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“Time is money”

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Really? Antonio Candido July 24, 1918 May 12, 2017

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I think one of the most sinister things in the history of Western civilization is the famous saying attributed to Benjamin Franklin, “time is money”.

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This is a monstrosity. Time is not money. Time is the fabric of our life, it is this minute that is passing.

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In 10 minutes I'm older, in 20 minutes I'm closer to death. Therefore, I am entitled to this time.

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This time belongs to my affections. It is to love the woman I have chosen, to be loved by her. To spend with my friends, to read Machado de Assis. That is time.

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And precisely the struggle for the cultivation of working people is the struggle for the conquest of time as a universe of self-realization.

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The struggle for social justice begins with a claim of time: “I want to take advantage of my time so that I humanize myself”. Antonio Candido

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You found the time to come to PyCon!

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Go home and find time for yourself, your loved ones, and your community.

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Join or create a user’s group or a PyLadies chapter in your home town.

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Set up a hackerspace, where we build stuff to learn, have fun and to express ourselves.