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ello ’m Hervé Mischler @Dstroii

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’m a Mac fanboy

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SAP Electronic Medical Record

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ow it wor s! I need to understand

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Hone comb ANDROID 3

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Ice rea ANDROID 4 Sandwich

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January 2012

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Dr. Martin Schultz Ward B WARD B ROOM 6 Maria Wu Severe Thoracic Trauma patient informations Erica Link Severe Thoracic Trauma patient informations WARD B ROOM 8 WARD B ROOM 7 Lisa Gardner Severe Thoracic Trauma patient informations Dieter Brandt Severe Thoracic Trauma patient informations Andrew Forster Severe Thoracic Trauma patient informations Lisa Gardner Severe Thoracic Trauma patient informations F/32 WARD B ROOM 6 Maria Wu Severe Thoracic … patient informations Erica Link Severe Thoracic… patient informations WARD B ROOM 7 Lisa Gardner Severe Thoracic … patient informations Dieter Brandt Severe Thoracic… patient informations Dr. Martin Schultz Systolic Blood Pressure patient informations see more… Temperature patient informations Lisa Gardner Angina pectoris, unspecified Ward B Room 7 - Admitted 8/11/2011 - Hosp day 9 7/4/87 24 Years F CHARTS Physician Letter from GP Medical Specialist see more… Physician Referral Neurology DOCUMENTS XRays of chest with 2 images Screening Mammography see more… XRay:hand patient informations IMAGES

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1dp = 1px on a 160dpi screen dip

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16 4 8 8 8 48 4 16 16 Button

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48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 16 16 16 16

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creen ensity

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res drawable-hdpi drawable-ldpi drawable-mdpi drawable-xhdpi 1.5 x 0.75 x 1x 2x baseline

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res drawable-hdpi drawable-ldpi drawable-mdpi drawable-xhdpi 1.5 x 0.75 x 1x 2x drawable-xxhdpi 3x 480dpi

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creen ize

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Over 20 screen c54¿-;rations available from em;2ator skins in the Android SDK

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Small Normal Large XLarge Range of creens 426dp x 320dp 470dp x 320dp 640dp x 480dp 960dp x 720dp

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res drawable-hdpi drawable-ldpi drawable-mdpi drawable-xhdpi layout layout-large values activity_home.xml layout-xlarge activity_home.xml

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values-sw600dp values-sw720dp swdp Smallest Width

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sw320dp sw600dp sw720dp Target different types of devices

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values-w720dp values-w1024dp wdp Availabl creen width

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values-h720dp values-h1024dp hdp Availabl creen height

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res drawable-hdpi drawable-ldpi drawable-mdpi drawable-xhdpi layout layout-sw720dp values activity_home.xml

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creen ientation

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values-port values-port-w720dp port Portrait

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values-land values-land-w720dp land Landscape

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Stretch / Com ess

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Show / Hide

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F a men s

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F a men s

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Action Ba

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Stacked Action Ba

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Stacked Action Ba

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Stacked Action Ba

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Stacked Action Ba

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"You can almost think of nexus 7 as a bit of a bootstrap to the ecosystem" Matias Duarte Senior Director, Android User Experience

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ig hone mall ablet

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evice ontrols

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Keyboard Type Navigation Touch Screen nokeys qwerty twelvekey nonav dpad trackball wheel notouch stylus trackball finger

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latform ersions

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res drawable-hdpi drawable-ldpi drawable-mdpi drawable-xhdpi layout values values-v11 Honeycomb Ice Cream Sandwich values-v14

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Don’t be afraid of using Ecli se

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Don’t be afraid of using Ecli se

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What the web Can lear Can lear from Android What the web from Android

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640dp 800dp 384dp 1280dp 1024dp Androi B eak oints

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sass images-hdpi images-ldpi images-mdpi images-xhdpi layout values _colors.scss _theme.scss _dimens.scss

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@media (pointer:coarse) { … } @media (hover) { … } Medi ueries level 4 Device controls

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