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FLIPPING the classroom

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‏ Jacob Bane(.17) John Muir(.25) ➡

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• Identify and explain the flipped classroom • Identify bad reasons to implement a flipped model • Identify reasons to implement a flipped model • Identify obstacles to a flipped model • Identify out-of-class content methods of deployment • Identify ways to hold students accountable for out-of-class content

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What is flipping the classroom?

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"We need to find ways to [introduce important ideas and information] both outside of class and before class."

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Professors don't think students will read, so they cover everything in lecture. Students expect the professor to cover everything in the lecture, so they don't read.

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Lecture is just a technology for transferring information

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Get students' attention and interest Inform students of objectives Stimulate recall of prior learning Present the content Provide guidance to students Elicit performance (practice) Provide feedback Assess performance Enhance retention and transfer

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Get students' attention and interest Inform students of objectives Stimulate recall of prior learning Present the content Provide guidance to students Elicit performance (practice) Provide feedback Assess performance Enhance retention and transfer

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Get students' attention and interest Inform students of objectives Stimulate recall of prior learning Present the content Provide guidance to students Elicit performance (practice) Provide feedback Assess performance Enhance retention and transfer

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Bad reasons to flip

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It's trendy

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Students like it better

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Spring Break

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Course lends itself to problems, case studies, projects, guided practice

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You spend a lot of time transmitting information that students could probably digest in other forms

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Your students aren't reaching higher-level abilities and mastery

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No content

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Time and effort to create videos and materials

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Setting expectatations for students

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What to do outside of class

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One easy recipe: Robust pre-class content + accountabiliity

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One easy recipe: • Introduction, context, interesting scenario (text, audio, video?) • Your objectives, and why students should care (text, audio, video?) • Foundational knowledge (lecture video, textbook, web reading?) • An online quiz, worksheet, or reflection to do before class (online)

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What to do in class

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Think about your learning goals (higher-order: apply, analyze, evaluate, create)

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Think about your learning goals • Review the foundational knowledge, eliciting questions • Socratic questioning (and holding students accountable) • Group activities: jigsaw, debates, etc. • Case studies, projects, thorny problems

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Anything they would need your guidance to acheive

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Content • Video lectures • OSU Secured Media Library • OER (Merlot II, OpenStax, others) • Online reading and library resources • The vast Internet

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Videos: Mediasite (See

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Web content and assessment: Carmen (See

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Resources for more information (Flipping/designing)

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Resources for more information (In-class activities)

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Consultations ODEE instructional designers: Email: [email protected] Blog:

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Final thoughts...

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Your challenge for next semester: A. Add one significant pre-class component (e.g., videos plus autograded quizzes)

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Your challenge for next semester: B. Add one structured higher-order activity (15 min.?) to each class session

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It's not about flipped or not flipped...

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it's about maximizing your time and students' time

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And... Just a good excuse to try some new things

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