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CQRS Architecture on Android Keita Kagurazaka

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What is CQRS?

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CQRS ● Command and Query Responsibility Segregation ● Architecture extending CQS principle

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CQRS ● Command and Query Responsibility Segregation ● Architecture extending CQS principle

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Command Query Separation (CQS) principle ● Design concept devised by Bertrand Meyer ● We should divide an object’s methods into either Command or Query ○ Commands change the state but return no value ○ Queries return a value but never change the state

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Command Query Separation principle fun getCount(): Int { return this.count } fun incrementCount() { this.count++ } fun incrementCount(): Int { return ++this.count } Do. Don’t.

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Command Query Separation principle fun getCount(): Int { return this.count } fun incrementCount() { this.count++ } fun incrementCount(): Int { return ++this.count } Do. Don’t. Apply the concept to Architecture level

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Traditional Layered Architecture Presentation Layer Application Layer Domain Layer Infrastructure Layer

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CQRS Architecture Presentation Layer Application Layer Domain Layer Infrastructure Layer Command Stack Query Stack Application Layer Domain Layer Command Model Query Model c Infrastructure Layer

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Command Stack / Query Stack ● Command Stack ○ Change the system state ○ Does not return the state to presentation layer ● Query Stack ○ Never change the system state ○ Returns the presentation models to presentation layer

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Command Stack ≠ Objects that have only command methods

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Command Stack ≠ Objects that have only command methods Command Stack’s objects can have query methods to achieve changing the system state

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Query Stack ≒ Objects that have only query methods

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Why should we segregate Command stack and Query stack?

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Complexity is coming by unifying Domain Model ● We have justified ourselves that Domain Model is complex because of Domain’s complexity ● Segregation of Command and Query makes it easier to express Domain in Domain Model ● CQRS lights up a new aspect of Domain

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Simple example: Conference app ● User can show sessions, speakers and rooms info ● User can make favorite sessions ● All info are fetched by API ● Use cache for improving user experience

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What is Domain Model? Session Speaker Room Entities

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How to construct repositories? class SessionRepository { fun findAll(): List = if (isInvalid) { isInvalid = false sessionApi.getAll().also(sessionDb::store) } else { sessionDb.findAll() } fun invalidate() { isInvald = true } ...

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How to construct repositories? class SessionRepository { fun findAll(): List = sessionDb.findAll() fun refresh() { sessionApi.getAll().also(sessionDb::store) } ...

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invalidate() or refresh() problem ● Repository exposes the concern to API ○ Against to “Collection-like interface for accessing entities” ● Repository is going to have the domain logic

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Is it really problem? ● Maybe no if in the small project ● However the bad feeling implies that we still have room for improving

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Segregate models into Command and Query ● Command Models - update the local storage ○ Fetch data from API ○ Write fetched data to the local storage ● Query Models - show the latest info ○ Retrieve the local storage ○ Re-query when the local storage is changed

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Command Models Session DAO ApiClient Session is just a Value Object UseCase Domain

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UseCase as a TransactionScript class RefreshSessions { operator fun invoke() { val newSessions = sessionApi.getAll() } ...

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Query Models Session Speaker Room Entities

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Query Models as Domain Models data class Session( val startTime: Date, val endTime: Date, … ) { fun getPeriodText(context: Context): String = context.getString(...) ...

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Query Models as Domain Models data class Session( val startTime: Date, val endTime: Date, … ) { fun getPeriodText(context: Context): String = context.getString(...) ... Can take Android Context since Query Domain Models concern presentation

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Query Models as Domain Models data class Session( val startTime: Date, val endTime: Date, … ) { fun getPeriodText(context: Context): String = context.getString(...) ... Can take Android Context since Query Domain Models concern presentation Avoid PresentationUtils class

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Re-query by observing Database changes ● Some ORMs support observable queries ○ Room - LiveData, RxJava ○ Realm - Callback, RxJava ○ Orma - RxJava, LiveData (in the plan) ● Room also supports to use original classes instead of @Entity class in @Query

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CQRS Architecture on Android ViewModel UseCase CommandRepository Command Stack Query Stack Query Domain Models Change event QueryRepository

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Flux? View ActionCreators State Store Action

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CQRS vs Flux ● Flux is a derivation of CQRS to optimize JavaScript world ○ Non-complex command models ○ No Database ● Main difference is that the app state is stored on either database or memory (Store)

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Summary ● CQRS is an architecture that segregate models into Command Stack and Query Stack ● The separation makes it easier to construct models since understanding of Domain is definitely changed ● CQRS and Flux are relatives

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