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࠶ߟ ΞΫλʔϞσϧ ٢঵ࣉ.pm36 yuuki takezawa / ytake

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Pro fi le • ஛ᖒ ༗و a.k.a ytake • ઍגࣜձࣾ CTO / ΄͔ٕज़ސ໰ʢωοτϓϩςΫγϣϯζͳͲʣ • Go / Scala / Kotlin • ΞΫλʔϞσϧେ޷͖

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ΞΫλʔϞσϧͬͯʁ • 1973೥ʹൃද͞Εͨฒߦܭࢉͷ਺ֶతϞσϧͷҰछ • ৽͍͠΋ͷͰ͸͋Γ·ͤΜ • Erlang΍ScalaͳͲͰ͓ͳ͡Έ • ϝϞϦڞ༗ΛߦΘͣɺϊϯϒϩοΩϯάͰ ಠཱͨ͠ΞΫλʔ͕ঢ়ଶΛ࣋ͭ

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ΞΫλʔͷ੹຿ • ΞΫλʔͷϝοηʔδΛૹ৴͢Δ • ΞΫλʔΛੜ੒͢Δ • ϝοηʔδʹద༻͢Δಈ࡞Λߦ͏

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ΞΫλʔϞσϧͬͯʁ • ΞΫλʔ͸ಠཱͯ͠ಈ࡞͠ɺͦΕͧΕ͕ϥΠϑαΠΫϧΛ࣋ͭ • ϝϞϦͷڞ༗ͳͲ͸Ұ੾ߦΘͳ͍ • ΞΫλʔΛ௚઀ૢ࡞͢Δ͜ͱ͸ෆՄೳͰΠϛϡʔλϒϧ • ϝοηʔδͷΈͰ΍ΓऔΓΛߦ͏ • Ґஔಁաੑ

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Ґஔಁաੑ • ΞΫλʔ͸ϩʔΧϧ΍ϦϞʔτɺΫϥελͰಈ࡞Ͱ͖Δ • Ͳ͜ʹ͋Δͷ͔ɺͲͷΑ͏ʹͯ͠ݺͼग़͢ͷ͔͸ ίʔυ্Ͱ۠ผ͢Δ͜ͱ͕ͳ͘ͳΔ • ڥք͚ͮΒΕͨίϯςΩετΛجʹ෼ׂ͢Δ͜ͱ΍ɺ εϧʔϓοτ޲্ͷͨΊ෼ׂ͢Δ͜ͱ͕༰қ

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ϑΥʔϧττϨϥϯε • ώΤϥϧΩʔΛ࣋ͭͱ͍͏͜ͱ͸ ਌ΞΫλʔ͕ࢠΞΫλʔΛ؂ಜɾ؅ཧ͢Δ੹຿Λ࣋ͭ ࢓ࣄʹࣦഊͨ͠৔߹ʹͲͷΑ͏ͳઓུΛʁʢεʔύʔόΠβઓུʣ • ਌ࢠؔ܎ʹͳ͍ΞΫλʔ΋؂ࢹ͢Δ͜ͱ͕Ͱ͖Δ • ࣦഊ࣌ʹͲͷΑ͏ʹ෮چͤ͞Δ͔ΛࢦࣔͰ͖Δ

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func (state *parentActor) Receive(context actor.Context) { switch msg := context.Message().(type) { case *hello: props := actor.PropsFromProducer(newChildActor) child := context.Spawn(props) context.Send(child, msg) case *actor.Terminated: fmt.Println("child terminated", msg.Who) } } func newParentActor() actor.Actor { return &parentActor{} } type childActor struct{} func (state *childActor) Receive(context actor.Context) { switch msg := context.Message().(type) { case *actor.Restarting: fmt.Println("restarting") case *hello: fmt.Printf("Hello %v\n", msg.Who) context.Stop(context.Self()) } } func newChildActor() actor.Actor { return &childActor{} }

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func (state *parentActor) Receive(context actor.Context) { switch msg := context.Message().(type) { case *hello: props := actor.PropsFromProducer(newChildActor) child := context.Spawn(props) context.Send(child, msg) case *actor.Terminated: fmt.Println("child terminated", msg.Who) } } func newParentActor() actor.Actor { return &parentActor{} } type childActor struct{} func (state *childActor) Receive(context actor.Context) { switch msg := context.Message().(type) { case *actor.Restarting: fmt.Println("restarting") case *hello: fmt.Printf("Hello %v\n", msg.Who) context.Stop(context.Self()) } } func newChildActor() actor.Actor { return &childActor{} } ਌ΞΫλʔ

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func (state *parentActor) Receive(context actor.Context) { switch msg := context.Message().(type) { case *hello: props := actor.PropsFromProducer(newChildActor) child := context.Spawn(props) context.Send(child, msg) case *actor.Terminated: fmt.Println("child terminated", msg.Who) } } func newParentActor() actor.Actor { return &parentActor{} } type childActor struct{} func (state *childActor) Receive(context actor.Context) { switch msg := context.Message().(type) { case *actor.Restarting: fmt.Println("restarting") case *hello: fmt.Printf("Hello %v\n", msg.Who) context.Stop(context.Self()) } } func newChildActor() actor.Actor { return &childActor{} } ࢠΞΫλʔ

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func (state *parentActor) Receive(context actor.Context) { switch msg := context.Message().(type) { case *hello: props := actor.PropsFromProducer(newChildActor) child := context.Spawn(props) context.Send(child, msg) case *actor.Terminated: fmt.Println("child terminated", msg.Who) } } func newParentActor() actor.Actor { return &parentActor{} } type childActor struct{} func (state *childActor) Receive(context actor.Context) { switch msg := context.Message().(type) { case *actor.Restarting: fmt.Println("restarting") case *hello: fmt.Printf("Hello %v\n", msg.Who) context.Stop(context.Self()) } } func newChildActor() actor.Actor { return &childActor{} } ࢠΞΫλʔੜ੒ ࣗಈతʹ֊૚ߏ଄Λ࣋ͭ

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func (state *parentActor) Receive(context actor.Context) { switch msg := context.Message().(type) { case *hello: props := actor.PropsFromProducer(newChildActor) child := context.Spawn(props) context.Send(child, msg) case *actor.Terminated: fmt.Println("child terminated", msg.Who) } } func newParentActor() actor.Actor { return &parentActor{} } type childActor struct{} func (state *childActor) Receive(context actor.Context) { switch msg := context.Message().(type) { case *actor.Restarting: fmt.Println("restarting") case *hello: fmt.Printf("Hello %v\n", msg.Who) context.Stop(context.Self()) } } func newChildActor() actor.Actor { return &childActor{} } ࢠΞΫλʔͷΞυϨε

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func (state *parentActor) Receive(context actor.Context) { switch msg := context.Message().(type) { case *hello: props := actor.PropsFromProducer(newChildActor) child := context.Spawn(props) context.Send(child, msg) case *actor.Terminated: fmt.Println("child terminated", msg.Who) } } func newParentActor() actor.Actor { return &parentActor{} } type childActor struct{} func (state *childActor) Receive(context actor.Context) { switch msg := context.Message().(type) { case *actor.Restarting: fmt.Println("restarting") case *hello: fmt.Printf("Hello %v\n", msg.Who) context.Stop(context.Self()) } } func newChildActor() actor.Actor { return &childActor{} } ࢠΞΫλʔ͕ࣗ෼ѼͯͷϝοηʔδΛ ड͚औΔ ʢࣗಈͰৼΓ෼͚ΒΕ·͢ʣ

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func (state *parentActor) Receive(context actor.Context) { switch msg := context.Message().(type) { case *hello: props := actor.PropsFromProducer(newChildActor) child := context.Spawn(props) context.Send(child, msg) case *actor.Terminated: fmt.Println("child terminated", msg.Who) } } func newParentActor() actor.Actor { return &parentActor{} } type childActor struct{} func (state *childActor) Receive(context actor.Context) { switch msg := context.Message().(type) { case *actor.Restarting: fmt.Println("restarting") case *hello: fmt.Printf("Hello %v\n", msg.Who) context.Stop(context.Self()) } } func newChildActor() actor.Actor { return &childActor{} } ࢠΞΫλʔ͕ࣗ෼ࣗ਎Λఀࢭͨ͠ྫ

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func (state *parentActor) Receive(context actor.Context) { switch msg := context.Message().(type) { case *hello: props := actor.PropsFromProducer(newChildActor) child := context.Spawn(props) context.Send(child, msg) case *actor.Terminated: fmt.Println("child terminated", msg.Who) } } func newParentActor() actor.Actor { return &parentActor{} } type childActor struct{} func (state *childActor) Receive(context actor.Context) { switch msg := context.Message().(type) { case *actor.Restarting: fmt.Println("restarting") case *hello: fmt.Printf("Hello %v\n", msg.Who) context.Stop(context.Self()) } } func newChildActor() actor.Actor { return &childActor{} } ਌ΞΫλʔ΁ఀࢭ͕௨஌͞ΕΔ

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decider := func(reason interface{}) actor.Directive { fmt.Println("handling failure for child") return actor.StopDirective } supervisor := actor.NewOneForOneStrategy(10, time.Nanosecond, decider) rootContext := system.Root pid := rootContext.Spawn( actor.PropsFromProducer(newParentActor, actor.WithSupervisor(supervisor)))

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decider := func(reason interface{}) actor.Directive { fmt.Println("handling failure for child") return actor.StopDirective } supervisor := actor.NewOneForOneStrategy(10, time.Nanosecond, decider) rootContext := system.Root pid := rootContext.Spawn( actor.PropsFromProducer(newParentActor, actor.WithSupervisor(supervisor))) ࢠΞΫλʔ͕ࣦഊͨ͠৔߹ɺ ಉ֊૚ʹ͍ΔࢠΞΫλʔͷ͏ͪɺ ର৅ͷ΋ͷ͚ͩఀࢭͤ͞Δྫ

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ΞΫλʔͱ఻౷తͳߏ଄ • ΞΫλʔϞσϧͱैདྷͷΞϓϦέʔγϣϯߏ଄͸ڞଘՄೳ • ઓज़ύλʔϯͳͲͰ͸ ΞΫλʔ͕ΤϯςΟςΟʹͳΓঢ়ଶΛ΋ͭ • ΞΫλʔͷঢ়ଶมԽʢΠϕϯτʣΛอଘ͢Δ͜ͱͰ ϏϡʔΛ૊ΈཱͯΔ͜ͱ͕Ͱ͖ΔʢRead Model Updateʣ

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ֶߍͷςετྫ • ઌੜ͕ੜెʹରͯ͠ ͞Μ͢͏ͷςετΛ࣮ࢪ • ੜె͸ͦΕͧΕݸͱͯ͠໰୊Λղ͘ • ઌੜ͸ςετதʹݟकΔͳͲͷߦಈ • શͯ౴͑ͨΒςετ༻ࢴΛఏग़͢Δ

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શͯ͸ΞΫλʔ • ઌੜ΍ੜె΋ΞΫλʔ • ਌ΞΫλʔ͸ू໿ͱΈͳͤΔ • ̍֊૚্͕Δͱந৅౓ͳͲ͕มΘΓɺ ϧʔτ͕มΘΔͱίϯςΩετ͕มΘΔͱߟ͑Δ͜ͱ͕Ͱ͖Δ

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ঢ়ଶมԽ • ੜెͷঢ়ଶ͕มΘͬͨ ઌੜ͕ͲͷੜెͷςετΛ͏͚ͱͬͨ ͳͲ • ΞΫλʔͷঢ়ଶΛอ؅͢Δ͜ͱͰࣄ࣮Λ࢒͢ • ࣄ࣮ͷੵΈॏͶ͕ϏϡʔΛ࡞Δ

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func (u *Cart) Receive(context actor.Context) { defer context.Poison(context.Self()) switch msg := context.Message().(type) { case *persistence.RequestSnapshot: u.PersistSnapshot(u.state) case *persistence.ReplayComplete: // ϦϓϨΠ͕׬ྃͨ͠Β಺෦ঢ়ଶΛมߋ͢Δ context.Logger().Info( fmt.Sprintf("replay completed, internal state changed to '%v'", u.state)) case *command.AddItem: if u.IsStateExists(msg.Email) { context.Send(, &message.AddItemError{Message: "item already exists"}) return } // ུ u.persistence(context, ev) // xxxੜ੒ΠϕϯτΛΠϕϯτετϦʔϜ΁ context.Send(, ev) case *event.ItemAdded: if msg.String() != "" { // event ͕ϦϓϨΠ͞Εͨ৔߹͸ঢ়ଶΛߋ৽͢Δ u.state = msg u.sendToReadModelUpdater(context, msg) } } } ίϚϯυΛडऔɺ ࣗΞΫλʔͷঢ়ଶΛมߋ ঢ়ଶมߋΛΠϕϯτͱͯ͠ӬଓԽ

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func (u *Cart) Receive(context actor.Context) { defer context.Poison(context.Self()) switch msg := context.Message().(type) { case *persistence.RequestSnapshot: u.PersistSnapshot(u.state) case *persistence.ReplayComplete: // ϦϓϨΠ͕׬ྃͨ͠Β಺෦ঢ়ଶΛมߋ͢Δ context.Logger().Info( fmt.Sprintf("replay completed, internal state changed to '%v'", u.state)) case *command.AddItem: if u.IsStateExists(msg.Name) { context.Send(, &message.AddItemError{Message: "item already exists"}) return } // ུ u.persistence(context, ev) // xxxੜ੒ΠϕϯτΛΠϕϯτετϦʔϜ΁ context.Send(, ev) case *event.ItemAdded: if msg.String() != "" { // event ͕ϦϓϨΠ͞Εͨ৔߹͸ঢ়ଶΛߋ৽͢Δ u.state = msg u.sendToReadModelUpdater(context, msg) } } } ϦʔυϞσϧߋ৽ϋϯυϥʢΞΫλʔʣ΁

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func (u *Cart) Receive(context actor.Context) { defer context.Poison(context.Self()) switch msg := context.Message().(type) { case *persistence.RequestSnapshot: u.PersistSnapshot(u.state) case *persistence.ReplayComplete: // ϦϓϨΠ͕׬ྃͨ͠Β಺෦ঢ়ଶΛมߋ͢Δ context.Logger().Info( fmt.Sprintf("replay completed, internal state changed to '%v'", u.state)) case *command.AddItem: if u.IsStateExists(msg.Name) { context.Send(, &message.AddItemError{Message: "item already exists"}) return } // ུ u.persistence(context, ev) // xxxੜ੒ΠϕϯτΛΠϕϯτετϦʔϜ΁ context.Send(, ev) case *event.ItemAdded: if msg.String() != "" { // event ͕ϦϓϨΠ͞Εͨ৔߹͸ঢ়ଶΛߋ৽͢Δ u.state = msg u.sendToReadModelUpdater(context, msg) } } } ΞΫλʔੜ੒ʢ࠶ੜ੒ɺϦελʔτͳͲʣ࣌ աڈͷঢ়ଶ͕͋Ε͹ɺ ࠷ॳͷΠϕϯτ͔Βड৴͠ɺঢ়ଶΛ෮ݩ

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ಠཱͯ͠ಈ͍͍ͯΔ • Ϋϥ΢υΛར༻͢Δ͜ͱͰγεςϜ͸෼ࢄ • ෼ࢄ͍ͯ͠Δ΋ͷΛಉظతʹѻ͏ͷͰ͸ͳ͘ ඇಉظͰฒߦɺ͢΂ͯݸͱͯ͠ಈ࡞͍ͯ͠Δͱଊ͑Δͱʁ • ΞΫλʔϞσϧʹ͍ͭͯ࠶ߟͯ͠ΈΔͷ͸͍͔͕Ͱ͠ΐ͏͔ʁ

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ಋೖͰ͖ΔπʔϧΩοτ • Akka / Pekko (Java, Scala) • Erlang OTP • Proto Actor (Go, .NET) • ergo (Go) • Phluxor(PHP) ΄͔৭ʑ

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͍͞͝ʹ • ϓϩάϥϛϯάύϥμΠϜ͕ͪΐͬͱҧ͏΋ͷ • ฉ͚ͩ͘Ͱ͸ͳ͔ͳ͔೉͍͠ͷͰɺͥͻ৮ͬͯΈ͍ͯͩ͘͞ • ཧղͰ͖ΔͱීஈͷϓϩάϥϛϯάɺϞσϦϯάʹ΋׆͔ͤΔʂ