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Everything of CI/CD in Kyash Android Keisuke Kobayashi / kobakei CircleCI Japan Meetup: Mobile Edition

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About me • Keisuke Kobayashi • GitHub, Qiita: kobakei • Twitter: kobakei122 • Kyash, Inc • Using CircleCI for 3+ years

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Kyash Android

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Kyash Android • Full Kotlin • About 40 activities + Bottom Navigation • Architecture • MVVM + Layered architecture • Library • Rx, Dagger, Data binding, Retrofit & OkHttp, Picasso, Orma, Gson

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Continuous Integration

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Testing • Unit testing • UI testing

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Testing • Unit testing • UI testing

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Unit testing • Robolectric + Mockito • No emulator = fast • Focus on ViewModel and Model. 
 Activity and Fragment are not target. • Easy to inject mock objects by Dagger 2 • Run by git push on Circle CI

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mockito-kotlin • mockito extension for Kotlin • `when` problem • NPE on any • Easy to read & write

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@Test fun doAction_doesSomething(){ /* Given */ val mock = mock { on { getText() } doReturn "text" } val classUnderTest = ClassUnderTest(mock) /* When */ classUnderTest.doAction() /* Then */ verify(mock).doSomething(any()) }

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jacoco-android-gradle-plugin • Add gradle tasks to run unit test and code coverage • Need to exclude classes generated by kapt • Data binding, ORM, Parcelable, etc • No badge now • Codecov, Coveralls

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ktlint-gradle • Coding style checker and formatter for Kotlin • Default style is official style from • Not same as Android Studio default setting • Override: ktlint —apply-to-idea • Run style check on Circle CI

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cookpad/license-tools-plugin • Generate license page by gradle task • Check licenses on Circle CI • Avoid missing license

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Testing • Unit testing • UI testing

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UI testing • Espresso + UI automator • Use Espresso basically • Use UI automator to OS/other app UI (ex. permission dialog) • Don’t run on CI due to long exec time • Run before release to confirm important flows don’t degrade • ex. Sign up flow

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Mock in UI testing • MockWebServer of Retrofit • Unlike Mockito, JSON parse can be tested • Share MockWebServer object between Application class and test classes • Change API response at every test case

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Firebase Test Lab • Still experimental • Run UI testing on OS x device matrix • In parallel • Video recording in testing • 5 or 10 tests/day in free plan • Run before release manually?

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Continuous Delivery

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Crashlytics • Share the latest apk to team • master branch = debug build • Development endpoint • Debug screen with debot • Deploy at every git push (10~ times / day) • release/1.2.3 branch = beta build • Production endpoint • Deploy at code freeze

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Google Play • gradle-play-publisher • Gradle wrapper of Google Play Developer API • Need to set up Google API console • Can publish as alpha, beta and staging rollout • Triggered by GitHub Release (git tag) • However CircleCI 2.0 doesn't support tag…

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Workaround • Add CircleCI 1.0 deployment block deployment: fake_deploy_for_cci2: tag: /.*/ commands: - echo "make tags run in 2.0"

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Version name and code // App version def versionMajor = 1 def versionMinor = 11 def versionPatch = 2 // version code def vc = 0 if (System.getenv("CIRCLE_TAG") != null) { // tag = release build vc = versionMajor * 10000 + versionMinor * 100 + versionPatch } else if ("true" == System.getenv("CI")) { // no tag but CI = dev build vc = System.getenv("CIRCLE_BUILD_NUM") as Integer } else { // otherwise = local build vc = versionMajor * 10000 + versionMinor * 100 + versionPatch }

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Like • Can start by free event if private repo • Many users • We can search YAML file on GitHub • Kind support • ex. Memory limit of my project has been increased before

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Dislike • OOM • Slow build • Official docs is still poor

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Dislike (CircleCI 2.0) • OOM Fixed? • Slow build Fixed • Official docs is still poor

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CircleCI 1.0 -> 2.0 Build time 60% down

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Breakdown (Total 5:30)

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Breakdown (Total 5:30) Unit testing Deploy

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I want… • Trigger by git tag • Firebase Test Lab on CircleCI 2.0 • Docs • There is only docs for CircleCI 1.0 • May need Docker image?

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