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Kil g C ac s w i m i g

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Kil g C ac s w i m i g CreateInTO July 25, 2018 Ateş Göral aka magna @atesgoral

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Par s o Ch e

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When sky is the limit - “build a structure”

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Con r s a Cr i t

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You can only use sand

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You can only use 140 280 characters

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You can only use 140 characters of JavaScript

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Slide 9 text by corruptio for(i=h=432;i--;x.fillRect(h+(h/i-1)**.5*S(t- i)*i,i,9,44))x.fillStyle=R(v='㓀职뿽흟�巶涷溲疗 恋 ㆇന䁓 㒄␅ 先р蠂 '.charCodeAt(i/16)>>i%16&1,v*h,99,C(t-i)) 140

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Dwi r - d i t .ne

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Dwi r d i t .ne Dwitter is a social network for building and sharing visual JavaScript demos limited to 140 characters. Created by Andreas Løve Selvik aka lionleaf. Inspired by a concept by Sigve Sebastian Farstad aka sigveseb. Its first official launch was at the Solskogen Demoparty in 2016 where it won the wild compo.

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The t Ru t

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Dwitter runtime // Called 60 times per second function u(t) { } t // Elapsed time in seconds S // Shorthand for Math.sin C // Shorthand for Math.cos T // Shorthand for Math.tan R // Generates rgba strings e.g. R(255,255,255,.5) c // 1920x1080 canvas x // 2D context for that canvas

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Sho s !

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No content

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Slide 16 text by jylikangas for(c.width=i=714;i--;F(t+i/714+(i>>7)/9,-9)) (F=(a,o)=>x.strokeRect(357+S(a)*290-o/(Z=C(a) +1+(t%6<3)),99+C(a*(t/6%4|0))*99/Z,o/=Z/2,o)) (i,4) 140

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No content

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Slide 18 text by joeytwiddle t?c.width=W=200:P=Z=0;for(i=36;i--;j==Z&&(X-9 9)**2<60?Z=9:Z?onclick=e=>Z--:P++)j=i>>2, llText(j?' ':' ',j?X=j%5*t/i*P/23%W:99,9*(j| |Z)) 140

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No content

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Slide 20 text by sigveseb for(n=c.width=i=1e3,s=S(t),k=C(t);i--;x.lineT o(n*X/Z,n*Y/Z))F=S(i),U=C(i),V=(i&7)-3,_=V*s+ F*k,Z=V*k-F*s+15,X=_*k-U*s+7,Y=_*s+U*k+3; ll() 140

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A lot more great examples at:

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Def Dwe

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Default dweet c.width=1920 // clear the canvas for(i=0;i<9;i++) x.fillRect(400+i*100+S(t)*300,400,50,200) // draw 50x200 rects 112

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If I were coding at work c.width = 1920; // clear the canvas for (i = 0; i < 9; i++) { // draw 50x200 rects x.fillRect(400 + i * 100 + S(t) * 300, 400, 50, 200); } +31 143

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Reg Cha t T im g

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Remove comments c.width = 1920; for (i = 0; i < 9; i++) { x.fillRect(400 + i * 100 + S(t) * 300, 400, 50, 200); } -43 100

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Remove white space c.width=1920; for(i=0;i<9;i++){ x.fillRect(400+i*100+S(t)*300,400,50,200); } -24 76

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Remove semicolons and curlies c.width=1920 for(i=0;i<9;i++)x.fillRect(400+i*100+S(t)*300,400,50,200) -6 70

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Let’s Go !

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Reverse loop c.width=1920 for(i=9;i--;)x.fillRect(400+i*100+S(t)*300,400,50,200) // before : for(i=0;i<9;i++) // after : for(i=9;i--;) -3 67

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Identity operation c.width|=0 for(i=9;i--;)x.fillRect(400+i*100+S(t)*300,400,50,200) // before : c.width=1920 // after : c.width|=0 // c.width^=0 // c.width+=0 // c.width*=1 -2 65

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Compromise // 1920 or 1929. Who cares? for(c.width|=i=9;i--;)x.fillRect(400+i*100+S(t)*300,400,50,200) // before : c.width|=0⏎ // after : c.width|= -2 63

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Failed attempt at avoiding repetition // before for(c.width|=i=9;i--;)x.fillRect(400+i*100+S(t)*300,400,50,200) // after for(c.width|=i=9,w=400;i--;)x.fillRect(w+i*100+S(t)*300,w,50,200) // need at least 4 repetitions to save characters +2 65

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Pro : fo l

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fork loop c.width|=0 fork(i=;i--;)x.fillRect(400+i*100+S(t)*300,400,50,200) // Prevent accidental infinite loops while live-editing code // by first changing the “for” loop to a “fork” loop. // Can’t infinite-loop with a syntax error.

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“Jav p i g ”

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Depends on who’s using it, how ● Can write beautiful code by using the good parts ● Can write ugly code ● Can write FUGLY code

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Fug d o K l g C a c s

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Tagged template literals // before s.split('') // after s.split``

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Cringy math // before x.arc(a,b,r,0,Math.PI*2) // after x.arc(a,b,r,0,7)

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valueOf // before r=Math.random;x.arc(r(),r(),r(),r(),r(),r()) // after T.valueOf=Math.random;x.arc(T,T,T,T,T,T)

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Browser resiliency // before x.filter='sepia(100%)' // after x.filter='sepia('

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Som er T c iq

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Canvas primitives x.fillRect(X,Y,W,H) x.arc(X,Y,r,0,7)

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Direct pixel manipulation d=x.getImageData(X,Y,w,h) x.putImageData(d,X,Y,w,h)

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Text/emoji x.fillText(' ',0,16)

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Glitching`url(${c.toDataURL().replace('c','f')}) 0/100%`

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A plethora of know-how ● ● Talk to people: ● ●

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Som y uf

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Tha s! @at ra I’ll attempt to do some live coding to create some new dweets. If you’re up for it, do some of your own and I’ll be around to help!

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Bon : d e p