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Hide Your Keys Matt Biilmann, 2017

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Matt Biilmann CEO, Netlify

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Publishing for the modern web

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No content

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The Evolution of the Web Unix Model Legacy Web (The site needs to be built EVERY time it’s served) Modern Web ~1970-1997 ~1997-Today Now CLIENT WEB SERVER APP SERVER DATABASE CLIENT SERVER CLIENT CDN SERVICES

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Authenticating - Client <-> Server Unix Model Legacy Web (The site needs to be built EVERY time it’s served) Modern Web ~1970-1997 ~1997-Today Now CLIENT WEB SERVER APP SERVER DATABASE CLIENT SERVER CLIENT CDN SERVICES Stateful Protocol

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Authenticating - Client <-> Server Unix Model Legacy Web (The site needs to be built EVERY time it’s served) Modern Web ~1970-1997 ~1997-Today Now CLIENT WEB SERVER APP SERVER DATABASE CLIENT SERVER CLIENT CDN SERVICES Client Server user/pw Session

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Authenticating - Web Monolith Legacy Web (The site needs to be built EVERY time it’s served) Modern Web ~1997-Today Now CLIENT WEB SERVER APP SERVER DATABASE CLIENT CDN SERVICES HTTP - Stateless Protocol

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Authenticating - Web Monolith Legacy Web (The site needs to be built EVERY time it’s served) Modern Web ~1997-Today Now CLIENT WEB SERVER APP SERVER DATABASE CLIENT CDN SERVICES Browser Server user/pw Request (Cookie) DB User Lookup Create Session Session ID (Set-Cookie) Lookup Session Response (HTML)

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Authenticating - Micro Services t Modern Web CLIENT CDN SERVICES ?

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API Authentication GET /api/v1/sites HTTP/1.1 Host: Authorization: Bearer abcd1234 SPA BROWSER CDN API How do we get an access token?

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API Authentication SPA BROWSER CDN API OAuth2 Auth flow options: Resource Owner Password Credentials Implicit Grant Authorization Code

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OAuth2 - Resource Owner Password SPA BROWSER CDN API OAuth2 POST /token HTTP/1.1 Host: Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded grant_type=password&username=johndoe&password=A3ddj3w App MUST have a deep trust relationship with API!

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OAuth2 - Implicit Grant SPA BROWSER CDN API OAuth2 Trust established via redirect URL No need for any API secret

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OAuth2 - Implicit Grant SPA BROWSER CDN API Redirect to Auth Endpoint document.location.href = endpoint + `client_id=123&` + `response_type=token&` + `redirect_uri=` + document.location.href Auth Endpoint Redirects Back

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OAuth2 - Implicit Grant SPA BROWSER CDN API Gotchas The previous example has a security flaw! Should use a “state” query parameter Not widely supported by OAuth providers

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OAuth2 - Authorization Code SPA BROWSER CDN API Redirect to Auth Endpoint document.location.href = endpoint + `client_id=123&` + `response_type=code&` + `redirect_uri=` + document.location.href Auth Endpoint Redirects Back

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OAuth2 - Authorization Code SPA BROWSER CDN API Exchange code for access_token POST /token HTTP/1.1 Host: Authorization: Basic czZCaGRSa3F0Mz grant_type=authorization_code&code=SplxlOB Auth Endpoint Returns Access Token

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OAuth2 - Authorization Code SPA BROWSER CDN API Exchange code for access_token POST /token HTTP/1.1 Host: Authorization: Basic czZCaGRSa3F0Mz grant_type=authorization_code&code=SplxlOB Auth Endpoint Returns Access Token We need our “Client Secret” to generate this!

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OAuth2 - Authorization Code SPA BROWSER CDN API Always needs a server side component when exchanging the authorization code for an access token or refresh token

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API Authentication SPA BROWSER CDN API Browser Server Request (Token) DB Lookup Session Response (JSON)

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Authenticating - Micro Services t Modern Web CLIENT CDN SERVICES ?

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Authenticating - SPA API

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Authenticating - JAMstack API API API API API

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Authenticating - JAMstack API API API API API

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Authenticating - JAMstack API API Auth API API API API • Tight Coupling • Single Point of Failure • Slow Performance

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Authenticating - Micro Services t Modern Web CLIENT CDN SERVICES JWT

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Authenticating - Micro Services t Modern Web CLIENT CDN SERVICES

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Authenticating - JWTs t Modern Web CLIENT CDN SERVICES What is a JWT? •A JWT is just string •It has 3 parts: header.payload.signature •It is signed with a secret and can be verified

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Authenticating - Micro Services t Modern Web CLIENT CDN SERVICES What is a JWT? Header Payload Signature

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Authenticating - Micro Services t Modern Web CLIENT CDN SERVICES

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Authenticating - Micro Services t Modern Web CLIENT CDN SERVICES What is a JWT? •Token identifies user (“sub” claim) •Token can authorize the user (“trust”) •Token can include display data

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Authenticating - JAMstack API API Auth API API API API

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JWT Authentication SPA BROWSER CDN API Browser API Request (JWT) Response (JSON) Verify Signature + Claims

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JWT Authentication SPA BROWSER CDN API The API is not mine and doesn’t support JWTs!

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Authenticating - Micro Services t Modern Web CLIENT CDN SERVICES API Gateways Kong Gotiator AWS API Gateway

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API Authentication SPA BROWSER CDN API Browser Gateway Request (JWT) API Proxy (token) Response (JSON) Verify Signature + Claims

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Thank You Stateless Authentication + API Gateways + MicroServices = a decoupled architecture for the web @biilmann ·