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Goの標準的な開発の流れ オリジナル動画 Writing, building, installing, and testing Go code 関連サイト How to Write Go Code 以下、コマンド類につきましては「Mac OS X」を使用しております。 事前に知っておこう! 環境変数の確認 ~$ echo $HOME /Users/ユーザー名 ~$ go env GOOS darwin ~$ go env GOARCH amd64 GOOSとGOARCHの値と組み合わせ Installing Go from source - Optional environment variables $GOOS $GOARCH -------- -------- darwin 386 darwin amd64 freebsd 386 freebsd amd64 freebsd arm linux 386 linux amd64 linux arm netbsd 386 netbsd amd64 netbsd arm

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openbsd 386 openbsd amd64 plan9 386 plan9 amd64 windows 386 windows amd64 リモートリポジトリー(一覧は抜粋) Command go - Remote import paths Bitbucket (Git, Mercurial) import "" GitHub (Git) import "" Google Code Project Hosting (Git, Mercurial, Subversion) import "" Launchpad (Bazaar) import "" import "" ワークスペースのディレクトリーツリー $HOME +--gocode/ +--bin/ | +--hello +--pkg/ | +--$GOOS_$GOARCH/ | | +--nf/ | +--string/ | +--string.a +--src/ +--nf/ +--hello/ | +--hello.go +--string/ +--string.go +--string_test.go

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実際にやってみよう! プロンプトの設定 export PS1='\w$ ' YouTube 1 ~$ ~$ mkdir gocode ~$ export GOPATH=$HOME/gocode ~$ cd gocode ~/gocode$ mkdir -p src/ ~/gocode$ cd src/ ~/gocode/src/$ mkdir hello ~/gocode/src/$ cd hello ~/gocode/src/$ vim hello.go hello.go package main import "fmt" func main() { fmt.Println("Hello, new gopher!") } YouTube 2 ~/gocode/src/$ go install ~/gocode/src/$ ls ~/gocode/bin hello ~/gocode/src/$ ~/gocode/bin/hello Hello, new gopher! ~/gocode/src/$ export PATH=$HOME/gocode/bin:$PATH ~/gocode/src/$ hello Hello, new gopher! ~/gocode/src/$ cd .. ~/gocode/src/$ mkdir string ~/gocode/src/$ cd string ~/gocode/src/$ vim string.go string.go package string func Reverse(s string) string { b := []byte(s)

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for i := 0; i < len(b)/2; i++ { j := len(b) - i - 1 b[i], b[j] = b[j], b[i] } return string(b) } YouTube 3 ~/gocode/src/$ go build ~/gocode/src/$ go install ~/gocode/src/$ ls ~/gocode/pkg/darwin_amd64/ string.a ~/gocode/src/$ cd ../hello ~/gocode/src/$ vim hello.go hello.go package main import ( "fmt" "" ) func main() { fmt.Println(string.Reverse("Hello, new gopher!")) } YouTube 4 ~/gocode/src/$ go install ~/gocode/src/$ hello !rehpog wen ,olleH ~/gocode/src/$ cd ../string ~/gocode/src/$ vim string_test.go string_test.go package string import "testing" func Test(t *testing.T) { var tests = []struct { s, want string }{ {"Backward", "drawkcaB"}, {"Hello, 世界", "界世 ,olleH"}, {"", ""}, }

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for _, c := range tests { got := Reverse(c.s) if got != c.want { t.Errorf("Reverse(%q) == %q, want %q", c.s, got, c.want) } } } YouTube 5 ~/gocode/src/$ go test --- FAIL: Test (0.00 seconds) string_test.go:16: Reverse("Hello, 世界") == "\x8c\x95疸 \xe4 ,olleH", want "界世 ,olleH" FAIL exit status 1 FAIL 0.012s ~/gocode/src/$ vim string.go string.go package string func Reverse(s string) string { b := []rune(s) for i := 0; i < len(b)/2; i++ { j := len(b) - i - 1 b[i], b[j] = b[j], b[i] } return string(b) } YouTube 6 ~/gocode/src/$ go test PASS ok 0.013s