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gRPC & Blazor WebAssembly: Ein Traumpaar!? Christian Weyer @christianweyer Co-Founder & CTO

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§ Cloud-native & serverless architectures § Pragmatic end-to-end solutions § Mobile & web-based application architectures § Independent Microsoft Regional Director § Microsoft MVP for Developer Technologies & Azure ASPInsider, AzureInsider § Google GDE for Web Technologies [email protected] @christianweyer gRPC & Blazor WebAssembly Ein Traumpaar!? Christian Weyer Co-Founder & CTO @ Thinktecture AG 2

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3 § Server-side [micro]services with APIs § Written in C# with ASP.NET Core § Exposing HTTP/ REST/ Web APIs § Web-based smart clients § JavaScript-based SPAs, with Angular, React et. al. § Communication via HTTPS § Sending JSON data gRPC & Blazor WebAssembly Ein Traumpaar!? Typical SPA architectures for modern business applications HTTP API WS API Service D HTTPS HTTPS WebSocket Service A Service B Service C HTTP API

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4 § Building SPAs end-to-end § Often too complex, with different stacks involved § Increased needed knowledge & different coding habits → Improving developer productivity § SPA communication with server-side APIs/services § Thinking different in controlled & closed environments → Improving the inner loop gRPC & Blazor WebAssembly Ein Traumpaar!? Beyond our own nose: Reconsidering SPA architectures – in a pragmatic way

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5 gRPC & Blazor WebAssembly Ein Traumpaar!? Two assumptions – for controlled environments One programming language & framework Strongly typed client-server communication

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6 gRPC & Blazor WebAssembly Ein Traumpaar!? Two assumptions One programming language & framework Strongly typed client-server communication

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7 ASP.NET Core backends & Blazor frontends gRPC & Blazor WebAssembly Ein Traumpaar!?

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§ Blazor is a family of web technologies § Server § WebAssembly § Hybrid § Blazor WebAssembly is an SPA framework § Web, SPA & distributed architectures knowledge § HTML, CSS knowledge § DOM knowledge § JavaScript for DOM interaction & 3rd party integration § C# & .NET Standard for client-side logic → Full-stack C# possible gRPC & Blazor WebAssembly Ein Traumpaar!? Blazor as SPA technology 8

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9 gRPC & Blazor WebAssembly Ein Traumpaar!? Two assumptions One programming language & framework Strongly typed client-server communication

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😊 § JSON as major data exchange format § Great tooling § Highly interoperable § Can handle arbitrary binary data 🤔 § JSON text format can be verbose § Loosely coupled & typed § Yeah, by design § Open API can help here § RPC-ish in many cases gRPC & Blazor WebAssembly Ein Traumpaar!? Reconsidering Web APIs as service interfaces § Let’s just call them Web APIs, please (“REST”…) 10

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11 gRPC & Blazor WebAssembly Ein Traumpaar!? Open API / Swagger code-gen? Web APIs & HttpClient Strongly-typed gRPC services & clients Our journey

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12 gRPC & Blazor WebAssembly Ein Traumpaar!? Open API / Swagger code-gen? Service proxy pattern Web APIs & HttpClient Strongly-typed gRPC services & clients Our journey

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13 RPC-ish APIs with gRPC gRPC & Blazor WebAssembly Ein Traumpaar!?

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14 § Initially created for interoperable synchronous [micro]service-to-[micro]service communication § Its presence increases steadily (see GoLang) § Some people like to use gRPC between frontends and backends, as well § Uses HTTP/2 & Protocol Buffers § gRPC is genuinely contract-first gRPC & Blazor WebAssembly Ein Traumpaar!? gRPC

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15 gRPC & Blazor WebAssembly Ein Traumpaar!? Protocol Buffers (ProtoBuf) § Language-neutral, platform-neutral, extensible mechanism for describing & serializing structured data § Like XML/XSD, but smaller, faster, and partly simpler § Uses integer tokens to identify members, not names § Support for code generation for many languages, including C# § Also: (binary) serialization format on the wire message Person { required string name = 1; required int32 id = 2; optional string email = 3; }

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16 § gRPC support since .NET Core 3.0 § Always contract-first: write .proto file first § Implement gRPC service based on generated base class § Get typed client proxy generated on the client side based § C# code gets generated when the .proto file changes § “Add Service Reference…” in VS can handle the client side for you gRPC & Blazor WebAssembly Ein Traumpaar!? gRPC in .NET

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17 gRPC & Blazor WebAssembly Ein Traumpaar!? Open API / Swagger code-gen? Service proxy pattern gRPC service ? Web APIs & HttpClient Strongly-typed gRPC services & clients Our journey

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1. We are in .NET world on both sides § Services § Clients We are in a controlled environment 👉 Let’s do .NET, all the way! 2. (Pure) gRPC does not work for browsers gRPC & Blazor WebAssembly Ein Traumpaar!? OK – This is not what we want 😏 18

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19 § gRPC in .NET without having to write .proto files § Improving the inner loop § Open-source community project protobuf-net.Grpc § Implement gRPC service based on .NET interface § Get strongly-typed client proxy at runtime based on .NET interface § Can use WCF contract semantics § ServiceContract, DataContract § Offers its own semantics § Service, ProtoContract gRPC & Blazor WebAssembly Ein Traumpaar!? Code-First gRPC in .NET & Blazor

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20 gRPC & Blazor WebAssembly Ein Traumpaar!? Open API / Swagger code-gen? Service proxy pattern gRPC service? Code-first gRPC service Web APIs & HttpClient Strongly-typed gRPC services & clients Our journey

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21 gRPC browser clients with gRPC-Web gRPC & Blazor WebAssembly Ein Traumpaar!?

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22 § Native gRPC does not work in browsers § Due to restrictions for HTTP/2 framing in browsers § gRPC-Web is slimmed-down implementation of gRPC for browser clients § gRPC-Web clients connect to gRPC services via a gRPC-Web proxy § Available since .NET Core 3.1 § Server-side ASP.NET Core middleware for proxy § .NET client library (beyond JavaScript lib from community) § Unary calls & server-streaming supported gRPC & Blazor WebAssembly Ein Traumpaar!? gRPC-Web

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23 gRPC & Blazor WebAssembly Ein Traumpaar!? Open API / Swagger code-gen? Service proxy pattern gRPC service? Code-first gRPC service gRPC-Web facade Web APIs & HttpClient Strongly-typed gRPC services & clients Our journey

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24 gRPC & Blazor WebAssembly Ein Traumpaar!? Open API / Swagger code-gen? Service proxy pattern gRPC service? Code-first gRPC service gRPC-Web facade Code-first gRPC-Web client Web APIs & HttpClient Strongly-typed gRPC services & clients Our journey

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25 gRPC & Blazor WebAssembly Ein Traumpaar!? Open API / Swagger code-gen? Service proxy pattern gRPC service? Code-first gRPC service gRPC-Web facade Code-first gRPC-Web client Web APIs & HttpClient Strongly-typed gRPC services & clients Our journey

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26 § gRPC has basic built-in error handling based on simple status codes and metadata § In service: throw new RpcException(new Status(StatusCode.PermissionDenied, "Permission denied"), metadata); // metadata is your DTO § In client: catch (RpcException ex) when (ex.StatusCode == StatusCode.PermissionDenied) { var userEntry = ex.Trailers.FirstOrDefault(e => e.Key == "User"); Console.WriteLine($"User '{userEntry.Value}’ does not have permission to view this portfolio."); } gRPC & Blazor WebAssembly Ein Traumpaar!? Errors & exceptions

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27 § In contract-first world, you share the .proto files § In code-first, you share .NET code § For testing and debugging tools, we need runtime information from the gRPC services § gRPC server reflection protocol is a standard § gRPCurl, gRPCui, Postman are prominent testing tools § protobuf-net.Grpc has reflection support § builder.Services.AddCodeFirstGrpcReflection(); § app.MapCodeFirstGrpcReflectionService(); gRPC & Blazor WebAssembly Ein Traumpaar!? Reflection & testing with gRPC code-first

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28 § Authentication and authorization are not gRPC-Web’s business § Usually, OAuth2- / OIDC-based token § Use ASP.NET Core’s features as with Web APIs § app.UseAuthentication(); § app.UseAuthorization(); § [Authorize] § In Blazor, use AuthorizationMessageHandler to add bearer token to gRPC-Web requests gRPC & Blazor WebAssembly Ein Traumpaar!? Authentication & authorization for gRPC-Web

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29 § Transferring a stream of data over a longer period of time § Only server streaming supported in gRPC-Web § Can be used for real-time push § Server with protobuf-net.Grpc § IAsyncEnumerable and CallContext in service interface § Client with protobuf-net.Grpc § Use CallOptions to enable cancellation with CancellationTokenSource gRPC & Blazor WebAssembly Ein Traumpaar!? Streaming data with gRPC-Web code-first

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30 § No native support in browsers § gRPC-Web Developer Tools as Chrome extension § SafetyCulture/ grpc-web-devtools § Blazor WASM integration PoC § gRPC & Blazor WebAssembly Ein Traumpaar!? Developer tooling in browser

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31 § gRPC / gRPC-Web in Blazor WASM can be really fast § Comparing JSON and gRPC-Web requests § With AOT § JSON is 6 times faster § gRPC is 10 times faster § gRPC deserializes 10,000 items in 0.03 seconds § gRPC & Blazor WebAssembly Ein Traumpaar!? Performance & size

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32 Wrap-up gRPC & Blazor WebAssembly Ein Traumpaar!?

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33 gRPC & Blazor WebAssembly Ein Traumpaar!? .NET SPA-to-API communication – in controlled scenarios Web API gRPC (-Web) SignalR Different API styles possible (RPC, REST, GraphQL, OData etc.) RPC Bi-directional RPC HTTP HTTP/2 WebSockets (transport protocol fallbacks) Stateless Stateless Stateful Code-first Contract-first with external tooling Contract-first Code-first with 3rd party lib Code-first Code sharing of DTOs Code-gen possible Full code sharing w/ Code-First Code-gen with Contract-first Not intended for code sharing No client lib needed (fetch) Needs client lib Needs client lib Usually request-response Push possible (e.g., via long polling) Can do streaming Several message exchange patterns Push possible Efficient data streaming Dual one-way Optimized for push Broadcast possible Strong tooling ecosystem Evolving tooling ecosystem No tooling ecosystem

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😊 § Code-first: Strongly-typed, full fidelity for .NET developers § ProtoBuf binary data is very compact § gRPC can be significantly faster than Web APIs 🤔 § gRPC tooling not yet as good as for Web APIs § gRPC errors & exceptions story could be improved gRPC & Blazor WebAssembly Ein Traumpaar!? gRPC-Web & Blazor – a match made in heaven? 34

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