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7 reasons why bother learning Spock (for Java developers) Riga, 6th September 2016

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About me Areas of expertise Automatic Testing / TDD (with Spock of course :) ) Software Craftsmanship / Code Quality Concurrency / Parallel Computing / Reactive Systems Deployment Automation / Continuous Delivery FOSS projects author and contributor, blogger, trainer CTO of small software house - Codearte targeted at clients who care about the quality Trainer in Bottega IT Solutions

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Why bother learning Spock?

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Reason 1 BDD specification by default

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BDD specification by default class SimpleCalculatorSpec extends Specification { def "should sum two numbers"() { given: Calculator calculator = new SimpleCalculator() when: int result = calculator.sum(1, 2) then: result == 3 } }

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BDD specification by default class SimpleCalculatorSpec extends Specification { def "should sum two numbers"() { given: Calculator calculator = new SimpleCalculator() when: int result = calculator.sum(1, 2) then: result == 3 } [given]/when/then (or expect) are required to compile code not just comments in code

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Reason 2 Power Assertions

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Power Assertions - basic case reused Java assert keyword assert (2 + 3) * 4 != (2 * 4) + (3 * 4)

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Power Assertions - basic case reused Java assert keyword assert (2 + 3) * 4 != (2 * 4) + (3 * 4) self explaining reason of failure Assertion failed: assert (2 + 3) * 4 != (2 * 4) + (3 * 4) | | | | | | 5 20 false 8 20 12

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Power Assertions - more complex case not only mathematical expressions String word = "Spock" int begin = 1 int end = 3 assert word.substring(begin, end) == word[begin..end]

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Power Assertions - more complex case not only mathematical expressions String word = "Spock" int begin = 1 int end = 3 assert word.substring(begin, end) == word[begin..end] also for method return types and arguments Assertion failed: assert word.substring(begin, end) == word[begin..end] | | | | | | || | | po 1 3 | | |1 3 Spock | | poc | Spock false

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Power Assertions - other complex case even for complicated structures and expressions assert == && ann.age == bob.age

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Power Assertions - other complex case even for complicated structures and expressions assert == && ann.age == bob.age detailed evaluation of sub elements Assertion failed: assert == && ann.age == bob.age | | | | | | | Ann | | Bob false | | Person(name:Bob, age:7) | false Person(name:Ann, age:4)

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Power Assertions - other complex case even for complicated structures and expressions assert == && ann.age == bob.age detailed evaluation of sub elements Assertion failed: assert == && ann.age == bob.age | | | | | | | Ann | | Bob false | | Person(name:Bob, age:7) | false Person(name:Ann, age:4) second part ignored as meaningless

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Power Assertions self-explaining optional assert keyword in then and expect code block unless placed in Closure or separate method backported to Groovy

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Reason 3 First class support for parameterized tests

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Parameterized tests def "should sum two integers"() { given: Calculator calculator = new SimpleCalculator() when: int result = calculator.add(x, y) then: result == expectedResult where: x | y || expectedResult 1 | 2 || 3 -2 | 3 || 1 -1 | -2 || -3 }

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Parameterized tests def "should sum two integers"() { given: Calculator calculator = new SimpleCalculator() when: int result = calculator.add(x, y) then: result == expectedResult where: x | y || expectedResult 1 | 2 || 3 -2 | 3 || 1 -1 | -2 || -3 } build-in support with where keyword does not stop on failure for given test case syntactic sugar for table-like data formatting

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Parameterized tests - even better @Unroll def "should sum two integers (#x + #y = #expectedResult)"() { given: Calculator calculator = new SimpleCalculator() when: int result = calculator.add(x, y) then: result == expectedResult where: x | y || expectedResult 1 | 2 || 3 -2 | 3 || 1 -1 | -2 || -3 } separate test for every input parameters set - @Unroll visible also in reports and IDE input parameters presented in test name (with #) data pipes and data providers for advanced use cases

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Reason 4 Built-in mocking framework

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Simple Stubbing class DaoSpec extends Specification { def "should stub method call"() { given: Dao dao = Stub() dao.getCount() >> 1 expect: dao.getCount() == 1 } } interface Dao { int getCount() Item save(Item item) }

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Simple Stubbing - custom logic class DaoSpec extends Specification { def "should throw exception for specific input parameters"() { given: Dao dao = Stub() >> { Item item -> throw new IllegalArgumentException(item.toString()) } when: Item()) then: thrown(IllegalArgumentException) } } _ for any argument value arguments available inside Closure

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Mock interactions verification class DaoSpec extends Specification { def "should stub and verify"() { given: Item baseItem = new Item() and: Dao dao = Mock() when: dao.delete(baseItem) then: 1 * dao.delete(_) } } 1* - method called once (_) - with any value as the first parameter

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Stubbing and verifying together class DaoSpec extends Specification { def "should stub and verify"() { given: Item baseItem = new Item() and: Dao dao = Mock() when: Item returnedItem = then: 1 * >> { Item item -> item } and: } } has to be defined in the same statement in then section

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Stubbing and verifying together class DaoSpec extends Specification { def "should stub and verify"() { given: Item baseItem = new Item() and: Dao dao = Mock() when: Item returnedItem = then: 1 * >> { Item item -> item } and: } } has to be defined in the same statement in then section design suggestion: in most cases stubbing and interaction verification of the same mock shouldn't be needed

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Reason 5 Exception testing

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Capturing thrown exception def "should capture exception"() { when: throwNPE() then: NullPointerException e = thrown() e.message == "test NPE" }

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Capturing thrown exception def "should capture exception"() { when: throwNPE() then: NullPointerException e = thrown() e.message == "test NPE" } thrown exception intercepted and assigned to variable for further asserting test failed if not thrown or has unexpected type Exceptions utility class to play with cause chain

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Reason 6 Groovy magic

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Groovy - why bother? smarter, shorten, more powerful Java Closure to make functions first-class citizen Java code (in most cases) is also valid Groovy code flat learning curve seamlessly integration with Java code can use Java libraries

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Groovy - lists and sets compact syntax for list and set creation List names = ['Ann', 'Bob', 'Monica', 'Scholastica'] Set luckyNumbers = [4, 7, 9, 7] as Set //4, 7, 9

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Groovy - lists and sets compact syntax for list and set creation List names = ['Ann', 'Bob', 'Monica', 'Scholastica'] Set luckyNumbers = [4, 7, 9, 7] as Set //4, 7, 9 accessing String secondName = names[1] //Bob String lastName = names[-1] //Scholastica

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Groovy - lists and sets compact syntax for list and set creation List names = ['Ann', 'Bob', 'Monica', 'Scholastica'] Set luckyNumbers = [4, 7, 9, 7] as Set //4, 7, 9 accessing String secondName = names[1] //Bob String lastName = names[-1] //Scholastica modification names[1] = 'Alex' //Ann, Alex, Monica, Scholastica names << 'John' //Ann, Alex, Monica, Scholastica, John Set withoutSeven = luckyNumbers - 7 //4, 9

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Groovy - maps compact syntax for map creation Map childrenWithAge = [Ann: 5, Bob: 7, Monica: 9, Scholastica: 7]

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Groovy - maps compact syntax for map creation Map childrenWithAge = [Ann: 5, Bob: 7, Monica: 9, Scholastica: 7] accessing childrenWithAge['Ann'] //5

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Groovy - maps compact syntax for map creation Map childrenWithAge = [Ann: 5, Bob: 7, Monica: 9, Scholastica: 7] accessing childrenWithAge['Ann'] //5 modification childrenWithAge['Bob'] = 8 //Ann: 5, Bob: 8, Monica: 9, Scholastica: 7 Map withAlice = childrenWithAge + [Alice: 3] //Ann: 5, Bob: 8, Monica: 9, Scholastica: 7, Alice: 3

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Functional Groovy - Closures operations on collection List names = ['Ann', 'Bob', 'Monica', 'Scholastica'] names.findAll { String name -> name.length() > 3 } //Monica, Scholastica

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Functional Groovy - Closures operations on collection List names = ['Ann', 'Bob', 'Monica', 'Scholastica'] names.findAll { String name -> name.length() > 3 }.collect { String name -> //can be chained name.toUpperCase() } //MONICA, SCHOLASTICA

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Functional Groovy - Closures operations on collection List names = ['Ann', 'Bob', 'Monica', 'Scholastica'] names.findAll { String name -> name.length() > 3 }.collect { String name -> //can be chained name.toUpperCase() } //MONICA, SCHOLASTICA it to refers Closure execution argument - in simple cases Set luckyNumbers = [4, 7, 9, 7] as Set luckyNumbers.findAll { it % 2 == 0 } //4

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Functional Groovy - Closures inlined functional interfaces //production Java method to call void executeMultipleTimes(int number, Runnable codeToExecute); executeMultipleTimes(5, { println "Executed" }) //or simplier executeMultipleTimes(5) { println "Executed" }

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(G)Strings variable reference void printMagicNumber(int number) { println "Today magic number is $number. Congrats!" }

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(G)Strings variable reference void printMagicNumber(int number) { println "Today magic number is $number. Congrats!" } method execution println "Milliseconds since the epoch: ${System.currentTimeMillis()}."

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(G)Strings variable reference void printMagicNumber(int number) { println "Today magic number is $number. Congrats!" } method execution println "Milliseconds since the epoch: ${System.currentTimeMillis()}." multi-line string String mailBody = """ Hello User, Welcome to our newsletter. Have a good day!"""

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(G)Strings variable reference void printMagicNumber(int number) { println "Today magic number is $number. Congrats!" } method execution println "Milliseconds since the epoch: ${System.currentTimeMillis()}." multi-line string String mailBody = """ Hello User, Welcome to our newsletter. Have a good day!""".stripIndent()

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Reason 7 Extensibility

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Extensibility very powerful extensions mechanism dozens of internal features implemented as extensions provided out-of-box @AutoCleanup, @IgnoreIf, @RestoreSystemProperties, ... many extensions as external projects ability to reuse JUnit's @Rule and @ClassRule

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Why Spock? consist and readable test code tests as specification by default all Groovy magic available to help chance to learn new language embedded mocking framework although Mockito can be used if preferred (or needed) highly extensible compatible with tools supporting JUnit

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What's next?

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What's next? in most cases it is worth to give Spock a try

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What's next? in most cases it is worth to give Spock a try and fall in love with its readability and simplicity

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What's next? in most cases it is worth to give Spock a try and fall in love with its readability and simplicity let's make a small experiment :) write all new tests in your team/project entirely in Spock for a week decide if you liked it tip: sample Spock configuration for Gradle and Maven available on my blog

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Questions? Marcin Zajączkowski @SolidSoftBlog

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Thank you! Marcin Zajączkowski @SolidSoftBlog