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Kenichi Kambara (@korodroid) November 23, 2024 Enhancing Flutter Apps UX for Global Users

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•Mobile App Development •Speeches (e.g. 18 Int’l/100+ Domestic) •Writings (e.g. 10 Dev/Edu Books) •[Of fi cial] Evangelist at NTT TechnoCross •[Private] About me Kenichi Kambara (X:@korodroid)

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Sekaiphone Pro(Flutter(+Kotlin/Swift)) About my product (Personal projects)

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About my product and Me Visited 47 Countries

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•My Motivation •Various Language World •Supporting more Languages on Flutter Apps •Extra Tips MILANO Agenda

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My Motivation

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My Motivation English/Japanese… 4ZTUFN-BOHVBHF4FUUJOHT Arabic

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Left To Right (LTR) World [e.g. Japan🇯🇵]

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Left To Right (LTR) World [e.g. Italy🇮🇹]

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Right To Left (RTL) World [e.g. Qatar🇶🇦/Egypt🇪🇬]

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What’s RTL (Right To Left)? Google Translation

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RTL (Right To Left) Speakers • Arabic: 370 million speakers/23 countries • Persian: 81 million speakers • Urdu: 70 million speakers • Hebrew: 8 million speakers • and some more… LingoHub:

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Supporting more Languages on Flutter 1. Checking RTL Basics 2. Getting Started for i18n 3. Testing our UI without modi fi cations 4. Deep Dive into Implementation [Extra Tips for i18n with Generative AI]

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Wear OS ΞϓϦ։ൃೖ໳ with Jetpack Compose 1. Checking RTL Basics

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RTL Basics: Learning Guidelines

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RTL Basics: Learning Guidelines LTR World RTL World

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RTL Basics: Learning Guidelines ? ? LTR World RTL World LTR World RTL World

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RTL Basics: Learning Guidelines LTR World RTL World LTR World RTL World

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RTL Basics: Learning Guidelines LTR World RTL World ?

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RTL Basics: Learning Guidelines

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Wear OS ΞϓϦ։ൃೖ໳ with Jetpack Compose 2. Getting Started for i18n

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Flutter i18n packages • fl utter_localizations (Inspired by Flutter SDK) •slang (Of fi cial successor of “fast_i18n”) • fl utter_translate •easy_localization •getx (also famous as State Management ) •And more…

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fl utter_localizations https://docs. fl

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Installing “ fl utter_localization”

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Setting Up { "greeting": "Hello" } Create some new fi les lib/l10n/app_en.arb { "greeting": "͜Μʹͪ͸" } { "greeting": "ﺎً ﺒﺣﺮﻣ" } lib/l10n/app_ja.arb lib/l10n/app_ar.arb > fl utter pub get Automatically Generated…

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Using resources /lib/main.dart Text(AppLocalizations.of(context)!.greeting); import 'package:flutter_gen/gen_l10n/app_localizations.dart';

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Wear OS ΞϓϦ։ൃೖ໳ with Jetpack Compose 3. Testing our UI without modi fi cations

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Testing our UI without modi fi cations Good Bad

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1st Found Problem Good Bad

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Good Bad 2nd Found Problem

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Good Bad 3rd Found Problem

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Wear OS ΞϓϦ։ൃೖ໳ with Jetpack Compose 4. Deep Dive into Implementation

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Deep Dive 1 (Icon) b. Material a. Original on RTL on LTR

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a. Original Image.asset( 'assets/images/chara.png', matchTextDirection: true, ), on LTR on RTL

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b. Material https://api. fl fl utter/material/Icons-class.html

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b. Material

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b. Material Icon( Icons.arrow_back, size: 80.0, ), on LTR on RTL

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b. Material Icon( Icons.euro, size: 80.0, ), on LTR on RTL

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Deep Dive 1 (Icon): Result on LTR on RTL

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Deep Dive 2 (Layout) Row( children: [ BlueArea(), GreyArea(), ], ), on LTR on RTL

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Deep Dive 2 (Layout) on LTR on RTL Row( mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.start, children: [ BlueArea(), GreyArea(), ], ), Row( mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.end, children: [ BlueArea(), GreyArea(), ], ),

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Deep Dive 2 (Layout): Result on LTR on RTL

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Deep Dive 3 (Text) Column( children: [ Text( “Text1", ), Text( “Text2", ), ], ), on LTR on RTL

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Deep Dive 3 (Text) Column( children: [ Text( “TextAlign.left", textAlign: TextAlign.left, ), Text( "TextAlign.right", textAlign: TextAlign.right, ), ], ), on LTR on RTL

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Deep Dive 3 (Text): Result old ver. new ver. LTR LTR RTL RTL

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Deep Dive 4 (Combined) on RTL

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Deep Dive 4 (Combined) on LTR Components(5 Image Widget in 1 Row)

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How would it look on RTL devices with no modi fi cations? Deep Dive 4 (Combined)

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Deep Dive 4 (Combined) on RTL Components(The order of Widgets?)

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Deep Dive 4 (Combined) Any solutions?

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Deep Dive 4 (Combined) on LTR on RTL •Icon •Layout matchTextDirection: true for reversing Widget The order of each Widget is automatically reversed in a Row

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Deep Dive 4 (Combined): Result on LTR on RTL 㲔 㲔 old ver.

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Wear OS ΞϓϦ։ൃೖ໳ with Jetpack Compose Extra Tips for i18n with Generative AI

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Mobile Apps Development with Generative AI •Gemini •ChatGPT •Cloude •And more…

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Complicated Task…(Language Resources) English Arabic Japanese

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Examples of Language Resources // English Resource "en": { // Top Screen "appName": "SekaiPhone Pro", "modeTalkSpeech": "Talk Mode\n(Speech)", "modeTalkText": "Talk Mode\n(Text)", "modePhone": "Phone Mode", "modeCamera": "Camera Mode", // Hoge Screen // … },

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Preparations with Gemini

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Reference X: @korodroid

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Supporting more Languages for getting more Users🚀 Conclusion

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Facebook: X:@korodroid LinkedIn: Thank you so much Feel free to reach out for technical speeches, writing, or other inquiries