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WordFlow complete Workflow for WordPress developers @mukkoo

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Disclaimer no kittens no live coding too much to say @mukkoo

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<% Story time %>

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WordPress is fun! So many plugins! Huge community! Lots of freedom!

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Every team has different tools. Every customer has different needs. Every project is unique.

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we need conventions. documentation is boring.

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Webpack! Node! Yarn! Pug!
 Sass! CoffeeScript! DeployDeployDeploy!

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Agenda fast bootstrap rich development environment deploy often and everywhere @mukkoo

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fast bootstrap @mukkoo

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Install core* ↳ $ wp core download
 ↳ $ wp core install *with wp-cli @mukkoo

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Install wordless* ↳ $ wp plugin install wordless ↳ $ wp plugin activate wordless ↳ $ wp wordless theme create new_theme *with wp-cli @mukkoo

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bootstrap complete fast @mukkoo

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RICH Development env @mukkoo

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├── assets │ ├── fonts │ ├── images │ ├── javascripts │ └── stylesheets ├── config │ ├── initializers │ └── locales ├── node_modules ├── theme │ ├── assets │ ├── helpers │ └── views ├── tmp │ └── README.mdown ├── Procfile ├── index.php ├── package.json ├── screenshot.png ├── style.css ├── webpack.config.js └── yarn.lock theme structure initializers views index.php assets JS stack

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Why wordless is good? built-in initialisers webpack: images optimization sass transpiling webpack: assets digest (cache) coffeescript transpiling pug interpreter livereload with browsersync @mukkoo

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Easy to handle 50+ helpers - link_to(), image_tag() - placeholder_text(), placeholder_image() - latest_posts_of_type() - render_view(), render_partial() - and more… @mukkoo

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Extend custom webpack configuration custom node packages import @mukkoo

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HTML Pug if (foo) bar(1 + 5)

Hello Wordcamp!

<%php echo(get_the_title()) %>

You are amazing

PUG doctype html html(lang="en") head title Pug script(type='text/javascript') if (foo) bar(1 + 5) body h1 Hello Wordcamp! #container.col h2= get_the_title() p You are amazing @mukkoo

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css body { font-size: 14px; margin-top: 20px; margin-bottom: 20px; } .table { padding: 20px; background-color: #ff0000; } .table __cell { padding: 10px; background-color: #ff0000; } .table __cell—inverse { background-color: #0000ff; } sass $base-font-size: 14px $gutter: 20px $base-color: #ff0000 
 body font-size: $base-font-size margin: top: $gutter bottom: $gutter .table padding: $gutter background-color: $base-color & __cell padding: $gutter / 2 background-color: $base-color &—inverse background-color: #0000ff

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javascript (es6) var fill; fill = function(container = “cup”, liquid = “coffee”) { return `Filling the ${container} with ${liquid} ...`; }; var result = []; var ingredients = [“coffee”, “milk”, “syrup”, “ice”]; for (i = 0; i < ingredients.length; i ++) { result.push(fill(ingredients(i))); } coffeescript fill = (container = “cup”, liquid = “coffee”) -> `Filling the ${container} with ${liquid} ...` var ingredients = [“coffee”, “milk”, “syrup”, “ice”] result = (fill(elem) for elem in ingredients)

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deploy often and everywhere @mukkoo

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bad habits @mukkoo manual tasks no conventions late deploy, live coding

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good habits @mukkoo automation shared practices deploy early, deploy often

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wordmove @mukkoo ↳ $ gem install wordmove ↳ $ wordmove init *requires ruby *

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movefile @mukkoo global: sql_adapter: wpcli local: vhost: http: //vhost.local wordpress_path: /home/john/sites/your_site database: name: database_name user: user password: password host: localhost production: vhost: http: // wordpress_path: /var/ www/your_site database: name: database_name user: user password: password host: host exclude: - '.git/' ssh: host: host user: user

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movefile @mukkoo global: sql_adapter: wpcli local: vhost: http: //vhost.local wordpress_path: /home/john/sites/your_site database: name: database_name user: user password: password host: localhost production: vhost: http: // wordpress_path: /var/ www/your_site database: name: database_name user: user password: password host: host exclude: - '.git/' ssh: host: host user: user local: vhost: http: //vhost.local wordpress_path: /home/john/sites/your_site database: name: database_name user: user password: password host: localhost development environment

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movefile @mukkoo global: sql_adapter: wpcli local: vhost: http: //vhost.local wordpress_path: /home/john/sites/your_site database: name: database_name user: user password: password host: localhost production: vhost: http: // wordpress_path: /var/ www/your_site database: name: database_name user: user password: password host: host exclude: - '.git/' ssh: host: host user: user production environment production: vhost: http: // wordpress_path: /var/ www/your_site database: name: database_name user: user password: password host: host exclude: - '.git/' ssh: host: host user: user

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goodies @mukkoo multistage supports ssh works with ftp it use wp-cli and rsync

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@mukkoo Something goes wrong with production database ↳ $ wordmove pull -d Local fix and push to staging ↳ $ wordmove push -e staging —t First deploy ↳ $ wordmove push —all Local plugins update and deploy to production ↳ $ wordmove push -e production —p

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@mukkoo .------------------------. | PSYCHIATRIC | | HELP 5¢ | |________________________| || .-""" --. || || / \ .-. || || | ._, \ || || \_/`-' '-.,_/ || || (_ (' _)') \ || || /| |\ || || | \ __ / | || || \_).,_____,/}/ || __ ||____;_ --'___'/ ( || |\ || ( __,\ \_/------ || ||\ ||______________________ || |||| | |||| THE DOCTOR | \||| IS [IN] _____| \ || (______) `|___________________ // ||\ //= ||=\ ` `` `

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recap use wp-cli! use wordless! use wordmove! @mukkoo

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recap automate your workflow work in a custom environment deploy early, deploy often @mukkoo

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Bonus remember to contribute at open source software @mukkoo

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Bonus #2 use wp-cli @mukkoo

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Q&A thank you all @mukkoo