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Building a Lakehouse Platform on Azure with Databricks Hansjörg Wingeier, IT Architect, die Mobiliar Mathias Herzog, Senior Cloud Consultant , Peak Scale

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Name Hansjörg Wingeier Job IT Architect Company die Mobiliar Team Bricks @ Die Mobiliar Contact Fun Stuff Krav Maga, Reading Tags (edit) Infra: Azure, Databricks SW: Python, Java, SQL, ML, RL, Data Processing IAC: Terraform More (99)

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Name Mathias Herzog Job Infrastructure Artist Company Team Bricks @ Die Mobiliar Contact Fun Stuff Hiking, Biking, Skiing, doing fun stuff Tags (edit) Infra: Azure, K8s, Linux, Databricks SW: Python, Go, JS IAC: Terraform, Ansible More (99)

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Vision 23.05.2023 4

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Vision - The Journey from EDWH to Dataproducts & DataMesh 23.05.2023 5 Governance Data Mesh Building a lakehouse platform on Azure with Databricks Delivering data driven value at scale sourcing managing accessing How to work with data? How to produce data? How to provide data?

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23.05.2023 6 Databricks Lakehouse Mobiliar Cloud Architecture Components & Deployment Connecting Components Automate Deployment Conclusion Outlook Context Hadron Infrastructure Final Remarks Agenda Building a lakehouse platform on Azure with Databricks

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Part I Context 23.05.2023 7

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Databricks Lakehouse 23.05.2023 8

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Databricks Lakehouse Platform 23.05.2023 9 Metastore Users SPs Groups Unity Catalog Storage Workspaces Building a lakehouse platform on Azure with Databricks

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Unity Catalog Metastore 23.05.2023 10 Metastore Users SPs Groups Unity Catalog Storage ExternalLocation ExternalLocation DefaultStorage Metastore Users SPs Groups Unity Catalog Storage Catalog Catalog Catalog Schema Schema Schema Schema Schema Building a lakehouse platform on Azure with Databricks

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(Azure) Databricks Workspace 23.05.2023 11 Operate Develop Spark infrastructure As needed Batches and Streams ML SQL / Dashboards Workflows Workspaces Building a lakehouse platform on Azure with Databricks

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Mobiliar Cloud Architecture 23.05.2023 12

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13 Development process The Development process at Die Mobiliar is defined according to the DevOps principles and, specifically, the Continuous Delivery ones and defines the following steps that are to be carried out for each addition of functionality or bugfix: Building a lakehouse platform on Azure with Databricks 23.05.2023

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14 Development process Continuous Deployment Continuous Integration Building a lakehouse platform on Azure with Databricks 23.05.2023 CI automatically build, tests and integrates code changes in a repository CD automatically deploys code changes to customers directly. Every commit is a potential release

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Project structure PreProd Prod App 2 App 1 Mobiliar Cloud Architecture - CI/CD Pipeline 15 Deploy infrastructure App1-preprod-runner +pp1-prod-runner App2-preprod-runner App2-prod-runner 23.05.2023 IIQ/IAM (on-premise) Azure AD Mobi-Metastore Users SPs Groups Unity Catalog Domain X App 1 Project Domain Y App 2 Project

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Part II Hadron Infrastructure 23.05.2023 16

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Components & Deployment 23.05.2023 17

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Main components of the Mobiliar Lakehouse 18 "DBx4DEV (Databricks Developer Workplace)" Workplace of Data Engineers to develop dbxservices One single instance for all Data Engineers Workspaces Metastore Users SPs Groups Unity Catalog Storage DBx4Dev DSW UC1 DSW UC2 DSW UC3 DSW UC4 DSW UC5 DSW UC6 RT APP1 RT APP2 RT APP3 "DBxDSW (Databricks Data Scientist Workplace)" Workplace of Data Scientists to work with productive data One instance per usecase "DBxRT (Databricks Runtime)" Databricks Workspace on which workflows are deployed to One Instance for every application and stage Storage Accounts The Storage accounts used by the Unity Catalog to store the data One instance for every application and stage Databricks Unity Catalog Centralized governance and access to decentralized data Building a lakehouse platform on Azure with Databricks 23.05.2023

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Deployment of main components 23.05.2023 19 PreProd Prod IIQ/IAM (on-premise) Azure AD Mobi-Metastore Users SPs Groups Unity Catalog App 2 App 1 HAD Workspaces Storages App 2 App 1 HAD Preprod Data Prod Data Sample Data DBx4Dev RT APP1 Pre RT APP1 Prd RT APP2 Pre RT APP2 Prd DSW UC1 DSW UC2 DSW UC3 DSW UC4 DSW UC5 How to ensure the isolation? Building a lakehouse platform on Azure with Databricks

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Connecting Components 23.05.2023 20

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Databricks Layer 23.05.2023 21 PreProd Prod IIQ/IAM (on-premise) Azure AD Mobi-Metastore Users SPs Groups Unity Catalog App 2 App 1 HAD Workspaces Storages App 2 App 1 HAD Preprod Data Prod Data Sample Data DBx4Dev RT APP1 Pre RT APP1 Prd RT APP2 Pre RT APP2 Prd DSW UC1 DSW UC2 DSW UC3 DSW UC4 DSW UC5 EL App1 Pre EL App2 Pre EL App1 Prd EL App2 Prd EL Sample Cat App1 Prd Cat App2 Prd Cat App1 Pre Cat App2 Pre Cat Sample grants grants grants grants grants uses uses uses uses uses Building a lakehouse platform on Azure with Databricks

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23.05.2023 22 PreProd Prod IIQ/IAM (on-premise) Azure AD Unity Catalog Mobi-Metastore Users SPs Groups App 2 App 1 HAD Workspaces Storages App 2 App 1 HAD Preprod Data Prod Data Sample Data DBx4Dev RT APP1 Pre RT APP1 Prd RT APP2 Pre RT APP2 Prd DSW UC1 DSW UC2 DSW UC3 DSW UC4 DSW UC5 Network Layer EL App1 Pre Cat App1 Prd EL App2 Pre EL App1 Prd EL App2 Prd EL Sample Cat App2 Prd Cat App1 Pre Cat App2 Pre Cat Sample Building a lakehouse platform on Azure with Databricks

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Automate Deployment 23.05.2023 23

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PreProd Prod App 2 App 1 HAD Databricks / Unity Catalog automation - grants 24 Deploy infrastructure HAD-preprod-runner HAD-prod-runner App1-preprod-runner App1-prod-runner App2-preprod-runner App2-prod-runner Mobi-Metastore Users SPs Groups Unity Catalog RT APP1 Prd deploys Building a lakehouse platform on Azure with Databricks 23.05.2023 Domain IT HAD Project Domain X App 1 Project Domain X App 1 Project Gitlab structure

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Deployment of Storage, Runtimes, & DSW 23.05.2023 25 Prod IIQ/IAM (on-premise) Azure AD Mobi-Metastore Users SPs Groups Unity Catalog App 2 App 1 HAD Workspaces Storages App 2 App 1 HAD RT APP1 Prd RT APP2 Prd Cat App2 Prd EL App2 Prd uses Cat App1 Prd EL App1 Prd uses • Domain 1 • HAD Order-infrastructure-job • App 1 CreateStorage-iac CreateRuntime-iac CreateDSW-iac Project structure DSW UC1 DSWUC1User DSWUC1User grant access DSWUC1User Building a lakehouse platform on Azure with Databricks

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Deployment of Storage, Runtimes, & DSW 23.05.2023 26 Building a lakehouse platform on Azure with Databricks The order process pipeline connecting things

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Terraform or RestAPI 23.05.2023 Basispräsentation 27 Declarative, IaC pattern Domain Specific (DSL) Widely accepted at Die Mobiliar Manges state (housekeeping is easy) A Terraform Stack provided by Die Mobiliar Full blown programming language Code assisting Debugging is easy Easy to test Hard to manage n:m relations (complex logic) Debugging is cumbersome Hard to use imperatively (using loops, etc.) Provider initialization per subscription and WS Not all Databricks API functionality is available No state management More work

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Part III Final Remarks 23.05.2023 28

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Conclusion 23.05.2023 29 Building a lakehouse platform on Azure with Databricks • The defined infrastructure around the Databricks Lakehouse components is working • Automation was possible • Everything is in development, we faced significant feature changes e.g., multiple Metastores in the same region were possible, now only one Metastore per region is supported) • Easy to let costs explode

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23.05.2023 30 Our first productive Data Products Building a lakehouse platform on Azure with Databricks

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Outlook • Monitor and control costs / Became costs aware / Capex vs Opex • Gain experience / How to develop efficiently • Onboard new teams 31 Building a lakehouse platform on Azure with Databricks 23.05.2023

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