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how to become an (good) open source contributor in 1 hour

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- Step 1 - Start Contributing

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- Step 2 - ...

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- Step 3 - PROFIT!

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how to become an (good) open source contributor in 1 hour

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how to become a n (good) open source contributor in 1 hour

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@ simonbasle

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ideas and advice and NOT a perfect recipe In this talk:

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1 Where to Start?

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familiarize with Git / GitHub

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picking a project

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samples and tests ⚗

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opening issues

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engaging with the community

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actual code

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2 how to do it well?

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the "don't be that guy" part

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"the good, the bad and the ugly" Dramatis Personae

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"the good, the bad and the ugly" Dramatis Personae

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Archetype ugly version of the archetype (don't be that guy) bad version of the archetype (try to not be that guy either) fix to the archetype (be THAT guy instead)

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the Diva

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the Diva feature X Unbelievable that feature X isn't included in this project. Please add it!

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the Diva feature X One feature that I'm greatly missing in this project is the ability to do X. Here is what I mean by feature X: (...).

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Discussion around adding feature X Hi! I'd like to discuss the addition of feature X and whether or not you have considered it in the past. If so, I'd like to know more about the rationale around not adding it. Here is a more detailed analysis of my use case and the need for feature X, as well at some implementation idea: (...). I'd be open to starting a PR exploring these too. the Diva

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the Riddler ❓

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the Riddler it doesn't work The other day while running this project I got an error.

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the Riddler Strange bug while running method foo While using this project, I tried to apply method foo and I got a strange error about an index that was out of bounds. Did I do anything wrong?

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the Riddler IndexOutOfBounds when applying method foo to an empty List Using method foo in my code, I ran into a bug where if I pass an empty List to the method, it throws an IndexOutOfBoundsException. Here is the stack trace and a reproducible test case: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 0 at java.util.Collections$EmptyList.get( at at my.project.Application.main(

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the Artist

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the Artist I fixed a minor typo in javadoc and added the missing javadoc for foobar. Fix typo in foo javadoc, add missing foobar javadoc

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I fixed a minor typo in javadoc and added the missing javadoc for foobar. Fix typo in foo javadoc, add missing foobar javadoc the Artist

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the Artist I fixed a minor typo in javadoc and added the missing javadoc for foobar. Fix typo in foo javadoc, add missing foobar javadoc

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I fixed a minor typo in javadoc and added the missing javadoc for foobar. Fix typo in foo javadoc, add missing foobar javadoc the Artist (commit still contains a hundred line changes from spaces to tabs)

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the Artist I fixed a minor typo in javadoc and added the missing javadoc for foobar. Additionally I noticed there was no formatter setting shared in the project but it seemed to follow tab-based formatting, so I used that. Since foo javadoc formatting was off, I fixed it but limited my change to these 2 methods... Fix typo in foo javadoc, add missing foobar javadoc

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the Alien-Abductee

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the Alien-Abductee

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the Alien-Abductee

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the Alien-Abductee

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the Quick Trigger

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the Quick Trigger

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the Quick Trigger

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the Quick Trigger

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a few github tricks

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PR rights for maintainers

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✏✏✏⌫✏ commit often on PR branch

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commit often on PR branch

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✒ ...but squash & merge at the end

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No content

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No content

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...but squash & merge ✒ at the end (maybe as controversial as tabs vs space) ⚠

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3 as a maintainer

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best effort

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don't be afraid to (gently) say NO

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don't be afraid to (sternly) say NO

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foster a welcoming community

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guiding contributors

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don't be afraid to close issues

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4 enterprise OpenSource

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should you open source stuff?

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how to convince your boss

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sometimes the problem is not the Boss (could it be the lawyers?)

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CLA and its usefulness ⚖

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reduce friction invest in tooling

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a few governance alternatives

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it's not that hard

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don't forget there's a human on the other side of the screen

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Thank you!

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credits • Whiteboard - CC0 (via WikiMedia) • Cork board - CC-By-NC-SA (Caitlin Bussey, via Flickr) • Tack - CC0 (via PixaBay) • Sketch of The May House in Avondale - CC-By-Sa (Evan Roshek via WikiMedia) • Joy Oil gas station blueprints - PubDom (via WikiMedia) • Pilots at work on Thai Smile Airbus A320 - CC-By (Max Alpha X-ray via WikiMedia) • Meeting Room - CC0 (via Pexels)