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Building Japanese Full-Text Search System by Solr #openSUSE.Asia Summit2017 10/21 Building Japanese Full-Text Search System by Solr ― Document Seach and Application to Online Shopping Site — 1 Syuta Hashimoto opensuse-ja

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Building Japanese Full-Text Search System by Solr #openSUSE.Asia Summit2017 10/21 Self Introduction ・Syuta Hashimoto @hashimotosyuta I have worked at Web Product base on open source eg. Online Shopping site, promotion site, CMS ・ With openSUSE ー I have used openSUSE for 4 years in my home.   I love geeko! 2

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Building Japanese Full-Text Search System by Solr #openSUSE.Asia Summit2017 10/21 Main Topic   TABLE 1 What is Full-Text Search? 2 What is Solr? 3 Let’s use! 4 What is Index? 5 Structure and Role 6 Solr can search from RDBMS! 7 Facet is easy to count 8 Highlighter is easy to highlight and more functions. 3 ※You need RDBMS basic knowledge

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Building Japanese Full-Text Search System by Solr #openSUSE.Asia Summit2017 10/21 1 What is Full-text Search? Q:What is Full-text Search? A:Search from Full-text!(maybe)  and Search from Full-text in Multiple Files! “Multiple Files” is important at “full-text search” and “enterprise search”    ・Point 1     Usually, the Full-text Search have two types.   ・Serial Scan Type   ・Index Type ←Today’s menu 4

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Building Japanese Full-Text Search System by Solr #openSUSE.Asia Summit2017 10/21 1 What is Full-text Search? USECASE 5 I want to search by word “openSUSE” from those files!

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Building Japanese Full-Text Search System by Solr #openSUSE.Asia Summit2017 10/21 1 What is Full-text Search? Full-text Search Type1 ”Serial Scan Type” 6 # grep -r ‘openSUSE’ files_A ① ② ③ # soffice files_B/LibreOffice Writer.odt → Ctrl + F ④ # soffice files_B/LibreOffice Calc.ods → Ctrl + F ⑤ # okular files_B/pdf.pdf → Ctrl + F ⑥ ① ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ For example, search sequential this method

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Building Japanese Full-Text Search System by Solr #openSUSE.Asia Summit2017 10/21 1 What is Full-text Search? Full-text Search Type1 ”Serial Scan Type” # grep -r ‘hogehoge’ ⇢”Serial Scan Type” search ‘hogehoge’ word from files under the currentdirectory. ー Pros ・easy ー Cons ・slow ・difficult to search from a rich text (e.g. Word) ・many search noise 7

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Building Japanese Full-Text Search System by Solr #openSUSE.Asia Summit2017 10/21 1 What is Full-text Search? Full-text Search Type2 ”Index Type” 8 # curl ‘http://localhost:8983/solr/techproducts/select?indent=on&q=*:o penSUSE&wt=json’ ① ←Today’s topic ① To make index beforehand You can search at once from index made by to search easy

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Building Japanese Full-Text Search System by Solr #openSUSE.Asia Summit2017 10/21 1 What is Full-text Search? Full-text Search Type2 ”Index Type”    “Index Type” make Index about a word that we will    search in advance, and search from that index. ー Pros ・fast ・Index Type can search from a rich text (e.g. Word) if Index Type can index. ・less search noise ー Cons ・you have to build search system ・you need to index what you want to search files 9

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Building Japanese Full-Text Search System by Solr #openSUSE.Asia Summit2017 10/21 2 What is Solr? About Solr ・Index type full-text search system ・The sub project in Apache Lucene(™)   →Apache Lucene is full-text search library  Solr use this library. so Solr is open source too. ・Because the access is possible like WebAPI,  The client is OK in anything! ・There is the competitive product  called the “elasticsearch” 10

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Building Japanese Full-Text Search System by Solr #openSUSE.Asia Summit2017 10/21 3 Let’s use!  To build at onse! (for local) 1 Install JVM. java version is 1.8 or later.   (Leap 42.3 has been already installed.) 2 Download Solr   You can download Solr from Solr official site. now version is 7.0.1 The zip file has all set. 3 Extract zip file # unzip   and move # cd solr-7.0.1 11

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Building Japanese Full-Text Search System by Solr #openSUSE.Asia Summit2017 10/21 3 Let’s use!  12 Starting、Creating core、Indexing 4 # bin/solr start ←At first, Starting Solr.(no core, no index) 5 # bin/solr create -c mycore ←Creating core by the name of “mycore” 6 # bin/post -c mycore /home/hashimoto/doc/* ←indexing from files to “mycore” 「bin/post」indexing automacically ・ ・ ・ (outputing indexing logs….) It is COMPLETED ※Solr official site has tutorial too.(It can experience cluster)

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Building Japanese Full-Text Search System by Solr #openSUSE.Asia Summit2017 10/21 3 Let’s use!  Important Words ・ CORE Core is equivalent to a RDBMS schema. Core has index format and query settings and more. When say roughly, search engine itself. ・Schema definition It calls index format a schema in Solr. It is like RDBMS table. ・Index A Data which indexing from target files according to a schema definition. 13

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Building Japanese Full-Text Search System by Solr #openSUSE.Asia Summit2017 10/21 3 Let’s use!  Solr has “Admin UI” by default  After Starting, to Access http://localhost:8983/solr/ …. 14 Admin UI is displayed

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Building Japanese Full-Text Search System by Solr #openSUSE.Asia Summit2017 10/21 3 Let’s use! “mycore” is registered. 15 “mycore” is registered properly

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Building Japanese Full-Text Search System by Solr #openSUSE.Asia Summit2017 10/21 3 Let’s use! You can search from “Query” in “mycore” 16 ①this is “Query” ②Input search word ③execute ④result is here

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Building Japanese Full-Text Search System by Solr #openSUSE.Asia Summit2017 10/21 4 What is Index? What is index? 17 This is. The contents is correspondence of a word of each files to a file name.

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Building Japanese Full-Text Search System by Solr #openSUSE.Asia Summit2017 10/21 4 What is Index? 18 The contents of index (image of index) so when you search for the word “openSUSE”, responding immediately “text1.txt” and “LibreOfficeWriter.ods” has that. WORD FILE WHICH HAS WORD openSUSE text1.txt LibreOffice Writer.ods conference text2.txt pdf.pdf ・・・ ・・・

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Building Japanese Full-Text Search System by Solr #openSUSE.Asia Summit2017 10/21 4 What is Index? 19 Index definition = Schema A definition is called schema. It is as follows to define by schema.    ・Field     column saying by RDBMS. designated field type. a text is broken into word and is registered.    ・Field Type field definition. defining numeric or string and whether to do or not morphological analysis    ・There is Dynamic Field and Copy Field. (today, these are omitted.)

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Building Japanese Full-Text Search System by Solr #openSUSE.Asia Summit2017 10/21 4 What is Index? Indexing 20 Indexing is “registering to field according to the field definition” about “content of search target file” By The Way・・・ When register to the field, doing something about easy search. (Doing something is defined in field type)

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Building Japanese Full-Text Search System by Solr #openSUSE.Asia Summit2017 10/21 4 What is Index? 21 Doing something? ・For example, converting all letters to lowercase. →”linux” or “Linux” or “LINUX”, convert all of those to “linux”(lowercase). when searching does the same conversion, can hit all “linux”. ・In Japanese, dividing on the basis of part of speech. 「私は東京都で開催されるアジアサミットに行きます。」 →「私-は-東京-都-で-開催-さ-れる-アジア-サミット-に-行き-ます」 this case search word “東京” is hit but search word “京都” is not hit. reducing search noise when search from many files. It is profound technique called the “morphological analysis”

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Building Japanese Full-Text Search System by Solr #openSUSE.Asia Summit2017 10/21 5 Structure and Role 22 Components Figure ①search ④result ①registration ②indexing ②query ③result access Solr by REST-api

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Building Japanese Full-Text Search System by Solr #openSUSE.Asia Summit2017 10/21 6 Solr can search from RDBMS! Set Up is finished! enjoy good search life!! 23 What’s? My Shopping site have data in MySQL. Item description like search is too late…. Oh…..

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Building Japanese Full-Text Search System by Solr #openSUSE.Asia Summit2017 10/21 6 Solr can search from RDBMS! DataImportHandler In fact, Solr has a structure that can search from RDBMS and more data source. by a viewpoint from “full-text search”, It expects search at item description on online shopping site. but, Solr can use facet search and highlighter, so more useful. 24

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Building Japanese Full-Text Search System by Solr #openSUSE.Asia Summit2017 10/21 6 Solr can search from RDBMS! 25 Components Figure when using RDBMS ①search ④result ①registration ②indexing ②query ③result ・・・ RDBMS

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Building Japanese Full-Text Search System by Solr #openSUSE.Asia Summit2017 10/21 6 Solr can search from RDBMS! Logical structure 26 26 Searching “geeko” at description Result is in the data of name is “openSUSE” Solr let the field of a schema and a column of RDBMS be equivalent and index it. RDBMS Schema Field name=id Field name=name Field name=description id name description 1 openSUSE geeko is cute!!

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Building Japanese Full-Text Search System by Solr #openSUSE.Asia Summit2017 10/21 6 Solr can search from RDBMS! Settings is slightly troublesome ● Put connector for RDBMS access. →Put JDBC connector in “server/lib” ● Field Definition →at next page ● Write settings in solrconfig.xml (setting file of core) ・Read DataImportHandler library ・Declare useing DataImportHandler and setting file *a ● Setting file for DataImportHandler(*a’s file) ・RDBMS connection settings ・Correspondence of a field and the SQL 27 This is an overview. please see other document for detail.

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Building Japanese Full-Text Search System by Solr #openSUSE.Asia Summit2017 10/21 6 Solr can search from RDBMS! Field Definition Define schema at admin ui to be quick 28 ①select “Schema” ②choice “Add Field” ③set each settings, and click the “Add Field”

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Building Japanese Full-Text Search System by Solr #openSUSE.Asia Summit2017 10/21 6 Solr can search from RDBMS! Setup is finished! Let’s import. In the usual way REST-api. http://localhost:8983/solr/mycore/dataimport?command=full-i mport 29 Our “mycore” Incidentally, URI「/dataimport」 is defined at requestHandler setting in solrconfig.xml Importing is finished only in this. You can seach in admin ui. For practical use, designing to import difference or timming of importing.

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Building Japanese Full-Text Search System by Solr #openSUSE.Asia Summit2017 10/21 7 Facet is easy to count Facet Search This is a function to count after grouping. For example, to get a count of a type in this case. 30 id name description type 1 docker container virtualization 2 emacs multiple editor editor 3 vim multiple editor editor 4 chrome browser browser 5 firefox browser browser 6 sleipnir browser browser "facet_counts":{ "facet_queries":{}, "facet_fields":{ "type":[ "virtualization",1, "editor",2 “browser”,3]}, "facet_ranges":{}, "facet_intervals":{}, "facet_heatmaps":{}}

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Building Japanese Full-Text Search System by Solr #openSUSE.Asia Summit2017 10/21 7 Facet is easy to count Facet Search REST-api The way is to add query field of facet search. http://localhost:8983/solr/mycore/select?facet=on&facet.field= type&indent=on&q=*:*&wt=json 31 ・facet=on   Enable facet search ・facet.field=type grouping and count by “type” Of cource, facet search can be combined with a normal search.

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Building Japanese Full-Text Search System by Solr #openSUSE.Asia Summit2017 10/21 8 Highlighter is easy to highlight Highlighter Solr can get result of highrigt separately from normal result. For example, To search at “worldwide” from a description in this data. 32 id name description 1 openSUSE The openSUSE project is a worldwide effort that promotes the use of Linux everywhere. openSUSE creates one of the world's best Linux distributions, working together in an open, transparent and friendly manner as part of the worldwide Free and Open Source Software community.

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Building Japanese Full-Text Search System by Solr #openSUSE.Asia Summit2017 10/21 8 Highlighter is easy to highlight To search with highlighter…. 33 "highlighting":{ "1":{ "description":["The openSUSE project is a worldwide effort that promotes the use of "]}} The openSUSE project is a worldwide effort that promotes the use of Linux everywhere. openSUSE creates one of the world's best Linux distributions, working together in an open, transparent and friendly manner as part of the worldwide Free and Open Source Software community. “worldwide” word is surrounded by tag. and retrieve text around the word.

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Building Japanese Full-Text Search System by Solr #openSUSE.Asia Summit2017 10/21 8 Highlighter is easy to highlight Search with Highligter REST-api In the usual way to add query parameter. http://localhost:8983/solr/mycore/select?hl=on&hl.fl=descripti on&indent=on&q=description:worldwide&wt=json 34 ・hl=on Highligter on ・hl.fl=description Assign description field for highlight

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Building Japanese Full-Text Search System by Solr #openSUSE.Asia Summit2017 10/21 8 Highlighter is easy to highlight Setting of Highlighter ・”searchComponent” section in solrconfig.xml. ・To set several things to field. a. set “stored” that keep retrieved data is true. b. set things analysing to fieldtype. Highrighter can set some combination. You can use a default, but settings can careful control. hl.method hl.qparser hl.requireFieldMatch hl.usePhraseHighlighter etc... 35

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Building Japanese Full-Text Search System by Solr #openSUSE.Asia Summit2017 10/21 And more functions Spatial 36

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Building Japanese Full-Text Search System by Solr #openSUSE.Asia Summit2017 10/21 And more functions Cloud 37 Recommend No Image

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Building Japanese Full-Text Search System by Solr #openSUSE.Asia Summit2017 10/21 1 Solr is index type full-text search system. 2 Field definition is called “Schema” This decides a structure of an index. 3 Solr can search from RDBMS too. 4 facet search, Highlighter is too easy. 8 ハイラGood Search Life!! Have a lot of fun... 38 Today’s summary