Building up the
Electron Project
Jessica Lord
JSConf Hawai’i 2019
Team & Community Engineering
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Jessica Lord
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An open source library built at GitHub that combines Node.js
and Chrome into one environment so that you can build
desktop apps with HTML, CSS and JS/Node.
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The year is 2015.
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Could mean 3 teams, 3 apps each native to an OS.
Or reach fewer users. Mac, Windows,
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GitHub’s text editor built with web technologies.
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CEF NW.js atom-shell
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Finding atom-shell
Some people had looked into the Atom org on GitHub to see
what Atom was built on.
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VS Code Atom
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becomes Electron
An electron is a part of an atom!
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Me, in
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“Electron is
not important.”
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“No one will work
on Electron.”
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“Use your weekends.”
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She Persisted
Researched usage, the space, what was missing and made
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40 More Hours
for Electron!
Began by spending my work weeks (on the Atom team)
on Electron.
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First Things First
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Static Sites FTW
They’re great. Please see JAMStack for more.
APIs, Markup
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Body of docs exists, edit, standardize consistent language and
markdown semantics.
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Single Source of Truth
Docs live in the Electron repo, everyone gets a copy,
they’re markdown. download,
fork, clone
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Stream docs from
release tarball,
parse and generate
Jekyll front matter.
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From Markdown
to Better
A little bit of CSS to make notation more discernible
and approachable.
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readability with
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Don’t forsake
the markdown
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An App of One’s Own
Get people up and running quickly, comprehensibly and don’t
give yourself a lot of extra work, either.
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Not Gonna Init
Electron apps vary too much in scale and style to prescribe one
way and it’s futile to try and maintain every permutation.
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Electron Quick Start
Clone, install and run for an Electron app. Hint at what’s
possible but keep it familiar.
Dev tools
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Dev tools,
a couple API calls
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Developers, Developers
Prioritize the education of devs who don’t yet realize what
they can do.
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Electron API
Demos App
Electron app to show what you can do with Electron, sample
code included; built to be opened up and examined.
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Sample Code is
the Code
The demo app uses Node APIs to read its own files and web
APIs to put them to the DOM in the app.
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ES6: just because
you can doesn’t
mean you should.
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Built to Open up
Folder structure, naming conventions are all done so that new
users exploring the insides can make sense of it.
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Document structure
and diagram of chain
of events.
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Electron Community
and Userland
Electron needs the community and userland for support and is
in a unique position to respond to the community.
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We’d launched the 1.0, grown to a team of 4, had our own
names and meetings!
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Final Thoughts
These are the slides near the end and are about what the
point of all of this was.
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How people understand and experience a system. Putting new
developers first.
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Electron’s situation
was different
Which was good. Unplanned, outside the view of dot com, was
able to work on ideas (mostly) unchallenged and the project
could respond to the community rather than internal forces.
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One Day, Electron
will be gone
As it should be. And hopefully one day our current ideas on
documentation and talking about code will be gone, too.
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Scale Down, People Up
Don’t give yourself extra work! Things can probably be simpler
than you think.