProductService) {
 // do simple stuff
 } }
 The service needs to be provided

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onInit import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core'; import { ProductService } from '../services/product.service';
 selector: 'product',
 templateUrl: 'product.component.html'
 export class ProductComponent implements OnInit { constructor(private productService: ProductService) {
 // do simple stuff
 } ngOnInit() {
 // do elaborate stuff this.productDetails = this.productService.getDetails();
 } }

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More component lifecycle hooks // Pseudo Code import { Component, OnInit, ... } from '@angular/core'; 
 ... })
 export class ProductComponent implements OnInit { ngOnInit() ngOnChanges(changes) ngDoCheck() ngOnDestroy() ngAfterContentInit() ngAfterContentChecked() ngAfterViewInit() ngAfterViewChecked() }

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Service = class import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
 export class ProductsService {
 constructor() {}
 // generate new service > ng g s product

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Service = class import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
 export class ProductsService { products = [
 { id: 1, title: 'Arduino' },
 { id: 2, title: 'Raspberry Pi' }
 constructor() {}
 getProducts() {
 return this.products;
 addProduct(product) {

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Injecting the service ...
 export class ProductsService { getProducts() {
 return this.products;
 } import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
 import { ProductsService } from './products.service';
 selector: 'my-store',
 templateUrl: 'my-store.component.html'
 export class MyStoreComponent implements OnInit { products: Array; constructor(private productsService: ProductsService) {}
 ngOnInit() {
 this.products = this.productsService.getProducts();
 } service component inject

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Providing the service - component level import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
 import { ProductsService } from './products.service';
 selector: 'my-store',
 templateUrl: 'my-store.component.html', 
 providers: [ProductsService]
 export class MyStoreComponent implements OnInit { products: Array; constructor(private productsService: ProductsService) {}
 ngOnInit() {
 this.products = this.productsService.getProducts();
 } service component provide

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Providing the service - app level // main.ts import { bootstrap } from '@angular/platform-browser-dynamic';
 import { MyStoreComponent } from './app/'; import { ProductsService } from './app/products.service';
 bootstrap(MyStoreComponent, [ProductsService]); service app provide

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Setting up Http // if angular/http is not installed yet > npm i @angular/http -S

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Setting up Http // if angular/http is not installed yet > npm i @angular/http -S // main.ts import { HTTP_PROVIDERS } from '@angular/http'; bootstrap(MyStoreComponent, [HTTP_PROVIDERS]);

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Setting up Http // if angular/http is not installed yet > npm i @angular/http -S // main.ts import { HTTP_PROVIDERS } from '@angular/http'; bootstrap(MyStoreComponent, [HTTP_PROVIDERS]); // service import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
 import { Http } from '@angular/http';
 import { Observable } from 'rxjs/Observable';
 import 'rxjs/add/operator/map'; @Injectable()
 export class ProductsService {
 constructor(private http: Http) {} }

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import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
 import { Http } from '@angular/http';
 import { Observable } from 'rxjs/Observable';
 import 'rxjs/add/operator/map'; @Injectable()
 export class ProductsService {
 constructor(private http: Http) { 
 } getData(): Observable {
 return this.http.get('')
 .map(response => {
 return response.json();
 } } Http GET Rx Observables visualized:

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import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
 import { Http } from '@angular/http';
 import { Observable } from 'rxjs/Observable';
 import 'rxjs/add/operator/map'; @Injectable()
 export class ProductsService {
 constructor(private http: Http) { 
 } getData(): Observable {
 return this.http.get('')
 .map(response => {
 return response.json();
 } } Observables Rx Observables visualized:

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import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
 import { Http } from '@angular/http';
 import { Observable } from 'rxjs/Observable';
 import 'rxjs/add/operator/map'; @Injectable()
 export class ProductsService {
 constructor(private http: Http) { this.getData().subscribe( (data) => {
 this.products = data;
 }, (error) => { console.log(error); }); } getData(): Observable {
 return this.http.get('')
 .map(response => {
 return response.json();
 } } Subscribe() Rx Observables visualized:

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import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
 import { Http } from '@angular/http';
 import { Observable } from 'rxjs/Observable';
 import 'rxjs/add/operator/map'; @Injectable()
 export class ProductsService {
 constructor(private http: Http) { this.getData().subscribe( (data) => {
 this.products = data;
 }, (error) => { console.log(error); }); } getData(): Observable {
 return this.http.get('')
 .map(response => {
 return response.json();
 } } Subscribe() Rx Observables visualized:

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Subscribe() import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
 import { Http } from '@angular/http';
 import { Observable } from 'rxjs/Observable';
 import 'rxjs/add/operator/map'; @Injectable()
 export class ProductsService {
 constructor(private http: Http) { this.getData().subscribe( (data) => {
 this.products = data;
 }, (error) => { console.log(error); }); } getData(): Observable {
 return this.http.get('')
 .map(response => {
 return response.json();
 } } Rx Observables visualized:

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E-Store search 4

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E-Store search 4

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appRoot my-store header search-bar products-list nav-bar product product product product x Routing Router

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Router Component my-store import { Component } from '@angular/core'; import { Routes, Router, ROUTER_DIRECTIVES, ROUTER_PROVIDERS} from '@angular/router'; 
 selector: 'my-store',
 templateUrl: 'my-store.component.html', 
 directives: [ROUTER_DIRECTIVES],
 providers: [ROUTER_PROVIDERS]
 }) @Routes([
 export class MyStoreComponent { constructor(private router: Router) {} 
 } Make sure you have all this when using Angular CLI

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Router Component my-store import { Component } from '@angular/core'; import { Routes, Router, ROUTER_DIRECTIVES, ROUTER_PROVIDERS} from '@angular/router'; import { ProductListComponent } from './+product-list'; import { ProductComponent } from './+product'; 
 selector: 'my-store',
 templateUrl: 'my-store.component.html', 
 directives: [ROUTER_DIRECTIVES],
 providers: [ROUTER_PROVIDERS]
 }) @Routes([
 {path: '/products', component: ProductListComponent},
 {path: '/product/:id', component: ProductComponent}
 export class MyStoreComponent { constructor(private router: Router) {} 

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Router Outlet @Routes([
 {path: '/products', component: ProductListComponent},
 {path: '/product/:id', component: ProductComponent}
 export class MyStoreComponent { constructor(private router: Router) {} } my-store

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Router Links All Products @Routes([
 {path: '/products', component: ProductListComponent},
 {path: '/product/:id', component: ProductComponent}
 export class MyStoreComponent { constructor(private router: Router) {} } my-store

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Router Links All Products Product {{ productId }} - {{ productName }} @Routes([
 {path: '/products', component: ProductListComponent},
 {path: '/product/:id', component: ProductComponent}
 export class MyStoreComponent { constructor(private router: Router) {} } my-store

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Router Links All Products Product {{ productId }} - {{ productName }} {{ productName }} @Routes([
 {path: '/products', component: ProductListComponent},
 {path: '/product/:id', component: ProductComponent}
 export class MyStoreComponent { constructor(private router: Router) {} goToProduct(id) {
 this.router.navigate(['/product', id]);
 } } my-store

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Fetching route params import { Component } from '@angular/core'; import { RouteSegment } from '@angular/router';
 selector: 'product',
 templateUrl: 'product.component.html', 
 export class ProductComponent { selectedId: number; routerOnActivate(currentRoute: RouteSegment) {
 this.selectedId = +currentRoute.getParam('id');
 } product

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More about Components: Style

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styleUrls import { Component } from '@angular/core'; 
 selector: 'product',
 template: `

{{ product.title }}

`, styleUrls: ['product.component.css'], 
 export class ProductComponent {}

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styles (inline) import { Component } from '@angular/core'; 
 selector: 'product',
 template: `

{{ product.title }}

`, styleUrls: ['product.component.css'], styles: [ `h1 { background-color: yellow; } button { height: 30px; background-color: aqua; border-radius: 5px; }`, 'button {font-size: 16px;}' ] 
 export class ProductComponent {}

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CSS special selector :host import { Component } from '@angular/core'; 
 selector: 'product',
 template: `

{{ product.title }}

`, styleUrls: ['product.component.css'], styles: [ ` :host { display: block; padding: 10px; border: 1px solid purple; background-color: yellow; }` ] })
 export class ProductComponent {} // parent component template product

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CSS special selector :host-context() import { Component } from '@angular/core'; 
 selector: 'product',
 template: `

{{ product.title }}

`, styleUrls: ['product.component.css'], styles: [ ` :host-context(.best-seller) h1 { border: 2px yellow solid; }` ] 
 export class ProductComponent {} // parent component template product .best-seller h1

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CSS special selector /deep/ import { Component } from '@angular/core'; 
 selector: 'product',
 template: `

{{ product.title }}

`, styleUrls: ['product.component.css'], styles: [ ` :host /deep/ h1 { font-style: italic; }` ] }) 
 export class ProductComponent {} // parent component template product prod-title h1

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import { Component, ViewEncapsulation } from '@angular/core'; 
 selector: 'product',
 template: `

{{ product.title }}

`, styleUrls: ['product.component.css'], styles: [ `:host /deep/ h1 { font-style: italic; } h1 { border: 1px solid red; }` ], encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.Emulated }) 
 export class ProductComponent {} // parent component template View encapsulation: emulated app style product

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View encapsulation: native import { Component, ViewEncapsulation } from '@angular/core'; 
 selector: 'product',
 template: `

{{ product.title }}

`, styleUrls: ['product.component.css'], styles: [ `:host /deep/ h1 { font-style: italic; } h1 { border: 1px solid red; }` ], encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.Native }) 
 export class ProductComponent {} // parent component template app style product

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import { Component, ViewEncapsulation } from '@angular/core'; 
 selector: 'product',
 template: `

{{ product.title }}

`, styleUrls: ['product.component.css'], styles: [ `:host /deep/ h1 { font-style: italic; } h1 { border: 1px solid red; }` ], encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.None }) 
 export class ProductComponent {} // parent component template View encapsulation: none app style product

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Questions? Thank You!

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Shmuela Jacobs @ShmuelaJ