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Oleg Nenashev, WireMock Inc

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Integration testing? 4 ● Multiple technology stacks and toolchains ● Many teams involved ● Sacred knowledge ● [Almost] always too late

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Embedded Story 8 Slides are public!

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> whoami @oleg_nenashev oleg-nenashev Dr. Nenashev / Mr. Jenkins Developer tools hacker Community builder & DevRel consultant #RussiansAgainstPutin #StandWithUkraine

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Truly Russian C/C++ // my first project 10

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@oleg_nenashev oleg-nenashev > whoami --c --cpp --embedded 11

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14 IF (request_url) THEN (response) * * it gets MUCH more complex WireMock Config JSON: Client library response request Client App Mock API Server HTTP/2

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WireMock in Java 15

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WireMock in Java 16

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17 WireMock 101 WireMock is a FOSS tool for building mock APIs Created in 2011 as a Java test library and CLI Available beyond Java, inc Rust or Golang You can can: ● Create stable development environments ● Isolate yourself from flakey 3rd parties ● Simulate APIs that don't exist yet

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WireMock Features 18

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WireMock Ecosystem & Features 19

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WireMock Cloud by WireMock Inc. 20 ● WireMock creator is a co-founder of the Inc. ● WireMock Cloud - SaaS for end-to-end API mocking ● Private beta: K8s Edition for managed / on-premises ● API co-development

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Breaking down JSON files Using WireMock Cloud 21

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22 How about embedded? * we have customers in the space

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IEEE Spectrum Research among members 23 mming-languages-2021

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24 devecosystem-2021/embedded/

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25 Supported by WireMock and Testcontainers

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31 Build Unit tests Publish Reports Integration tests Publish Reports WAS

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Ways to do API integration testing 1. Testing against Production/Staging servers 2. Testing against a simplified/containerized instance (e.g. Testcontainers) 3. Mocking at the API provider level (e.g. WireMock) 4. Mocking at the code level 32 Slow Fast Accu- rate Nope

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Ways to do API integration testing 1. Testing against Production/Staging servers 2. Testing against a simplified/containerized instance (e.g. Testcontainers) 3. Mocking at the API provider level (e.g. WireMock) 4. Mocking at the code level 33 Slow Fast Nope Accu- rate

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34 Build Unit tests Publish Reports Integration tests Publish Reports NOW “Shift Left” Fast integrations tests are critical

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Why containers? ● Configuration Management ● Fast provisioning ● Clean environments ● Disposability ● Clustering

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Docker in Embedded Prototypes, Dev Tools Test Infrastructures, CI/CD Docker Swarm Cluster on Raspberry Pi

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Even simulator is not always an option 2014/04/the-secret-ninja-fu-for-higher-performa e-prototype-operation/ HAPS S96 Guess the price… Your device prototype is here

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Docker ● Popular container engine ● Developer-friendly ● Huge ecosystem ● DockerHub and Container Registries ● Docker Compose – multi-container apps ● Universal image format (OCI)

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Example - JUnit 5 42

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Containers are not always slow! ● On-demand image build ● Caching Docker image builds ● Suspending containers between tests ● Graceful termination ○ 44

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45 SDKs

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Example - WireMock for Rust 46 LukeMathWalker/wiremock-rs Note: WireMock for Rust is maintained outside the WireMock GitHub organization

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Testcontainers for C/C++ 48 Started by the WireMock Team in September 2023 We have Embedded/Automotive customers and users who need it Based on Testcontainers or Go WireMock module gh:testcontainers/testcontainers-c

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Example - WireMock with C code 49 ers-c/tree/main/examples/wiremock ● Testcontainers C is an experimental project ● Feedback is welcome! ● See more examples in the repository: CppUnit, OpenSCADA, etc.

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50 Supported by WireMock and Testcontainers

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51 Supported by WireMock and Testcontainers C/C++ Shared Lib Interface

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Under the Hood 52 Testcontainers for Go C Adapter in Golang go build -buildmode=c-shared cgo C Header add-ons Header Files Test Code Your Project Test Executable

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Using Testcontainers in C/C++ projects ● Built with CMake ● Any CMake-compatible package manager ● FetchContent ● CPM.make Coming soon: Conan, vcpkg 53

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APIs are essential for Integration Testing 55 GROWTH IN WEB APIS SINCE 2005 Over 90% of developers use APIs. Skyrocket growth of APIs JANUARY 2006 JANUARY 2008 JANUARY 2010 JANUARY 2012 JANUARY 2014 JANUARY 2016 JANUARY 2018 MONTH The growth over time of the Programmable Web API API directory to more than 22,000 entries 22000 20000 18000 16000 14000 12000 10000 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 TOTAL API COUNT Programmable Web * Gartner Hype Cycle for APIs, 2022

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57 Source:

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Ways to do API integration testing 1. Testing against Production/Staging servers 2. Testing against a simplified/containerized instance (e.g. Testcontainers) 3. Mocking at the API provider level (e.g. WireMock) 4. Mocking at the code level 59 Slow Fast Accu- rate Nope

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61 WireMock has an official Testcontainers module!

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WireMock for Go Testcontainers Module REST API Client Go test integrations 63

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Powered by Testcontainers for C/C++

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65 Solutions page for C/C++: Testcontainers module /tree/main/modules/wiremock

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Using WireMock with Testcontainers for C/C++ in Google Test

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68 WireMock for Google Test / C++ stcontainers-c/tree/main/de mo/google-test

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And then a test! 69

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WireMock Public Roadmap 71

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Testcontainers for C/C++ ● Support for more features from Testcontainers for Go ● C++ adapter with classes ● Conan and Vcpkg distributions ● Doxygen & docs 72 gh:testcontainers/testcontainers-c

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Takeaways 75 ● Shift left your integration testing ● Mocking APIs and services, reducing external dependencies, containers ● There are tools for that, including WireMock and Testcontainers ● C/C++ is no exception from the trends

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We need your feedback! 77 …/

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Get Started 78

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It’s [always] a great time to contribute! testcontainers/testcontainers-c/../ 80

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Credits to ● All WireMock contributors ● WireMock Inc. Team ● All Testcontainers contributors and AtomicJar folks ● All FOSS contributors 81

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THANK YOU Contacts: E-mail: [email protected] GitHub: oleg-nenashev Twitter: @oleg_nenashev QUESTIONS? 83