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About me Chris O’Dell @ChrisAnnODell Lead for Build Engineering at Skelton Thatcher Consulting 2

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Books 3

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Team-first digital transformation 30+ organisations UK, EU, India, China 4

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Why Developers should also be on-call 5

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Agenda Prerequisites: •CD Pipeline •Telemetry •Metrics Driven Development •Product ownership 6

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Agenda Techniques: •On-call as “First Aid” •Effective incident follow up •Running and on-call Rota •Preventing burnout 7

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[having a separate operations team] “creates a divide and simply doesn’t scale, it puts the onus of responsibility for fixing an issue on the wrong team.” – Joey Parsons, Airbnb SRE manager “Who Owns On Call” 18

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20 Coda Hale – Metrics, Metrics, Everywhere Jordan Sissel - logging: logstash and other things

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Metrics Driven Development The use of real-time metrics to drive rapid, precise, and granular software iterations. 23

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24 Coda Hale – Metrics, Metrics, Everywhere

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Developers On-Call is an evolution of Metrics Driven Development 25

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Bottleneck •After a point, Software & Perf bugs become more common than low level infra ones •Business find it difficult to hire Ops at the rate of Dev 27

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“When things are broken, we want people with the best context trying to fix things.” – Blake Scrivener, Netflix SRE Manager “Who Owns On Call” 28

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Collaborate with Ops •Improve your understanding of how applications operate in production •Improve your knowledge of highly available systems to feedback into the development of your product 29

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Ownership •Own your product for its entire lifetime. From creation, through execution and to deletion. 30

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“With great power, comes great responsibility.” – Uncle Ben Spider-Man 2002 31

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Ownership •Become experts in supporting your existing tooling to feed your future choices 32

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Operating in Production is an oft neglected use-case of a Product 33

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Ownership •Being on call for your own product is more about risk management than control 34

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ABC Airways Breathing Circulation 36

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ABC Assess - Triage the incoming alerts Blast radius - What applications are failing? Compensate - apply mitigating actions 37

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Compensating actions •Turn off a feature flag •Apply graceful degradation •Redeploy a known good version •Turn on load shedding •Many more… 38 Ines Sombra - Architectural Patterns of Resilient Distributed Systems

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Do not investigate the root cause during an incident 39

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Follow up •Hold a blameless post-mortem soon after the event •Mitigating fixes go to the top of the workstream •Run Show & Tells of incidents 40

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“MTTR is more important than MTBF (for most types of F)” – John Allspaw Author of Web Operations 41

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Ownership of runtime success belongs to the team 42

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Never fail the same way twice 45

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Push the alerts •Do not expect engineers to sit and watch logs •Use an alerting tool with built in rotations & escalations such as PagerDuty or OpsGenie 47

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Signal to Noise •Alerts should only be used when we would be happy waking someone up! •Informative & Actionable 49

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Actively combat alert fatigue 50

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Running an on call rota •No more than 1 week at a time •Changeover on Tuesdays •Have an onboarding process for new engineers 52

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Running an on call rota •Agree a reasonable SLA for alert acknowledgement •Have escalation policies to provide support when needed 53

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Agree responsibilities •Agree areas of responsibility for Dev & Ops •E.g. Devs responsible for App health & performance •Ops responsible for underlying infra and monitoring stack 54

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“Burnout is killing us.” – John Willis Co-Author of The DevOps Handbook 56

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Prevent Burnout •Ensure your team size is large enough to allow for rest, sickness and holidays •Allow for engineers to cover and swap between themselves 58

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Prevent Burnout •Ensure the engineers have the authority and space to improve the applications and thus improve on-call 59

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Developers On Call 61

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Take pride in your services… 62

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…without destroying your team 63

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You build it, you run it. 64

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Slide 65 text Upcoming book: Team Guide to Build & Release Engineering by Chris O’Dell & Manuel Pais 65

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Thank you Chris O’Dell @ChrisAnnODell 66

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Attributions Iceberg - Pipeline - CD Pipeline Photos – EKG - Bottleneck - Mind the Gap – Tyre stack – Punch Clock - Carrot - 67