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Build a game using libGDX and Kotlin Build a game using libGDX and Kotlin Build a game using libGDX and Kotlin Build a game using libGDX and Kotlin Beat the High score Beat the High score Build a game using libGDX and Kotlin

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-Gilles Allain In a farm… far, far away…

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-Gilles Allain a fox appears in the darkness of the night.

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-Gilles Allain In a mighty move, he stole all the chickens of the farm...

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-Gilles Allain those chickens were our...friends.

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-Gilles Allain the same night, a lightning strikes you!

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-Gilles Allain ...this lightning has given you power to bring back... ...our friends!

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Let's help him !
 (by making a game)

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David Wursteisen

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John Carmack

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 development Kotlin libGDX

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You, at the end of 
 this conference Game 
 development Kotlin libGDX

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Game Development?

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public void render(float delta) {

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public void render(float delta) {

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public void render(float delta) {

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public void render(float delta) {
 } 60x

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(0,0) x y

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Why libGDX?

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Pavel Quest Destroy Blocks Mirage Realms

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Hair Dash -

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Bob & Prickle -

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Let’s make a game!

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Core iOS GWT Android Desktop

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void render(float delta) { }

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fun render(delta: float) { }

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class HelloScreen : ScreenAdapter() { override fun render(delta: Float) { } }

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class HelloScreen : ScreenAdapter() { override fun render(delta: Float) {, 0f, 0f, 1f) } }

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class HelloScreen : ScreenAdapter() { private val shape = ShapeRenderer() override fun render(delta: Float) {, 0f, 0f, 1f) } }

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class HelloScreen : ScreenAdapter() { private val shape = ShapeRenderer() override fun render(delta: Float) {, 0f, 0f, 1f) shape.begin(ShapeRenderer.ShapeType.Filled) shape.end() } }

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class HelloScreen : ScreenAdapter() { private val shape = ShapeRenderer() override fun render(delta: Float) {, 0f, 0f, 1f) shape.begin(ShapeRenderer.ShapeType.Filled) shape.color = Color.RED, 0f, 20f) shape.end() } }

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class HelloScreen : ScreenAdapter() { override fun render(delta: Float) {, 0f, 0f, 1f) } }

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class HelloScreen : ScreenAdapter() { private val batch = SpriteBatch() override fun render(delta: Float) {, 0f, 0f, 1f) } }

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class HelloScreen : ScreenAdapter() { private val batch = SpriteBatch() private val texture = Texture("badlogic.jpg") override fun render(delta: Float) {, 0f, 0f, 1f) } }

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class HelloScreen : ScreenAdapter() { private val batch = SpriteBatch() private val texture = Texture("badlogic.jpg") override fun render(delta: Float) {, 0f, 0f, 1f) batch.begin() batch.end() } }

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class HelloScreen : ScreenAdapter() { private val batch = SpriteBatch() private val texture = Texture("badlogic.jpg") override fun render(delta: Float) {, 0f, 0f, 1f) batch.begin() batch.draw(texture, 0f, 0f) batch.end() } }

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Position = (0, 0) Position = (10, 0) Position = (0, -5) Position = (-10, 5)

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class MyScreen : ScreenAdapter() { private val batch = ShapeRenderer() private val position: Vector2 = Vector2(0f, 0f) override fun render(delta: Float) { position.add(0f, -0.5f) batch.begin(ShapeRenderer.ShapeType.Filled) batch.color = Color.CHARTREUSE, position.y, radius) batch.end() } }

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class MyScreen : ScreenAdapter() { private val batch = ShapeRenderer() private val position: Vector2 = Vector2(0f, 0f) override fun render(delta: Float) { position.add(0f, -0.5f) batch.begin(ShapeRenderer.ShapeType.Filled) batch.color = Color.CHARTREUSE, position.y, radius) batch.end() } }

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class MyScreen : ScreenAdapter() { private val batch = ShapeRenderer() private val position: Vector2 = Vector2(0f, 0f) override fun render(delta: Float) { position.add(0f, -0.5f) batch.begin(ShapeRenderer.ShapeType.Filled) batch.color = Color.CHARTREUSE, position.y, radius) batch.end() } }

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class MyScreen : ScreenAdapter() { private val batch = ShapeRenderer() private val position: Vector2 = Vector2(0f, 0f) override fun render(delta: Float) { position.add(0f, -0.5f) batch.begin(ShapeRenderer.ShapeType.Filled) batch.color = Color.CHARTREUSE, position.y, radius) batch.end() } }

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class MyScreen : ScreenAdapter() { private val batch = ShapeRenderer() private val position: Vector2 = Vector2(0f, 0f) override fun render(delta: Float) { position.add(0f, -0.5f) val (x, y) = position batch.begin(ShapeRenderer.ShapeType.Filled) batch.color = Color.CHARTREUSE, y, radius) batch.end() } }

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/** * Operator function that allows to deconstruct this vector. * @return X component. */ operator fun Vector2.component1(): Float = this.x /** * Operator function that allows to deconstruct this vector. * @return Y component. */ operator fun Vector2.component2(): Float = this.y val vector = Vector2(45f, 50f) val (x, y) = vector

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/** * Operator function that allows to deconstruct this vector. * @return X component. */ operator fun Vector2.component1(): Float = this.x /** * Operator function that allows to deconstruct this vector. * @return Y component. */ operator fun Vector2.component2(): Float = this.y val (x, y) = Vector2(45f, 50f)

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val alpha = Math.abs(ball.x - raquet.x) val direction: Vector2 = Vector2(10f, 20f) direction.scl(1f, -1f) .scl(alpha) .nor() .rotate(306f) .add(10f, 20f)

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entity.add(Ball()) .add(Position(Vector2(-100f, -100f))) .add(Size(Vector2(8f, 9f))) .add(Offset(Vector2(4f, 4f)))

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entity.add(Ball()) .add(Position(Vector2(-100f, -100f))) .add(Size(Vector2(8f, 9f))) .add(Offset(Vector2(4f, 4f)))

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entity.add(Ball()) .add(Position(-100 v2 -100f)) .add(Size(8 v2 9)) .add(Offset(4 v2 4)) Create a 
 new Vector2 infix fun Number.v2(other: Number): Vector2 { return Vector2(this.toFloat(), other.toFloat()) }

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Collision engine

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Side Racket Ball

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val ball = Rectangle(68f, 64f, 5f, 5f) val player = Rectangle(64f, 64f, 100f, 10f) // the ball hit the player? player.overlaps(ball)

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val ball = Rectangle(68f, 64f, 5f, 5f) val player = Rectangle(64f, 64f, 100f, 10f) // the ball hit the player? player.overlaps(ball)

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val ball = Rectangle(68f, 64f, 5f, 5f) val player = Rectangle(64f, 64f, 100f, 10f) // the ball hit the player? player.overlaps(ball) (Simple AABB Engine)

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var world = World(Vector2(0, -10), true) // ... val bodyDef = BodyDef() // Set its world position bodyDef.position.set(position.x, position.y) bodyDef.type = BodyDef.BodyType.DynamicBody bodyDef.angle = 0f val body = world.createBody(bodyDef) val shape = CircleShape() shape.radius = 8f // 2. Create a FixtureDef, as usual. val fd = FixtureDef() fd.density = 1f fd.friction = 2f fd.shape = shape body.createFixture(fd) body.userData = Any // attach sprite data shape.dispose()

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var world = World(Vector2(0, -10), true) // ... val bodyDef = BodyDef() // Set its world position bodyDef.position.set(position.x, position.y) bodyDef.type = BodyDef.BodyType.DynamicBody bodyDef.angle = 0f val body = world.createBody(bodyDef) val shape = CircleShape() shape.radius = 8f // 2. Create a FixtureDef, as usual. val fd = FixtureDef() fd.density = 1f fd.friction = 2f fd.shape = shape body.createFixture(fd) body.userData = Any // attach sprite data shape.dispose() Gravity

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var world = World(Vector2(0, -10), true) // ... val bodyDef = BodyDef() // Set its world position bodyDef.position.set(position.x, position.y) bodyDef.type = BodyDef.BodyType.DynamicBody bodyDef.angle = 0f val body = world.createBody(bodyDef) val shape = CircleShape() shape.radius = 8f // 2. Create a FixtureDef, as usual. val fd = FixtureDef() fd.density = 1f fd.friction = 2f fd.shape = shape body.createFixture(fd) body.userData = Any // attach sprite data shape.dispose() Configuration of the « thing »

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var world = World(Vector2(0, -10), true) // ... val bodyDef = BodyDef() // Set its world position bodyDef.position.set(position.x, position.y) bodyDef.type = BodyDef.BodyType.DynamicBody bodyDef.angle = 0f val body = world.createBody(bodyDef) val shape = CircleShape() shape.radius = 8f // 2. Create a FixtureDef, as usual. val fd = FixtureDef() fd.density = 1f fd.friction = 2f fd.shape = shape body.createFixture(fd) body.userData = Any // attach sprite data shape.dispose() Attach data from your world to Box2D world

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var world = World(Vector2(0, -10), true) // ... val bodyDef = BodyDef() // Set its world position bodyDef.position.set(position.x, position.y) bodyDef.type = BodyDef.BodyType.DynamicBody bodyDef.angle = 0f val body = world.createBody(bodyDef) val shape = CircleShape() shape.radius = 8f // 2. Create a FixtureDef, as usual. val fd = FixtureDef() fd.density = 1f fd.friction = 2f fd.shape = shape body.createFixture(fd) body.userData = Any // attach sprite data shape.dispose()

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var world = World(Vector2(0, -10), true) // ... val bodyDef = BodyDef() // Set its world position bodyDef.position.set(position.x, position.y) bodyDef.type = BodyDef.BodyType.DynamicBody bodyDef.angle = 0f val body = world.createBody(bodyDef) val shape = CircleShape() shape.radius = 8f // 2. Create a FixtureDef, as usual. val fd = FixtureDef() fd.density = 1f fd.friction = 2f fd.shape = shape body.createFixture(fd) body.userData = Any // attach sprite data shape.dispose()

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The ball and boxes use 
 AABB Physic Engine Wreckages use 
 Box2D Physic Engine

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// load texture val texture = Texture(Gdx.files.internal("texture.png")) val split = TextureRegion.split(texture, 128, 128) // select frames val frames = Array() frames.add(split[0][0]) frames.add(split[0][1]) frames.add(split[0][2]) frames.add(split[0][4]) // create animation val animation = Animation(100f, frames) // select frame to draw val keyToRender = animation.getKeyFrame(time)

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// load texture val texture = Texture(Gdx.files.internal("texture.png")) val split = TextureRegion.split(texture, 128, 128) // select frames val frames = Array() frames.add(split[0][0]) frames.add(split[0][1]) frames.add(split[0][2]) frames.add(split[0][4]) // create animation val animation = Animation(100f, frames) // select frame to draw val keyToRender = animation.getKeyFrame(time)

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// load texture val texture = Texture(Gdx.files.internal("texture.png")) val split = TextureRegion.split(texture, 128, 128) // select frames val frames = Array() frames.add(split[0][0]) frames.add(split[0][1]) frames.add(split[0][2]) frames.add(split[0][4]) // create animation val animation = Animation(100f, frames) // select frame to draw val keyToRender = animation.getKeyFrame(time)

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// load texture val texture = Texture(Gdx.files.internal("texture.png")) val split = TextureRegion.split(texture, 128, 128) // select frames val frames = com.badlogic.gdx.utils.Array() frames.add(split[0][0]) frames.add(split[0][1]) frames.add(split[0][2]) frames.add(split[0][4]) // create animation val animation = Animation(100f, frames) // select frame to draw val keyToRender = animation.getKeyFrame(time) import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.Array as GdxArray

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// load texture val texture = Texture(Gdx.files.internal("texture.png")) val split = TextureRegion.split(texture, 128, 128) // select frames val frames = GdxArray() frames.add(split[0][0]) frames.add(split[0][1]) frames.add(split[0][2]) frames.add(split[0][4]) // create animation val animation = Animation(100f, frames) // select frame to draw val keyToRender = animation.getKeyFrame(time)

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// load texture val texture = Texture(Gdx.files.internal("texture.png")) val split = TextureRegion.split(texture, 128, 128) // select frames val frames = GdxArray() frames.add(split[0][0]) frames.add(split[0][1]) frames.add(split[0][2]) frames.add(split[0][4]) // create animation val animation = Animation(100f, frames) // select frame to draw val keyToRender = animation.getKeyFrame(time) Duration per frame

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100ms 100ms 100ms 100ms

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800ms 100ms 100ms 100ms 100ms 100ms 100ms 100ms 100ms 100ms 100ms

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y = Interpolation.bounceOut.apply(time) * 100f Non linear Should be a percentage (0..1) y will go from 0 to 100

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Linear Bounce Elastic Pow2

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Field Of View

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Slide 105 text, 40f, 0f) // Recalculates the projection and // view matrix of this camera // Use this after you've manipulated any of // the attributes of the camera., 0f, 0f, 1f)

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Slide 106 text, 40f, 0f) // Recalculates the projection and // view matrix of this camera // Use this after you've manipulated any of // the attributes of the camera., 0f, 0f, 1f) Will move the camera up

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Slide 107 text, 40f, 0f) // Recalculates the projection and // view matrix of this camera // Use this after you've manipulated any of // the attributes of the camera., 0f, 0f, 1f) Rotate the camera on the z Axis

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Our world
 (Orientation: Portrait)

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FitViewport Clear this zone Clear this zone

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ExtendViewport Displaying this zone

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class MyScreen : ScreenAdapter() { private lateinit var viewport: Viewport private lateinit var bath: SpriteBatch override fun show() { viewport = FitViewport(200f, 200f) bath = SpriteBath() } override fun render(delta: Float) { / 256f, 110f / 256f, 225f / 256f, 1f) batch.begin() batch.projectionMatrix = // render batch.end() } override fun resize(width: Int, height: Int) { viewport.update(width, height) } }

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class MyScreen : ScreenAdapter() { private lateinit var viewport: Viewport private lateinit var bath: SpriteBatch override fun show() { viewport = FitViewport(200f, 200f) bath = SpriteBath() } override fun render(delta: Float) { / 256f, 110f / 256f, 225f / 256f, 1f) batch.begin() batch.projectionMatrix = // render batch.end() } override fun resize(width: Int, height: Int) { viewport.update(width, height) } } Size of the world you’ll display on the screen

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class MyScreen : ScreenAdapter() { private lateinit var viewport: Viewport private lateinit var bath: SpriteBatch override fun show() { viewport = FitViewport(200f, 200f) bath = SpriteBath() } override fun render(delta: Float) { / 256f, 110f / 256f, 225f / 256f, 1f) batch.begin() batch.projectionMatrix = // render batch.end() } override fun resize(width: Int, height: Int) { viewport.update(width, height) } }

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Around the game

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dependencies { compile "com.badlogicgames.gdx:gdx:$gdxVersion" compile "com.badlogicgames.gdx:gdx-box2d:$gdxVersion" compile "com.badlogicgames.ashley:ashley:$ashleyVersion" compile "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib:$kotlinVersion" compile "io.github.libktx:ktx-ashley:$ktxVersion" compile "io.github.libktx:ktx-graphics:$ktxVersion" compile "io.github.libktx:ktx-scene2d:$ktxVersion" compile "io.github.libktx:ktx-log:$ktxVersion" compile "com.github.dwursteisen.libgdx-addons:aseprite-addons:$libgdx_addons" compile "com.github.dwursteisen.libgdx-addons:ashley-addons:$libgdx_addons" compile "com.strongjoshua:libgdx-inGameConsole:$console" }

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dependencies { compile "com.badlogicgames.gdx:gdx:$gdxVersion" compile "com.badlogicgames.gdx:gdx-box2d:$gdxVersion" compile "com.badlogicgames.ashley:ashley:$ashleyVersion" compile "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib:$kotlinVersion" compile "io.github.libktx:ktx-ashley:$ktxVersion" compile "io.github.libktx:ktx-graphics:$ktxVersion" compile "io.github.libktx:ktx-scene2d:$ktxVersion" compile "io.github.libktx:ktx-log:$ktxVersion" compile "com.github.dwursteisen.libgdx-addons:aseprite-addons:$libgdx_addons" compile "com.github.dwursteisen.libgdx-addons:ashley-addons:$libgdx_addons" compile "com.strongjoshua:libgdx-inGameConsole:$console" }

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dependencies { compile "com.badlogicgames.gdx:gdx:$gdxVersion" compile "com.badlogicgames.gdx:gdx-box2d:$gdxVersion" compile "com.badlogicgames.ashley:ashley:$ashleyVersion" compile "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib:$kotlinVersion" compile "io.github.libktx:ktx-ashley:$ktxVersion" compile "io.github.libktx:ktx-graphics:$ktxVersion" compile "io.github.libktx:ktx-scene2d:$ktxVersion" compile "io.github.libktx:ktx-log:$ktxVersion" compile "com.github.dwursteisen.libgdx-addons:aseprite-addons:$libgdx_addons" compile "com.github.dwursteisen.libgdx-addons:ashley-addons:$libgdx_addons" compile "com.strongjoshua:libgdx-inGameConsole:$console" }

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dependencies { compile "com.badlogicgames.gdx:gdx:$gdxVersion" compile "com.badlogicgames.gdx:gdx-box2d:$gdxVersion" compile "com.badlogicgames.ashley:ashley:$ashleyVersion" compile "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib:$kotlinVersion" compile "io.github.libktx:ktx-ashley:$ktxVersion" compile "io.github.libktx:ktx-graphics:$ktxVersion" compile "io.github.libktx:ktx-scene2d:$ktxVersion" compile "io.github.libktx:ktx-log:$ktxVersion" compile "com.github.dwursteisen.libgdx-addons:aseprite-addons:$libgdx_addons" compile "com.github.dwursteisen.libgdx-addons:ashley-addons:$libgdx_addons" compile "com.strongjoshua:libgdx-inGameConsole:$console" }

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dependencies { compile "com.badlogicgames.gdx:gdx:$gdxVersion" compile "com.badlogicgames.gdx:gdx-box2d:$gdxVersion" compile "com.badlogicgames.ashley:ashley:$ashleyVersion" compile "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib:$kotlinVersion" compile "io.github.libktx:ktx-ashley:$ktxVersion" compile "io.github.libktx:ktx-graphics:$ktxVersion" compile "io.github.libktx:ktx-scene2d:$ktxVersion" compile "io.github.libktx:ktx-log:$ktxVersion" compile "com.github.dwursteisen.libgdx-addons:aseprite-addons:$libgdx_addons" compile "com.github.dwursteisen.libgdx-addons:ashley-addons:$libgdx_addons" compile "com.strongjoshua:libgdx-inGameConsole:$console" }

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Entities & Ashley

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Entity Player Monster Knight Ghoul

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Position Animation Player State Entity

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val player = Entity() player.add(Player())) player.add(Position(100 v2 100)) player.add(Animation("idle")) player.add(StateComponent()) Position Animation Player State

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ComponentMapper player = ComponentMapper.getFor(Player.class); ComponentMapper position = ComponentMapper.getFor(Position.class); ComponentMapper animation = ComponentMapper.getFor(Animation.class); ComponentMapper state = ComponentMapper.getFor(StateComponent.class); ... player.get(entity).life; position.get(entity).xy; animation.get(entity).getFrame(time); state.get(entity).time; Extractor Extraction

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inline fun EntitySystem.get(): ComponentMapper = 
 ComponentMapper.getFor( inline operator fun Entity.get(mapper: ComponentMapper): T = 

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val player: ComponentMapper = get() val position: ComponentMapper = get() val animation: ComponentMapper = get() val state: ComponentMapper = get() // access to components entity[player].life entity[position].xy entity[animation].frame(time) entity[state].time

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val player = get() val position = get() val animation = get() val state = get() // access to components entity[player].life entity[position].xy entity[animation].frame(time) entity[state].time

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val player = get() val position = get() val animation = get() val state = get() // access to components entity[player].life entity[position].xy entity[animation].frame(time) entity[state].time Accessing like a map

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inline fun EntitySystem.get(): ComponentMapper = 
 ComponentMapper.getFor( inline operator fun Entity.get(mapper: ComponentMapper): T = 

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Close Open

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fun on(event: Int, block: Transition): OnState { var currentTransitions = parent.transitions[state] ?: emptyMap() currentTransitions += event to block parent.transitions += state to currentTransitions return this } Lambda

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startWith(WAIT) onState(WAIT).on(GameEvents.EVENT_COMPUTER_ALLOW_MOVE) { entity, event -> if (entity[dragon].currentTurn > 3) { entity[dragon].currentTurn = -1 go(FIRE, entity, event) } else { go(MOVE, entity, event) } } onState(FIRE).on(GameEvents.EVENT_DRAGON_FIRE_BALL) { entity, event -> go(MOVE, entity, event) } Lambda

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startWith(WAIT) onState(WAIT).on(GameEvents.EVENT_COMPUTER_ALLOW_MOVE) { entity, event -> if (entity[dragon].currentTurn > 3) { entity[dragon].currentTurn = -1 go(FIRE, entity, event) } else { go(MOVE, entity, event) } } onState(FIRE).on(GameEvents.EVENT_DRAGON_FIRE_BALL) { entity, event -> go(MOVE, entity, event) } State Event Transition

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val assetsManager = AssetManager() assetsManager.load("player.png", assetsManager.load("sfx/beat_intro.ogg", assetsManager.load("krungthep2.fnt", assetsManager.load("sheets/intro", // call it until it's loaded val isLoaded = assetsManager.update() val texture = assetsManager.get("player.png",

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val assetsManager = AssetManager() assetsManager.load("player.png", assetsManager.load("sfx/beat_intro.ogg", assetsManager.load("krungthep2.fnt", assetsManager.load("sheets/intro", // call it until it's loaded val isLoaded = assetsManager.update() val texture = assetsManager.get("player.png",

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val assetsManager = AssetManager() assetsManager.load("player.png", assetsManager.load("sfx/beat_intro.ogg", assetsManager.load("krungthep2.fnt", assetsManager.load("sheets/intro", // call it until it's loaded val isLoaded = assetsManager.update() val texture = assetsManager.get("player.png",

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val assetsManager = AssetManager() assetsManager.load("player.png", assetsManager.load("sfx/beat_intro.ogg", assetsManager.load("krungthep2.fnt", assetsManager.load("sheets/intro", // call it until it's loaded val isLoaded = assetsManager.update() val texture = assetsManager.get("player.png",

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val assetsManager = AssetManager() assetsManager.load("player.png", assetsManager.load("sfx/beat_intro.ogg", assetsManager.load("krungthep2.fnt", assetsManager.load("sheets/intro", // call it until it's loaded val isLoaded = assetsManager.update() val texture = assetsManager.get("player.png", Call it in the render method

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val assetsManager = AssetManager() assetsManager.load("player.png", assetsManager.load("sfx/beat_intro.ogg", assetsManager.load("krungthep2.fnt", assetsManager.load("sheets/intro", // call it until it's loaded val isLoaded = assetsManager.update() val texture = assetsManager.get("player.png",

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val assetsManager = AssetManager() assetsManager.load("player.png", assetsManager.load("sfx/beat_intro.ogg", assetsManager.load("krungthep2.fnt", assetsManager.load("sheets/intro", // call it until it's loaded val isLoaded = assetsManager.update() val texture: Texture = assetsManager["player.png"] inline operator fun AssetManager.get(filename: String): T { return this.get(filename, }

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Integration with other tools

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// can be loaded using AssetManager too val tmxMap = TmxMapLoader().load(mapName) tmxMap.layers["bricks"]?.objects?.forEach { brick -> // create game entity } mapRenderer = OrthogonalTiledMapRenderer(tmxMap) // render method mapRenderer.setView( as OrthographicCamera) mapRenderer.render()

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// can be loaded using AssetManager too val tmxMap = TmxMapLoader().load(mapName) tmxMap.layers["bricks"]?.objects?.forEach { brick -> // create game entity } mapRenderer = OrthogonalTiledMapRenderer(tmxMap) // render method mapRenderer.setView( as OrthographicCamera) mapRenderer.render()

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// can be loaded using AssetManager too val tmxMap = TmxMapLoader().load(mapName) tmxMap.layers["bricks"]?.objects?.forEach { brick -> // create game entity } mapRenderer = OrthogonalTiledMapRenderer(tmxMap) // render method mapRenderer.setView( as OrthographicCamera) mapRenderer.render()

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// can be loaded using AssetManager too val tmxMap = TmxMapLoader().load(mapName) tmxMap.layers["bricks"]?.objects?.forEach { brick -> // create game entity } mapRenderer = OrthogonalTiledMapRenderer(tmxMap) // render method mapRenderer.setView( as OrthographicCamera) mapRenderer.render()

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hit 4 sound chicken.wav

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tmxMap.layers["bricks"].objects.forEach { brick -> val hit: Any =["hit"] } Error prone Error prone

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class BrickProperties(properties: MapProperties) { val x: Double by properties val y: Double by properties val hit: Int by properties val sound: String by properties } tmxMap.layers["bricks"].objects.forEach { brick -> val props = BrickProperties( val hit = props.hit }

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class BrickProperties(properties: MapProperties) { val x: Double by properties val y: Double by properties val hit: Int by properties val sound: String by properties } tmxMap.layers["bricks"].objects.forEach { brick -> val props = BrickProperties( val hit = props.hit }

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class BrickProperties(properties: MapProperties) { val x: Double by properties val y: Double by properties val hit: Int by properties val sound: String by properties } tmxMap.layers["bricks"].objects.forEach { brick -> val props = BrickProperties( val hit = props.hit } Delegates

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inline operator fun MapProperties.getValue(thisRef: Any?, property: KProperty<*>): T { val asStr = this[].toString() return when (T::class) { Double::class -> asStr.toDouble() Int::class -> asStr.toInt() Boolean::class -> "true" == asStr String::class -> asStr else -> this[] } as T }

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val chicken: Aseprite = assets["sheets/chicken"] val idleAnimation: Animation = chicken["idle"] Inverser slides. Je veux accéder aux animations -> export des metas -> méthode d'extensions. 
 -> explication j'ai fais un plugin qui fait ça pour moi.

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Json Json Json

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open class AsepriteTask : DefaultTask() { // ... @TaskAction fun export() { val exec = getExecActionFactory().newExecAction() val exts = project.extensions.getByType( val aseprite = exts.exec ?: invalideAsepritePath() // ... } private fun invalideAsepritePath(): Nothing { TODO("""Missing aseprite executable path. Please configure it using aseprite.exec property (ie: in your ~/.gradle/ aseprite.exec= or using aseprite extension in your build.gradle aseprite { exec= } MacOS specific : point to aseprite located into /""") } }

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open class AsepriteTask : DefaultTask() { // ... @TaskAction fun export() { val exec = getExecActionFactory().newExecAction() val exts = project.extensions.getByType( val aseprite = exts.exec ?: invalideAsepritePath() // ... } private fun invalideAsepritePath(): Nothing { TODO("""Missing aseprite executable path. Please configure it using aseprite.exec property (ie: in your ~/.gradle/ aseprite.exec= or using aseprite extension in your build.gradle aseprite { exec= } MacOS specific : point to aseprite located into /""") } } What happen if null? Encountered an error, lol!

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open class AsepriteTask : DefaultTask() { // ... @TaskAction fun export() { val exec = getExecActionFactory().newExecAction() val exts = project.extensions.getByType( val aseprite = exts.exec ?: invalideAsepritePath() // ... } private fun invalideAsepritePath(): Nothing { TODO("""Missing aseprite executable path. Please configure it using aseprite.exec property (ie: in your ~/.gradle/ aseprite.exec= or using aseprite extension in your build.gradle aseprite { exec= } MacOS specific : point to aseprite located into /""") } }

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open class AsepriteTask : DefaultTask() { // ... @TaskAction fun export() { val exec = getExecActionFactory().newExecAction() val exts = project.extensions.getByType( val aseprite = exts.exec ?: invalideAsepritePath() // ... } private fun invalideAsepritePath(): Nothing { TODO("""Missing aseprite executable path. Please configure it using aseprite.exec property (ie: in your ~/.gradle/ aseprite.exec= or using aseprite extension in your build.gradle aseprite { exec= } MacOS specific : point to aseprite located into /""") } }

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Scrollpane Label Button Select box

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val scene = verticalGroup { setFillParent(true) pad(10f) label("Hello JavaZone!") horizontalGroup { textButton("Click On Me") label("<-- here") } label("Another label...") selectBoxOf(GdxArray().apply { add("value 1") add("value 2") add("value 3") }) } stage = Stage(FitViewport(screenWidth, screenHeight)) stage.addActor(scene) Hello JavaZone!

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val scene = verticalGroup { setFillParent(true) pad(10f) label("Hello JavaZone!") horizontalGroup { textButton("Click On Me") label("<-- here") } label("Another label...") selectBoxOf(GdxArray().apply { add("value 1") add("value 2") add("value 3") }) } stage = Stage(FitViewport(screenWidth, screenHeight)) stage.addActor(scene) Hello JavaZone!

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val scene = verticalGroup { setFillParent(true) pad(10f) label("Hello JavaZone!") horizontalGroup { textButton("Click On Me") label("<-- here") } label("Another label...") selectBoxOf(GdxArray().apply { add("value 1") add("value 2") add("value 3") }) } stage = Stage(FitViewport(screenWidth, screenHeight)) stage.addActor(scene) Hello JavaZone!

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val scene = verticalGroup { setFillParent(true) pad(10f) label("Hello JavaZone!") horizontalGroup { textButton("Click On Me") label("<-- here") } label("Another label...") selectBoxOf(GdxArray().apply { add("value 1") add("value 2") add("value 3") }) } stage = Stage(FitViewport(screenWidth, screenHeight)) stage.addActor(scene) Hello JavaZone!

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Game screen screen screen screen screen

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open class MenuScreen(val game: Game) : ScreenAdapter() { override fun render(delta: Float) { // clear the screen, 0f, 0f, 1f) batch.begin() // ... batch.end() if (goToMenu) { game.setScreen(menuScreen) } } }

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open class MenuScreen(val game: Game) : ScreenAdapter() { override fun render(delta: Float) { // clear the screen, 0f, 0f, 1f) batch.begin() // ... batch.end() if (goToMenu) { game.setScreen(menuScreen) } } } ⚠⚠⚠⚠⚠⚠⚠⚠⚠⚠⚠⚠⚠⚠ game.setScreen(screen) 
 is not the same that
 game.screen = screen ⚠⚠⚠⚠⚠⚠⚠⚠⚠⚠⚠⚠⚠⚠

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Garbage Collector Garbage Collector Garbage Collector Garbage Collecto arbage C Garbage STOP THE WORLD

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altLayers = map.layers .mapIndexed { index, layer -> index to layer } .filter {"alt_") } .map { it.first } .toIntArray() List 1 List 2 List 3 List 4 mutableList

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val ball = Rectangle(68f, 64f, 5f, 5f) val player = Rectangle(64f, 64f, 100f, 10f) // the ball hit the player? player.overlaps(ball)

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val pool = object : Pool() { override fun newObject(): Rectangle = Rectangle() } // ... val ball = pool.obtain().apply { set(68f, 64f, 5f, 5f) } val player = pool.obtain().apply { set(64f, 64f, 100f, 10f) } // the ball hit the player? player.overlaps(ball)

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val pool = object : Pool() { override fun newObject(): Rectangle = Rectangle() } // ... val ball = pool.obtain().apply { set(68f, 64f, 5f, 5f) } val player = pool.obtain().apply { set(64f, 64f, 100f, 10f) } // the ball hit the player? player.overlaps(ball)

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val pool = object : Pool() { override fun newObject(): Rectangle = Rectangle() } // ... val ball = pool.obtain().apply { set(68f, 64f, 5f, 5f) } val player = pool.obtain().apply { set(64f, 64f, 100f, 10f) } // the ball hit the player? player.overlaps(ball)

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val pool = object : Pool() { override fun newObject(): Rectangle = Rectangle() } // ... val ball = pool.obtain().apply { set(68f, 64f, 5f, 5f) } val player = pool.obtain().apply { set(64f, 64f, 100f, 10f) } // the ball hit the player? player.overlaps(ball)

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Shaders This section has nothing to do with Kotlin

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void main() {
 vec4 sum = vec4(0);
 float step = iResolution.y;
 // y
 for(float i = -area ; i <= area ; i += 1.) {
 // x
 for(float j = -area ; j <= area ; j += 1.) {
 float x = v_texCoords.x + i / iResolution.x;
 float y = v_texCoords.y + j / iResolution.y;
 sum += texture2D(u_texture, vec2(x, y)) * 0.005;
 gl_FragColor = texture2D(u_texture, v_texCoords) + sum;
 } OpenGL Shading Language (GLSL)

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if (color_pixel < cutoff) { // light dark pixel = gl_FragColor = vec4(0.3, 0.2, 0.4., 1.0); } else { pixel = color_pixel; } 0 1 Cut off

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if (color_pixel < cutoff) { // light dark pixel = gl_FragColor = vec4(0.3, 0.2, 0.4., 1.0); } else { pixel = color_pixel; }

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fun makeGames()

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fun makeGames()

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Beat The High Score Game libGDX Lib KTX 
 (This is NOT Android KTX) Lib libGDX addons Lib kTerminal Lib Game Services Lib In Game Console
 (A la quake) Lib Gif Recorder Lib Tiled Editor Editor Aseprite Editor

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Beat The High Score Game libGDX Lib KTX 
 (This is NOT Android KTX) Lib libGDX addons Lib kTerminal Lib Game Services Lib In Game Console
 (A la quake) Lib Gif Recorder Lib Tiled Editor Editor Aseprite Editor

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