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Unique Challenges of Product Marketing in Legal Technology Jennifer Roberts

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Introductions Jennifer Roberts, Esq. Product Marketing Manager Everlaw Agenda • About the ediscovery marke t • Understanding lawyer s • Challenges of product marketing in the legal industr y • Creating engaging conten t • Sourcing case studie s • Bridging the gap between Product and prospect s • Questions?

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3 All years prior Data generated in the last two years 90% 10% $17 B global ediscovery market

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4 Only $1.5 B invested in legal tech

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Everlaw: A Collaborative Litigation Platform Discover Ingest, search & review Act Securely manage matters Reveal Unlock hidden data

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Understanding lawyers • Lawyers are hardworking, loyal to their clients, and extremely smart • Every area of legal practice is unique. Every case is unique . • Customer personas are clear; buyer personas are opaque . • Technological competence varies widely among customer personas . • Lawyers have a professional responsibility to protect their clients’ information while also staying abreast of technology

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Understanding lawyers • Lawyers are hardworking, loyal to their clients, and extremely smart . • Every area of legal practice is unique. Every case is unique. • Customer personas are clear; buyer personas are opaque . • Technological competence varies widely among customer personas . • Lawyers have a professional responsibility to protect their clients’ information while also staying abreast of technology.

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Understanding lawyers • Lawyers are hardworking, loyal to their clients, and extremely smart. • Every area of legal practice is unique. Every case is unique. • Customer personas are clear, buyer personas are opaque • Technological competence varies widely among customer personas. • Lawyers have a professional responsibility to protect their clients’ information while also staying abreast of technology

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Understanding lawyers • Lawyers are hardworking, loyal to their clients, and extremely smart. • Every area of legal practice is unique. Every case is unique. • Customer personas are clear, buyer personas are opaque • Technological competence varies widely among customer personas. • Lawyers have a professional responsibility to protect their clients’ information while also staying abreast of technology

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Understanding lawyers • Lawyers are hardworking, loyal to their clients, and extremely smart. • Every area of legal practice is unique. Every case is unique. • Customer personas are clear, buyer personas are opaque • Technological competence varies widely among customer personas. • Lawyers have a professional responsibility to protect their clients’ information while also staying abreast of technology

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Creating Engaging Conten t • Attorneys are highly educated and deal with densely written informatio n • Industry standard heavily favors white papers and long form conten t • Writers are often recovering attorneys

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No content

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No content

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Solution: always be experimenting • Experiment no matter what you think you know about your target market ! • Busy professionals may appreciate shorter form and video more than you think.

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Challenge : Sourcing Case Studie s • Legal professionals are busy • The legal profession tends to be very risk avers e • There may be issues with disclosing client names, software names, or pain points

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ABA Model Rules of Professional Conduct, 1.1, Comment 8 “Maintaining Competence : [8] To maintain the requisite knowledge and skill, a lawyer should keep abreast of changes in the law and its practice, including the benefits and risks associated with relevant technology, engage in continuing study and education and comply with all continuing legal education requirements to which the lawyer is subject.”

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Solution: sell case studies to legal professionals • A case study is a free piece of marketing collatera l • Reassure them of their voice in the editorial process

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Bridging the Product-Prospect Gap • Unique areas of law and cases mean small features can have an enormous impact for affected user s • Establishing context and meaning for non- affected users is challengin g

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Solution: categorization and education • Interface with Product early on in the development cycl e • Remain committed to educating others on the goals of marketing communication s • Time, patience, and process are game- changing

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Thank You! s
 jennifer-roberts-sanfrancisco/ Jennifer Roberts Product Marketing Manager, Everlaw