Why Open
Flourish Conference - University of Illinois at Chicago
Saturday, April 5, 2014
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“I pull the source code
into Eclipse…”
-11-year-old in Chicago
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Linus Torvalds
Finland USA
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I’m doing a (free) operating
system (just a hobby, won’t be
big and professional like gnu)
for 386(486) AT clones.
-Linus Torvalds
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David Heinemeier Hansson
Denmark USA
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[With open source] Rather than
just sit around idle waiting for
some vendor to fix your problems,
you get the unique chance of being
a steward of your own destiny.
-David H. Hansson
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Martha Chumo
Kenya USA
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“I thought if I can't go
to the hacker school,
let me try to bring the
school to me.”
-Martha Chumo
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Will you be next?
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Hard working.
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Open source is not
about bashing
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Efficiency of
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Computer: Bicycle for the mind.
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Not just software.
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64-node Raspberry Pi Supercomputer