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GDG Lahore What’s new in Android Wajahat Karim Google Developer Expert in Android

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GDG Lahore This is Wajahat Karim! - Google Developer Expert in Android - Over 8 years experience in Android - Open Source Contributor - Technical Blogs & Books Writer - Love to share my knowledge with others Follow me on Twitter @WajahatKarim Visit my website:

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GDG Lahore

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GDG Lahore So… what is new? What’s new about What’s New in Android? People Controls Privacy

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GDG Lahore People

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GDG Lahore Credits: OneSignal Conversations ● Dedicated section at top of the notifications ○ Only for chat / messaging apps

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GDG Lahore Credits: InfoTechNews Chat Bubbles ● Help users to keep conversations in view and accessible while multitasking ○ Only for chat / messaging apps ○ Created with Notifications API ○ Better than SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW permission

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GDG Lahore Credits: Android Central Autofill Keyboard ● Lets Autofill apps and Input Method Editors (IMEs) like Keyboards securely offer context-specific entities and strings directly in an IME’s suggestion strip.

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GDG Lahore Controls

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GDG Lahore Credits: CNET Quick Controls ● Triggers on long press Power button ○ Power off options ○ Google Play cards ○ Smart Home device controls

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GDG Lahore Credits: 9to5google Media Resumptions ● Control panel-esque setup embedded directly at the top of your screen ○ Used to be clustered between notifications ○ Only accessible through Developer Options for now

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GDG Lahore Credits: MashTips Share Menu ● Pin Apps in Share Menu ○ Allows faster sharing

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GDG Lahore ● Scheduling dark mode ○ All time dark or light ○ Switch between dark / light at specific times Credits: MashTips Improved Dark Mode

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GDG Lahore ● Picture-in-Picture displays can be resized ○ Such as Google Maps navigation ○ YouTube videos ○ Video Calls Credits: 9to5google Resizable Picture-in-Picture

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GDG Lahore Credits: 9to5google Screen Recorder ● Native screen recording ○ Quick settings tile ○ No more third parties

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GDG Lahore Privacy

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GDG Lahore Credits: VentureBeat Permissions ● One-time permissions ○ lets users give an app access to the device microphone, camera, or location, just that one time ● Permissions auto-reset ○ Android 11 will “auto-reset” all of the runtime permissions of the app if its not used for a while (e.g. 3 months) ● Background location ○ Developers will need to get approval to access background location in their app to prevent misuse

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GDG Lahore Developers

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GDG Lahore Window Insets ● More information about the multiple types of content being displayed ○ Status, navigation, IME, ...

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GDG Lahore WindowInsets // get WindowInsets object from listener view.setOnApplyWindowInsetsListener { view, insets -> // See if the IME is visible val imeVisible = insets.isVisible((WindowInsets.Type.ime())) if (imeVisible) { val imeInsets = insets.getInsets(WindowInsets.Type.ime()) // ... } }

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GDG Lahore IME Animations ● Synchronize keyboard animations with app content changes ○ Listen for changes ■ AND/OR ○ Drive keyboard animation directly

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GDG Lahore IME Animations

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GDG Lahore Data Access Auditing • Listen for when user-permission-required data is accessed • Great for large apps or use of external libraries

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GDG Lahore ● Callbacks invoked when user-permission-required data is accessed Data Access Auditing

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GDG Lahore Data Access Auditing val appOpsCallback = object : AppOpsManager.OnOpNotedCallback() { override fun onNoted(syncNotedAppOp: SyncNotedAppOp) { ... } override fun onSelfNoted(syncNotedAppOp: SyncNotedAppOp) { ... } override fun onAsyncNoted(asyncNotedAppOp: AsyncNotedAppOp) { ... } } val appOpsManager = getSystemService( as AppOpsManager appOpsManager.setOnOpNotedCallback(mainExecutor, appOpsCallback)

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GDG Lahore One-Time Permissions

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GDG Lahore ● More restrictive in Android 11 ● First, request foreground permission ● Then request background permission ● Takes user to Settings Background Location

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GDG Lahore • Android 10 required manifest attribute for Location • Android 11 adds ○ Camera ○ Microphone Foreground Services

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GDG Lahore Foreground Service Type ... ...

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GDG Lahore Developer Goodies

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GDG Lahore Wi-Fi Debugging Because there are never enough USB ports

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GDG Lahore Wi-Fi Debugging Because there are never enough USB ports

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GDG Lahore Crash Reasons Reporting ● API to query why your app crashed ○ Upload reports

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GDG Lahore Crash Reasons Querying // Returns List of ApplicationExitInfo val reasonsList = activityManager.getHistoricalProcessExitReasons( packageName, pid /* 0 for all matches */, max /* 0 for all */) for (info in reasonsList) { // Log/store/upload info.reason // REASON_LOW_MEMORY, REASON_CRASH, REASON_ANR, etc. }

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GDG Lahore ADB Incremental ● Faster installs via command-line ● For huge APKs (think: games) ● Up to 10x faster

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GDG Lahore ADB Incremental // First: sign APK, create APK Signature Scheme v4 file // Then, run ADB incremental $ adb install --incremental

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GDG Lahore Behavior Changes ● Most changes limited to targetSdk R ● Test changes with behavior toggles ○ Command-line ○ New Developer Options panel

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GDG Lahore Toggling Behavior Changes // adb shell am compat (enable|disable) (CHANGE_ID|CHANGE_NAME) \ PACKAGE_NAME $ adb shell am compat disable DEFAULT_SCOPED_STORAGE \

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GDG Lahore But Wait, There’s More! #11WeeksOfAndroid

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Thank you! @WajahatKarim