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Modern Applications need modern Identity OpenID Connect & OAuth 2.0 Dominick Baier @leastprivilege

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2 @leastprivilege Dominick Baier • Independent Consultant – Specializing on Identity & Access Control – Working with Software Development Teams (ISVs and in-house) • Creator and Maintainer of IdentityServer OSS Project – OpenID Connect & OAuth 2.0 Implementation for ASP.NET – .NET Foundation Advisory Board – slides:

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3 @leastprivilege In the Beginning… Web Applications

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4 @leastprivilege ..then came Federation Web Applications SAML, WS-Federation WS-Trust/Security

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5 @leastprivilege Then this happened… No SOAP No SAML No WS* No Windows No Enterprise HTTP JSON

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6 @leastprivilege Modern Applications Browser Native App Server App "Thing" Web App Web API Web API Web API Security Token Service

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7 @leastprivilege Security Protocols (I) Browser Native App Server App "Thing" Web App Web API Web API Web API WS-Fed, SAML 2.0, OpenID Connect* Security Token Service * *

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8 @leastprivilege Security Protocols (II) Browser Native App Server App "Thing" Web App Web API Web API Web API WS-Fed, SAML 2.0, OpenID Connect* OAuth 2.0 OAuth 2.0 OAuth 2.0 OAuth 2.0 OAuth 2.0 OAuth 2.0 Security Token Service * *

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9 @leastprivilege What's wrong with SAML (& WS-Federation) Craig Burton (#CIS2012): “SAML is the Windows XP of Identity.” “No funding. No innovation. People still use it. But it has no future SAML is dead != SAML is bad. SAML is dead != SAML isn’t useful. SAML is dead means SAML != the future.”

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10 @leastprivilege What’s wrong with OAuth 2.0

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11 @leastprivilege

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12 @leastprivilege Libraries & Implementations

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13 @leastprivilege

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14 @leastprivilege IdentityServer

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15 @leastprivilege OpenID Connect in a Nutshell Browser Native App Web App Web API Authenticate Users Request Access Tokens for APIs

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16 @leastprivilege Endpoints Authorize Endpoint Token Endpoint UserInfo Endpoint

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17 @leastprivilege Flows • Implicit Flow – browser-based applications – no explicit client authentication • Hybrid Flow – native/mobile applications – client authentication • Client Credentials Flow – server to server communication – headless devices / IoT

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18 @leastprivilege Authentication for Web Applications GET /authorize ?client_id=app1 &redirect_uri= &response_type=id_token &response_mode=form_post &nonce=j1y…a23 &scope=openid email

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19 @leastprivilege Authentication

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20 @leastprivilege Consent

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21 @leastprivilege Response POST /callback

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22 @leastprivilege Identity Token { "typ": "JWT", "alg": "RS256", "kid": "mj399j…" } { "iss": "https://idsrv3", "exp": 1340819380, "aud": "app1", "nonce": "j1y…a23", "sub": "182jmm199", "email": "", "email_verified": true, "amr": [ "password" ], "auth_time": 12340819300 } Header Claims eyJhbGciOiJub25lIn0.eyJpc3MiOiJqb2UiLA0KICJleHAiOjEzMD.4MTkzODAsDQogImh0dHA6Ly9leGFt Header Claims Signature

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23 @leastprivilege Discovery

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24 @leastprivilege ASP.NET Middleware for OpenID Connect app.UseOpenIdConnectAuthentication(new OpenIdConnectAuthenticationOptions { Authority = "", Client_Id = "myapp", Redirect_Uri = "", Response_Type = "id_token", Scope = "openid email", SignInAsAuthenticationType = "Cookies" }; app.UseCookieAuthentication(new CookieAuthenticationOptions { AuthenticationType = "Cookies" });

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25 @leastprivilege Accessing APIs client identity user identity user identity

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26 @leastprivilege Calling an API using Client Identity Authorization: Bearer POST /token grant_type=client_credentials scope=api1 client_id=client client_secret=secret

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27 @leastprivilege Web Applications • OpenID Connect Hybrid Flow combines – user authentication (identity token) – access to APIs (access token) • Additional Security Features – access tokens not exposed to the browser – (optional) long-lived API access

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28 @leastprivilege Hybrid Flow Request GET /authorize ?client_id=app1 &redirect_uri= &response_type=code id_token &response_mode=form_post &nonce=j1y…a23 &scope=openid email api1 api2

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29 @leastprivilege Hybrid Flow Response POST /cb

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30 @leastprivilege Retrieving the Access Token • Exchange code for access token – using client id and secret code (client_id:client_secret) { access_token: "xyz…123", expires_in: 3600, token_type: "Bearer" }

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31 @leastprivilege Access Token Lifetime Management • Access tokens have finite lifetimes – requesting a new token requires browser round trip to authorization server – should be as short lived as possible • Refresh tokens allow renewal semantics – no user interaction required – typically combined with a revocation feature

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32 @leastprivilege Requesting a Refresh Token GET /authorize ?client_id=app1 &redirect_uri= &response_type=code id_token &response_mode=form_post &nonce=j1y…a23 &scope=openid email api1 offline_access

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33 @leastprivilege Retrieving the Access Token (w/ Refresh Token) code (client_id:client_secret) { access_token: "xyz…123", refresh_token: "jdj9…192j", expires_in: 3600, token_type: "Bearer" }

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34 @leastprivilege Refreshing an Access Token refresh_token (client_id:client_secret) { access_token: "xyz…567", refresh_token: "jdj9…203j", expires_in: 3600, token_type: "Bearer" }

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35 @leastprivilege Revocation

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36 @leastprivilege Native/Mobile Applications • Applications with access to native OS services – e.g. secure data storage • Usage of "in-app browser tab" to show login UI – helps preventing key logging and spoofing attacks – cross app single sign-on – support for password managers • Requires inter-process communication – usage of reverse domain name redirect URIs – RFC 7636 (PKCE - Proof Key for Code Exchange)

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37 @leastprivilege Hybrid Flow w/ PKCE GET /authorize ?client_id=nativeapp &scope=openid email api1 api2 offline_access &redirect_uri=com.mycompany.nativeapp://cb &response_type=code id_token &code_challenge=x929..1921 code_verifier = random_number code_challenge = hash(code_verifier)

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38 @leastprivilege Response GET /cb #id_token=x12f…zsz &code=818…1299 callback

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39 @leastprivilege Retrieving Access Token code & code verifier (client_id:client_secret) { access_token: "xyz…123", refresh_token: "dxy…103" expires_in: 3600, token_type: "Bearer" }

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40 @leastprivilege Libraries for Native Apps • Native – – • Portable / Xamarin –

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41 @leastprivilege JavaScript Applications • OpenID Connect Implicit Flow designed for JS/Browser- based Applications – simplified flow – no secret required – limited features

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42 @leastprivilege Implicit Flow Request GET /authorize ?client_id=app1 &redirect_uri= &response_type=id_token token &nonce=j1y…a23 &scope=openid email api1 api2

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43 @leastprivilege Response GET /callback.html #id_token=x12f…zsz &token=32x…133 &expires_in=3600 &token_type=Bearer

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44 @leastprivilege JavaScript Client Library •

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45 @leastprivilege Resources • • • • •

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46 @leastprivilege thank you!